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  1. #1
    brjrj0000's Avatar
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    16 weeks too long?

    my third cycle was originally gonna be 12 weeks but i kind of want to start earlier but i want to run it up until august so maybe

    1-16 test prop 100mg ed
    6-13 tren ace 75mg ed

    or should i keep it
    1-12 test prop 100mg ed
    3-10 tren ace 75mg ed

  2. #2
    gigem's Avatar
    gigem is offline Banned
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    16 weeks isnt too long in my opinion but thats me just take something for you liver and pct

  3. #3
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Yea it is for most people man, healthwise maybe a bit too long depending on the compounds, but along with that its pretty difficult to continue making progress after a certain amount of time, best to run a good quick cycle recover fully then adress options at that time...


  4. #4
    bigtraps's Avatar
    bigtraps is offline Member
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    If you do 16 weeks - make sure you have plenty of pct and have it well thought out.

    I've done 16 weeks of prop 100ed. They gains died off - i needed a break from training so hard for so long. I think I get more out of 8-12 week cycles. I beleive recovery will be faster and more promising on 8-12 week cycles as well.

    Good Luck To Ya!

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    once ur shut down for several weeks pct is the same regardless for most people

    recovery will be no different froma person who is on 12wks as one who is on 9months

    anyways if u wanna have a nice cycle i would run test/tren right together from the start.. i have no idea why ur spacing at the end or 3wks into cycle.

  6. #6
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    once ur shut down for several weeks pct is the same regardless for most people

    recovery will be no different froma person who is on 12wks as one who is on 9months

    anyways if u wanna have a nice cycle i would run test/tren right together from the start.. i have no idea why ur spacing at the end or 3wks into cycle.
    Hey taiboxa (a sport I respect),

    Although that is what the science may say, and I usually agree with the science, personal experience tells me otherwise. During the pct of a 10 month cycle I was in the dumps for two weeks. Even after a complete pct of 2 months my sex drive back didn't come back for another month. The pct included 15 days hcg in the beginning and clomid after. No I will never do another 10 month cycle - not worth it. On a good note - 4 months after my cycle all my blood test levels were normal (hdl/ldl ratio was excellent and liver enzyme levels normal).

    After a recent 10 week cycle I was in the dumps during pct for 2 days. After a month of PCT I decided to try an experiment and stopped the clomid -my sex drive was more or less normal within a week.

    My experience has prompted me to investigate short cycles. I'm thinking 4-8 weeks now. I'll try it and see how it goes.

    to brjrj0000
    If you are going to run a 16 week cycle I would recommend frequent low dose hcg injections to keep your balls from shrinking to much. This will aid the speed of your recovery. There are several different protocols that people have recommended if you look around.

    After edit: I would recommend longer esters if you are going to run for 16 weeks. That gives one the flexibility to raise the levels a little midcycle if your body becomes a custom to the dose. I'd use the short esters to help with front loading and then again at the end to keep hormone levels up while the longer esters are clearing your body.


    Last edited by jagdpanther; 03-07-2007 at 10:18 PM.

  7. #7
    getpaid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    Hey taiboxa (a sport I respect),

    Although that is what the science may say, and I usually agree with the science, personal experiance tells me otherwise. During the pct of a 10 month cycle I was in the dumps for two weeks. Even after a complete pct of 2 months my sex drive back didn't come back for another month. The pct included 15 days hcg in the begining and clomid after. No I will never do another 10 month cycle - not worth it. On a good note - 4 months after my cycle all my blood test levels were normal (hdl/ldl ratio was excellent and liver enzyme levels normal).

    After a recent 10 week cycle I was in the dumps during pct for 2 days. After a month of PCT I decided to try an experiment and stopped the clomid -my sex drive was more or less normal within a week.

    My experiance has prompted me to investigate short cycles. I'm thinking 4-8 weeks now. I'll try it and see how it goes.

    to brjrj0000
    If you are going to run a 16 week cycle I would recomend frequent low dose hcg injections to keep your balls from shrinking to much. This will aid the speed of your recovery. There are several different protocols that people have recomended if you look around.


    What did your cycle look like?

  8. #8
    Jason865's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    my third cycle was originally gonna be 12 weeks but i kind of want to start earlier but i want to run it up until august so maybe

    1-16 test prop 100mg ed
    6-13 tren ace 75mg ed

    or should i keep it
    1-12 test prop 100mg ed
    3-10 tren ace 75mg ed
    16 weeks too long?


  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    Hey taiboxa (a sport I respect),

    Although that is what the science may say, and I usually agree with the science, personal experience tells me otherwise. During the pct of a 10 month cycle I was in the dumps for two weeks. Even after a complete pct of 2 months my sex drive back didn't come back for another month. The pct included 15 days hcg in the beginning and clomid after. No I will never do another 10 month cycle - not worth it. On a good note - 4 months after my cycle all my blood test levels were normal (hdl/ldl ratio was excellent and liver enzyme levels normal).

    After a recent 10 week cycle I was in the dumps during pct for 2 days. After a month of PCT I decided to try an experiment and stopped the clomid -my sex drive was more or less normal within a week.

    My experience has prompted me to investigate short cycles. I'm thinking 4-8 weeks now. I'll try it and see how it goes.

    to brjrj0000
    If you are going to run a 16 week cycle I would recommend frequent low dose hcg injections to keep your balls from shrinking to much. This will aid the speed of your recovery. There are several different protocols that people have recommended if you look around.

    After edit: I would recommend longer esters if you are going to run for 16 weeks. That gives one the flexibility to raise the levels a little midcycle if your body becomes a custom to the dose. I'd use the short esters to help with front loading and then again at the end to keep hormone levels up while the longer esters are clearing your body.


    yeah clomid isnt going to do much of anything as far as pct is concerned unless launing major jizzloads is one of em. i my self have criused/cycled for 2yrs str8, after running a pct of aromasin /nolva/tonkat'ali/tribulas and consuming lots of cholesterol and O M E G A Fatty acids i recovered to full effect in approx 4-6 weeks upon begenning pct.

    i bet ya anything if u incorp apct like that ur recovery will be bout the same regardless of lenght.

  10. #10
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    I ran a base of Test E, hgh(3iu 5/2), 1 mg adex eod (this switched to femara about half in) through out.
    weeks 1-18 Test E 600mg/week
    weeks 8-16 deca 400mg/week
    18-20 nada - letting esters clear
    21 - 36 Test e 1g/week
    21-23 winny 50mg eod
    24-27 winny 50mg ed
    25-27 Tren E 300mg week
    28-32 Tren 450mg week (had to drop to many sides-zits, insomnia & gyno once I added the deca again)
    somewhere around week 30 I added deca again at 200mg a week, specifically for a tendon injury, not for making gains per say, this plus everything else started to give me gyno. I only ran the deca for like two weeks before stopping.
    32-36 added Drostolone enanthenate 350mg week to increase androgens to help with stopping gyno
    36-40 test prop 100mg ed
    36-40 anavar 80mg ed
    36-40 tbol 50mg ed


    edited to make more legible
    Last edited by jagdpanther; 03-07-2007 at 10:48 PM.

  11. #11
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    yeah clomid isnt going to do much of anything as far as pct is concerned unless launing major jizzloads is one of em. i my self have criused/cycled for 2yrs str8, after running a pct of aromasin /nolva/tonkat'ali/tribulas and consuming lots of cholesterol and O M E G A Fatty acids i recovered to full effect in approx 4-6 weeks upon begenning pct.

    i bet ya anything if u incorp apct like that ur recovery will be bout the same regardless of lenght.

    You have my full attention! I heard aromasin +nolva is better for pct but haven't tried it yet. I take *****'s daily. Wow cholesterol - i know its the base of testosterone but I try to avoid it so hard it will take me some time to think about this idea.



  12. #12
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther

    You have my full attention! I heard aromasin +nolva is better for pct but haven't tried it yet. I take *****'s daily. Wow cholesterol - i know its the base of testosterone but I try to avoid it so hard it will take me some time to think about this idea.


    yeah eat tons of eggs and salmon .. that can greatly increase ones endogenous test production alone.

    nolva/aromasin is amazing .. dont even need hcg .. i have heard from a handfull of people that hcg during pct can be counter productive as well..

  13. #13
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    HCG is counter productive during PCT, that i agree wit... but i disagree with the fact that recovery will take the same period of time no matter how long the cycle... i have found that the shorter the cycle and the less androgenic the cycle the less time it takes to recover

  14. #14
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    so what do you guys think of hcg while on cycle to keep the walnuts with shell from becoming peanuts without shell?

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    The longer your on cycle the harder it is to recover, otherwise we would all be on cycle for yrs and just do 4 wk recovery and be fine.

    Being shutdown down for a short time is easier to recover from being shutdown for a long period, tried it many times and always recover faster and feel alot better from short shutdowns rather than longer ones.

    why do you want to stay on for all them wks? it doesn't mean bigger gains or more muscle tissue.Normally longer cycles create more sides.

  16. #16
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    why do you want to stay on for all them wks? it doesn't mean bigger gains or more muscle tissue.Normally longer cycles create more sides.
    I especially agree with the last sentence - Longer cycles = more sides
    I never had acne scarring, anywhere on my body, till the 10 monther.

  17. #17
    brjrj0000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    why do you want to stay on for all them wks? it doesn't mean bigger gains or more muscle tissue.Normally longer cycles create more sides.
    I just wanted to be feeling and looking my best all summer long since i go to the beach a lot. I know 16 weeks is a little long but its less than 4 months and a lot of people are talking about there problems for running it for close to a year or over. So im not sure what to do

  18. #18
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther

    Although that is what the science may say, and I usually agree with the science, personal experience tells me otherwise. During the pct of a 10 month cycle I was in the dumps for two weeks. Even after a complete pct of 2 months my sex drive back didn't come back for another month. The pct included 15 days hcg in the beginning and clomid after. No I will never do another 10 month cycle - not worth it. On a good note - 4 months after my cycle all my blood test levels were normal (hdl/ldl ratio was excellent and liver enzyme levels normal).

    After a recent 10 week cycle I was in the dumps during pct for 2 days. After a month of PCT I decided to try an experiment and stopped the clomid -my sex drive was more or less normal within a week.

    That's because clomid sucks. It's an awful drug. makes you feel depressed, moody, and for me personally, kills my sex drive. Nolvadex is a much better option for post cycle therapy . It increases LH/fsh levels faster, and is stronger on a mg/mg basis, with fewer side effects and nice positive bonus to your lipid profile.

    To the original poster- are you sure you want to do 16 weeks of every day injects? Ouch.

  19. #19
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dude-Man
    That's because clomid sucks. It's an awful drug. makes you feel depressed, moody, and for me personally, kills my sex drive. Nolvadex is a much better option for post cycle therapy . It increases LH/fsh levels faster, and is stronger on a mg/mg basis, with fewer side effects and nice positive bonus to your lipid profile.

    To the original poster- are you sure you want to do 16 weeks of every day injects? Ouch.
    I'll try nolvdex this time around, would you or anyone make a recomendation as to whether aromasin or arimedex would be a better option to run with it. I recall reading that Femara is not a good option as they to some extent cancel each other out. - Or is that last one another myth?

  20. #20
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by J*U*icEd
    HCG is counter productive during PCT, that i agree wit... but i disagree with the fact that recovery will take the same period of time no matter how long the cycle... i have found that the shorter the cycle and the less androgenic the cycle the less time it takes to recover
    your have several factors but once ur shut down via' test or nor groups which are going to do it.. recovery is bout the same regardless of how long ur on.. this is not just my take on it but i know TONS of people who recover just fine after being on for 9months plus, and i know many people who have a bich a time recovery just after 6 weeks.. so .. wats the missing piece?

  21. #21
    brjrj0000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    your have several factors but once ur shut down via' test or nor groups which are going to do it.. recovery is bout the same regardless of how long ur on.. this is not just my take on it but i know TONS of people who recover just fine after being on for 9months plus, and i know many people who have a bich a time recovery just after 6 weeks.. so .. wats the missing piece?
    thanks taiboxa for all your help i think i am gonna try the 16 weeks. do you think my dosages are too high?? the only cycles i ran before were 1. superdrol 2. test e 500mg ew and dbol 40mg

  22. #22
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    thanks taiboxa for all your help i think i am gonna try the 16 weeks. do you think my dosages are too high?? the only cycles i ran before were 1. superdrol 2. test e 500mg ew and dbol 40mg
    honestly i would do 50/75 of testP/Tren ED respectively

  23. #23
    brjrj0000's Avatar
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    so run the tren at a higher does then the prop?

  24. #24
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    so run the tren at a higher does then the prop?
    wat ever u want
    i like to
    most people think its mandatory or like to have test higher .. imo i keep it at TRT kuz thats all i need it for

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