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  1. #1
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation

    Letro = Joint Pain?

    ive been doing the gyno reversal program (2.5mg of letro ed). ive been at it for over two wks and my joints are so achy and walking is effin painfull. ive started ramping down as this is the only thing ive changed so its all i can come up with. anyway i still have a lump under 1 nipple but the puffyness is gone.i plan on taking .5-1 mg of a-dex after im done to keep it from resurfacing. so does the lump go away or is it permanent? and does letro dry out your joints?

  2. #2
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    yes letro will dry out your joints. i love running deca with letro cause it makes my joints feel o so good.

  3. #3
    frank12391's Avatar
    frank12391 is offline Member
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    Not enough estro will cause joint pain. 2.5mg letro is a high dose, I wouldn't increase it anymore. Perhaps you could stick it out and run it for another week or so and see if the lump subsides. Some run Nolva imm at the sign of gyno. Others swear by Letro. I wouldn't run both, they interact and the nolva counters the letro, making it less affective. I tryed running them both 12 hours appart without success. If your in a middle of a cycle, 2.5mg letro is more than enough. What is going to determine if you beat the gyno is not the dose of letro, but how long you run it for, if you in fact succeed. I would be dropping the dose down and run it longer.

    Before you do that, P.M CBINO (Titti doctor) for more advice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    lower the dose till your joints don't hurt. 2.5 is reall too high.

    cbino's proticol is too hash. lower doses over a longer time work just as well.

  5. #5
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    lower the dose till your joints don't hurt. 2.5 is reall too high.

    cbino's proticol is too hash. lower doses over a longer time work just as well.
    thanks, ill try that.

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