Seeing as it is a steroid of sorts, thought it could be appropriate to ask here.

Has anyone here, or do you have a friend who has supplemented with an Ecdysterone supp for a solid month to 2 months?

I read a few articles on the stuff, and it does have rave reviews and information. I'm highly skeptical of the claims about being more anabolic than Dbol etc, but a fair few articles (both from sellers of the stuff, as well as pure info sites, as well as an inerview with some scientist who studied it, as well as an actual scinetific journal article) do tend to show that it is quite effective.

for shits and giggles I compared it to the kind of hype that you can see with Tribulus and similar test boosting supps, and it did seem a bit more promising.

Anyway, I gave into the hype and bougnt 90 caps of it. Each cap has 75mg of ecdysterone. There were a few other products out there being sold overseas but since I'm in Australia, and this product is only available for import if I have written permission to do so, I couldn't be bothered risking havig it taken off me - it cost $70. So yeah, this was a domestic supplier (only one I could find) from Australia -

Hasn't come in the mail yet, but when it does I'll let you know how it goes. Will be taking 4 caps a day (300mg of ecdy) until it runs out. Hopefully it does at least something :P

So yeah, anyone want to tell me they've had a good experience with it, or do they want to tell me that I just got scammed? :P