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  1. #1
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Prop and Tren EOD or ED?

    First time using tren . I searched and it seems that everyone prefers to shoot ED, but if Im already going to be hitting the prop would it be that big of a diffirence if i take the tren the same days as the prop?

  2. #2
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    First time using tren. I searched and it seems that everyone prefers to shoot ED, but if Im already going to be hitting the prop would it be that big of a diffirence if i take the tren the same days as the prop?
    Idealy you want to take both ED so you keep steriod /hormone levels consistant, which helps keep sides down that could come from shifting aas levels. I will be doing the same cycle and struggled with this question. ED is the way to go.

  3. #3
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    both the tren as well as the prop? i thought the prop would be good for atleast EOD application.

  4. #4
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    both the tren as well as the prop? i thought the prop would be good for atleast EOD application.
    The very least suggested frequency is EOD. That is different from saying it is a good protocol compared to ED. ED is better.

  5. #5
    vicious cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    First time using tren. I searched and it seems that everyone prefers to shoot ED, but if Im already going to be hitting the prop would it be that big of a diffirence if i take the tren the same days as the prop?

    It's difficult to say since you didn't mention the dosage, but let's assume it's 100/100. If that is the case then EOD and you will be fine.

  6. #6
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Be a man...Hit it ED.

  7. #7
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    It's difficult to say since you didn't mention the dosage, but let's assume it's 100/100. If that is the case then EOD and you will be fine.
    Hey I know you from over at that other place! Same avatar and all.
    Good to see you bro.

    But I still think ED is a better protocol as it keeps the concentration in your blood more even, Which for now is considered a good thing.


  8. #8
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've tried both and ED worked better for me (less sides). Its a pain to find the time ED to hit it though. So I would load 2-3 pins at a time and it speeds things up: Just shoot a go!


  9. #9
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    thanks fellas. ED it is. time to get more pins

  10. #10
    vicious cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    Hey I know you from over at that other place! Same avatar and all.
    Good to see you bro.

    But I still think ED is a better protocol as it keeps the concentration in your blood more even, Which for now is considered a good thing.

    Jagdpanther's me! Nice to find someone I know.

  11. #11
    vicious cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    thanks fellas. ED it is. time to get more pins
    Have ever done Prop...Tren or EVERYDAY shots? If not...I guarantee you will be doing EOD.

  12. #12
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    only one previous cycle. TE and Dbol . I want to hit ed and get the most I can out of both the prop and the tren . Question, Ive never done ED before. How would I dose for the seven days if I am taking 500 mgs Prop/wk and 225 mgs Tren/wk? just to be sure. Both are 10ml vials, the tren 75 mg/ml and the Prop 100 mg/ml.

  13. #13
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    hit prop at 75mg or 3/4cc ed that gives you 525mgs, Tren at 1/2cc or 37.5mg ed = to 262mg ew.

    So 525mg ew of Prop and 262mg ew of Prop. that would be the easiest to draw or its going to get complicated trying to draw it out.

    However 2nd cycle might be to soon for tren, but im sure you already have your mind made up so happy injecting!

  14. #14
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    I worked out the original dosages just so that by the end of the 10 weeks on I would be perfectly finished with the all the vials.

  15. #15
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty Joe
    I've tried both and ED worked better for me (less sides). Its a pain to find the time ED to hit it though. So I would load 2-3 pins at a time and it speeds things up: Just shoot a go!

    I've done prop/tren for several cycles. I go with ED and load both prop & tren in the same syringe. To make my life easier, I load a week's worth every weekend ... this technique also saves me a few needles, since I throw out the needle that I use to draw the juice from the vial.

  16. #16
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    Have ever done Prop...Tren or EVERYDAY shots? If not...I guarantee you will be doing EOD.
    I've had good success rotating between my left and right quads. Every once in a blue moon, a shot would make the quad sore for two or three days, but that wasn't often

  17. #17
    vicious cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lousygenes
    I've had good success rotating between my left and right quads. Every once in a blue moon, a shot would make the quad sore for two or three days, but that wasn't often
    For some that is true. But I would think that you are the exception and not the rule. I wish Transend only the best of luck. I'm just saying that I will not be surprised to see him posting here next week talking about how his first quad shot crippled him for a week.

    If I'm wrong, no harm done. If I'm right then at least he knows someone told him the possibility existed.

  18. #18
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    For some that is true. But I would think that you are the exception and not the rule. I wish Transend only the best of luck. I'm just saying that I will not be surprised to see him posting here next week talking about how his first quad shot crippled him for a week.

    If I'm wrong, no harm done. If I'm right then at least he knows someone told him the possibility existed.
    True enough. I found that going to a smaller (25 guage) needle helped quite a bit along with pushing the juice in slowly and massaging the area for a minute or so helps a lot.

  19. #19
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Do them both ed. Dont worry about the pain, really who cares. It comes with the territory, if you cant handle it well than simply select a different compound dont just lessen the frequency. Do it right or dont do it. Now Im not saying eod is wrong at all, but from personal experience ed is much better and I know many who agree.

  20. #20
    elitetky is offline Associate Member
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    wow sticking yourself everday Good Luck buddy~
    that would be like pokking yourself 7times a week~

  21. #21
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    For some that is true. But I would think that you are the exception and not the rule. I wish Transend only the best of luck. I'm just saying that I will not be surprised to see him posting here next week talking about how his first quad shot crippled him for a week.

    If I'm wrong, no harm done. If I'm right then at least he knows someone told him the possibility existed.

    I had crippling effects in the quads with the first cycle. I agree with cbino, if theres gonna be pain- theres gonna be pain. I intent to rotate quads to shoulders just so they have some time to heal up before the next hit.

  22. #22
    vicious cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    I had crippling effects in the quads with the first cycle. I agree with cbino, if theres gonna be pain- theres gonna be pain. I intent to rotate quads to shoulders just so they have some time to heal up before the next hit.
    I do wish you luck bro and I'm serious. You have six places you can shot prop...delts, glutes and quads (two each = 6). You plan on doing 7 shots a week. You're behind in math already before we even get to the part about how quad shots cripple you. I've seen what some have said here and like I said some people have no trouble, but don't say I didn't warn you. You go shooting into a spot that is already lumped and sore as heck and the inability to walk for a week could be the least of your worries.

  23. #23
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    hit prop at 75mg or 3/4cc ed that gives you 525mgs, Tren at 1/2cc or 37.5mg ed = to 262mg ew.

    So 525mg ew of Prop and 262mg ew of Prop. that would be the easiest to draw or its going to get complicated trying to draw it out.

    However 2nd cycle might be to soon for tren, but im sure you already have your mind made up so happy injecting!
    Thanks for the help bro. This, however, if my calculations are correct will need me to get another vial of each to complete the cycle at these levels. My pins are marked by .1 cc/ml incriments so the 3/4cc may be slightly off when I guage the amount. This is what I came up with:

    For the first 5 days Ill shoot 90mgs, the remaining 2 days at 70mgs followed by 70mgs ED for the rest of the nine weeks. Thus finishing the full 5 vials i have. Would this expedite the two weeks it would take for the AS to reach levels for there to be any effect?

    Running the tren at what you suggested (with what I have) will end up with me needing another 1/2 vial (1vial) and cutting the cycle short 1 1/2 weeks.
    So I was thinking of running it at .4cc ED for the 10 weeks (although I would be left with 2ccs at the end).

    Does all this make sense or am I screwing up?

  24. #24
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    I do wish you luck bro and I'm serious. You have six places you can shot prop...delts, glutes and quads (two each = 6). You plan on doing 7 shots a week. You're behind in math already before we even get to the part about how quad shots cripple you. I've seen what some have said here and like I said some people have no trouble, but don't say I didn't warn you. You go shooting into a spot that is already lumped and sore as heck and the inability to walk for a week could be the least of your worries.
    Your right, I forgot to include glutes- I only used the quad/shoulder rotation for the TE and dbol . Even including 6 sites, Im still going to overlap on an injection site before the week is up. Either way I feel Im going to be hoping that everything goes well enough for the next hit (unless I include calves, which would give me more time between shots and the spots I take em).

  25. #25
    vicious cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    (unless I include calves, which would give me more time between shots and the spots I take em).
    LOL! I knew you were going to say calves. Let me just say that putting prop in your calve is a mistake you will make one time in your life.

  26. #26
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    LOL! I knew you were going to say calves. Let me just say that putting prop in your calve is a mistake you will make one time in your life.
    VC, your gonna make me cry. Your concern has me thinking more than twice. What do you suggest I do? Hold off on using the Prop/Tren combo? or can you suggest a safer way to take it?

  27. #27
    vicious cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    VC, your gonna make me cry. Your concern has me thinking more than twice. What do you suggest I do? Hold off on using the Prop/Tren combo? or can you suggest a safer way to take it?
    I sure can...take it EOD.

    Look, shot it EOD and if you are one of the lucky lottery winners who have no issues with prop, then fine. You can move up to ED and see how it goes. You push all your chips in the middle of the table the first week, burn all six shot locations and you do have issues with pain; you'll have to stop the cycle until lumps go away. Then wait until you can take the pain again.

    I've made awesome cuts with 250mg TE/once a week and 50mg winny/ED (oral). Don't buy into this, "Be a man" bullshit. More doesn't mean better. Prop/tren is for cutting anyway and DIET is going to be your absolute best friend for that anyway.

    For what it's worth...I'm doing - you guessed it - Tren/Prop 100/100 right now.

  28. #28
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    I sure can...take it EOD.

    Look, shot it EOD and if you are one of the lucky lottery winners who have no issues with prop, then fine. You can move up to ED and see how it goes. You push all your chips in the middle of the table the first week, burn all six shot locations and you do have issues with pain; you'll have to stop the cycle until lumps go away. Then wait until you can take the pain again.

    I've made awesome cuts with 250mg TE/once a week and 50mg winny/ED (oral). Don't buy into this, "Be a man" bullshit. More doesn't mean better. Prop/tren is for cutting anyway and DIET is going to be your absolute best friend for that anyway.

    For what it's worth...I'm doing - you guessed it - Tren/Prop 100/100 right now.
    got it. I like this idea. Since the gear is already in im gonna go with the prop/tren. I appreciate the help. Gotta go pump out some numbers for the changes. Out of curiosity, are you hitting the prop/tren ED?

  29. #29
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    LOL! I knew you were going to say calves. Let me just say that putting prop in your calve is a mistake you will make one time in your life.
    ROTFLMAO! I shot into my calves. Once. I also tried biceps. Once.

    I didn't realize how lucky I am that my quads take the juice so well. There have been a few times where I limped for a couple of days; my worst hurt for around 5 days. During those times, my remaining quad ended up taking shots on consecutive days ... I'd just move my shots up & down the quad.

    The biggest tips on making shots less painful that I picked up from this board are to use as small a guage as possible, inject the juice verrryy slllowwwly, and massage the injection for a minute or so after injection. I think that if you adopt those three techniques, your pain will be greatly reduced.

  30. #30
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bi's Tris and Pecs will all add to your rotation schedual.

  31. #31
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    I sure can...take it EOD.

    Look, shot it EOD and if you are one of the lucky lottery winners who have no issues with prop, then fine. You can move up to ED and see how it goes. You push all your chips in the middle of the table the first week, burn all six shot locations and you do have issues with pain; you'll have to stop the cycle until lumps go away. Then wait until you can take the pain again.

    I've made awesome cuts with 250mg TE/once a week and 50mg winny/ED (oral). Don't buy into this, "Be a man" bullshit. More doesn't mean better. Prop/tren is for cutting anyway and DIET is going to be your absolute best friend for that anyway.

    For what it's worth...I'm doing - you guessed it - Tren/Prop 100/100 right now.
    I took my first shot for the EOD first week. 166mgs prop, 75mgs Tren. I based this off of the fact that Im going to be taking 3 shots for this week at EOD. If it turns out I continue administrating EOD, according to my calculations, means that in the 3rd week I will be taking 4 shots in the same week? Am I supposed to keep recalibrating the shots depending on how many times I will be shooting that week while doing it EOD?

  32. #32
    vicious cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    I took my first shot for the EOD first week. 166mgs prop, 75mgs Tren. I based this off of the fact that Im going to be taking 3 shots for this week at EOD. If it turns out I continue administrating EOD, according to my calculations, means that in the 3rd week I will be taking 4 shots in the same week? Am I supposed to keep recalibrating the shots depending on how many times I will be shooting that week while doing it EOD?
    What exactly is it that you have? By that I mean, like I have a 50ml bottle of tren /prop combo at 100mg each. So for me it's easy, I shot one cc eod (which yes is 3 one week and 4 the next) and get 100mg of both with that one cc.

  33. #33
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    What exactly is it that you have? By that I mean, like I have a 50ml bottle of tren/prop combo at 100mg each. So for me it's easy, I shot one cc eod (which yes is 3 one week and 4 the next) and get 100mg of both with that one cc.
    Both are 10ml vials, the tren 75 mg/ml and the Prop 100 mg/ml. I have enough to run 500 mgs Prop/wk and 225 mgs Tren/wk for a 10 week cycle. So to my undertstanding sometimes you shoot 300mgs a week and sometimes 400mgs? For the three shots this week I am shooting equal amounts so that by the end of the week I get the 500 of prop and the 225 of tren. I guess when Ill calculate week by week to make sure by the end of the week I end up consistantly hitting the numbers I originally wanted (if I choose to continue EOD).

  34. #34
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    someone double check my numbers, am i doing this wrong. does this come out to 2.2cc's prop and 1 cc tren EOD?

  35. #35
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry, 1.6 cc prop

  36. #36
    vicious cycle's Avatar
    vicious cycle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    Both are 10ml vials, the tren 75 mg/ml and the Prop 100 mg/ml. I have enough to run 500 mgs Prop/wk and 225 mgs Tren/wk for a 10 week cycle. So to my undertstanding sometimes you shoot 300mgs a week and sometimes 400mgs? For the three shots this week I am shooting equal amounts so that by the end of the week I get the 500 of prop and the 225 of tren. I guess when Ill calculate week by week to make sure by the end of the week I end up consistantly hitting the numbers I originally wanted (if I choose to continue EOD).
    If I understand correctly you have 5 bottles of 10ml prop/100mg and 3 10ml bottles of tren /75mg.

    If so, life would be made a whole lot simpler if you could get your paws on 2 more bottles of tren. Other wise, yes; you are going to have to do some math to make it work out evenly.

    Now that I know this, I'm not sure I would go any less that 75mg EOD on tren.

  37. #37
    vicious cycle's Avatar
    vicious cycle is offline Junior Member
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    Bump for how pain is????

  38. #38
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transend
    Thanks for the help bro. This, however, if my calculations are correct will need me to get another vial of each to complete the cycle at these levels. My pins are marked by .1 cc/ml incriments so the 3/4cc may be slightly off when I guage the amount. This is what I came up with:

    For the first 5 days Ill shoot 90mgs, the remaining 2 days at 70mgs followed by 70mgs ED for the rest of the nine weeks. Thus finishing the full 5 vials i have. Would this expedite the two weeks it would take for the AS to reach levels for there to be any effect?

    Running the tren at what you suggested (with what I have) will end up with me needing another 1/2 vial (1vial) and cutting the cycle short 1 1/2 weeks.
    So I was thinking of running it at .4cc ED for the 10 weeks (although I would be left with 2ccs at the end).

    Does all this make sense or am I screwing up?
    Your right to and you can do it that way I was just giving you the way I would do it, and Its not much harder to get inbetween 2 lines as it is to get it right on the line, not to mention your not going to get every drop of gear in you site anyway, if you use a 25g 1" your going to get more gear in you than a 23g 1 1/2" because you can't get the gear out of the needle, and the 23g 1/2 longer needle will hold more gear, so I always overload my syring by a 1/10 of a cc to make up whats stuck in the needle. Plus if your paying roughly 30-50 a vial, then whats the extra $ to make sure you got it right??? Its totally up to you, I just giving you the way I would do it to get the levels you chose. Plus if you have extra gear just use it in your next cycle, I guarantee if you get exactly what you thinkyou need you will be short, unless your vials are overfilled! Good luck

  39. #39
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious cycle
    Bump for how pain is????
    You were right. Shot the left quad. On the TE it was always the second say that gave me a problem. By the end of the night on the prop I couldnt walk. Havent been in the gym for a couple days due to the limping =) Im shooting the delt today. On the TE this was never a problem, never felt a thing- I hope this is the case with the prop/tren . I know that rotating is best, but if the pain there arent any complications I might just rotate between delt ( i read a few posts of guys doing this on the board ). Thanks for the help VC

  40. #40
    Transend is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    Your right to and you can do it that way I was just giving you the way I would do it, and Its not much harder to get inbetween 2 lines as it is to get it right on the line, not to mention your not going to get every drop of gear in you site anyway, if you use a 25g 1" your going to get more gear in you than a 23g 1 1/2" because you can't get the gear out of the needle, and the 23g 1/2 longer needle will hold more gear, so I always overload my syring by a 1/10 of a cc to make up whats stuck in the needle. Plus if your paying roughly 30-50 a vial, then whats the extra $ to make sure you got it right??? Its totally up to you, I just giving you the way I would do it to get the levels you chose. Plus if you have extra gear just use it in your next cycle, I guarantee if you get exactly what you thinkyou need you will be short, unless your vials are overfilled! Good luck
    I actually decided to go EOD (a good choice considering my left quad is making me wince like a girl). I dropped back to my original levels of 500mgs prop and 250 Tren a week. Thanks again

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