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  1. #1
    sms is offline Junior Member
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    Post what Ai and serm to run? prone to GYNO!!! please HELP!

    I have a small gyno lump under right nipple! have been taking Letro for 6weeks at 2.5mg Ed , I was wonderring what SERM to take with Letro or best combo of Ai and serm as I am very prone to gyno? or would Letro be enough alone at 2.5mg Ed? I am going to run sus250 1ml per wk , tren enanthe 100mg per wk, and equipose 200mg per wk for 12 wks,

    I have liquidex on hand 60ml at 1mg per ml, and 90ml of letro at 2.5mg per ml, nolvdex 100ml at 20mg pr ml, and raloxifene 90 tabs at 60mg per tab.

    should i get aromasin for PCT with Nolva ? am very confused as to wgat to run during cycle as I don't want my nipple to get any worse its quite puffy! what should I run???????????????

  2. #2
    deadliftin00 is offline Junior Member
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    I like aromasin , easier on your cardiovascular health and cholesterol than arimidex is.

    1.) EQ at 200 mg isn't going to do anything.
    2.) Take the arimidex if you have it already.
    3.) The letro/nolva should take care of the gyno

  3. #3
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Do I understand you correctly - you are getting gyno while on femara and not even on cycle? Are you sure your letro (femara) is real? As far as I know femara is the strongest AI out there.
    I am prone to gyno and my genetics tend to deposit fat on my pecs so I'm big into taking AIs while on cycle. I take 1mg eod while on cycle and that kicks butt. Femara is much stronger then Arimadex or Aromasin , so I'm not sure what else to recomend as far as AIs or serms are concerned.
    The other thing you could try in addtion to the AIs is including some DHT derivatives in your cycle. This should ensure that your adrogen to estrogen/progesterone ratio stays in favour of the Androgens, which helps gyno from starting. Masteron comes to mind as well as proviron .

    good luck,


  4. #4
    sms is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    Do I understand you correctly - you are getting gyno while on femara and not even on cycle? Are you sure your letro (femara) is real? As far as I know femara is the strongest AI out there.
    I am prone to gyno and my genetics tend to deposit fat on my pecs so I'm big into taking AIs while on cycle. I take 1mg eod while on cycle and that kicks butt. Femara is much stronger then Arimadex or Aromasin , so I'm not sure what else to recomend as far as AIs or serms are concerned.
    The other thing you could try in addtion to the AIs is including some DHT derivatives in your cycle. This should ensure that your adrogen to estrogen/progesterone ratio stays in favour of the Androgens, which helps gyno from starting. Masteron comes to mind as well as proviron .

    good luck,

    Sorry! Jagdpanther I didn't explain myself correctly I was on a short and mild cycle of boldenone and test prop and used liquidex at 1mg ED and once finishing cycle used Nolva for 3weeks PCT and then got sensitive right nipple and then commenced using the Letro to subside the gyno and have cylced it up to 3mg and back down to 2.5mg and once I hit 60 day mark so i will have even blood flow of Letro was going to commence the cycle suggested, but am very cocncerned about gyno and am very prone to it and have a small lump which has formed as mentioned under right nipple and the letro has stopped the sensitivity and a little puffyness, but I have since had ultrasound to confirm the size! , but am cocncerned as i don't want it to get any worse??

    Do you think if use Letro for duration of cycle will get Gyno, as I don't want it to get any worse than it is now!

  5. #5
    sms is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007
    Thanks for your advice I do appreciate the response! Jagdfather and deadliftin00 Thanks again, what about for PCT and the rebound effect of Letro ? if you cycle down this should eliminate the rebound problem??

  6. #6
    deadliftin00 is offline Junior Member
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    Yes reducing your dose of letro slowly will help the rebound.

  7. #7
    bigfish's Avatar
    bigfish is offline Associate Member
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    The Pond
    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    Do I understand you correctly - you are getting gyno while on femara and not even on cycle? Are you sure your letro (femara) is real? As far as I know femara is the strongest AI out there.
    I am prone to gyno and my genetics tend to deposit fat on my pecs so I'm big into taking AIs while on cycle. I take 1mg eod while on cycle and that kicks butt. Femara is much stronger then Arimadex or Aromasin , so I'm not sure what else to recomend as far as AIs or serms are concerned.
    The other thing you could try in addtion to the AIs is including some DHT derivatives in your cycle. This should ensure that your adrogen to estrogen/progesterone ratio stays in favour of the Androgens, which helps gyno from starting. Masteron comes to mind as well as proviron .

    good luck,

    sSince when is letro is stronger than aromasin, everything I have read says different?

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