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  1. #1
    samsaige is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2007

    too simple a first cycle?

    If i may, i would like some advice on this decision please:

    am going to try
    >week 1-4: D-bol 40mg/day
    >week 1-10: Test Enanthate 500mg week
    >week 13> Nolvadex Therapy (PCT)

    Do you feel there is any harm in this combination?
    money is not free flowing for me, so this is the best cycle i can afford now, do you all feel it is ok for a beggining cycle? or should i wait 4 more months, save up more money and get a different cycle of:

    Week 1-4: D-bol 50mg/day
    >week 1-10: EQ 400mg/week
    >week 1-11: Test enanthate 500mg/week
    >week 14> Nolvadex PCT

    I intend to do a few more, but this is the starter pack.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    DrHacksq is offline New Member
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    First looks good, I'd go 12 weeks. As far as the Dabol why not add it the last 4-6 weeks instead of the first?

    Someone might answer that for us both...

    But Test and BDebol will kick tail your first cycle.

  3. #3
    saucemonkey52 is offline Junior Member
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    for first cycle you shoudl stick to a base test to see how your body reacts.. otherwise when you stack it you wont know whats causing possible sides (gyno)

  4. #4
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    if money is an issue do not use eq. total waste of money. 1st choice looks good. you could drop the dbol tho

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Before we start throwing advice around, maybe we should get a little more info on you and your goals.
    If you want cycle advice Please answer ALL the green questions below and then we can help you pick what is right for you

  6. #6
    BOUNCER 01's Avatar
    BOUNCER 01 is offline Associate Member
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    Personally would have used the d'bol money to buy the extra 2 weeks of test enan, but still looks like a decent first cycle to me

  7. #7
    davedizzle's Avatar
    davedizzle is offline Associate Member
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    Go 12 weeks. You can even drop the DBOL for first cycle.
    Personally I would reccomend that, so you can see how your body reacts to just Test.

    Edit: Just take the test for 12 weeks, eat like a horse, train like hell and you'll grow like a mushroom in shit

  8. #8
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Before we start throwing advice around, maybe we should get a little more info on you and your goals.
    If you want cycle advice Please answer ALL the green questions below and then we can help you pick what is right for you
    this is a good idea. a little info about yourself might lead to very different choices.

  9. #9
    samsaige is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2007

    info on me

    i am 5'8, 42 yeard old, meidum build, not built, not small, 190 lbs. I am a stero-typical Mezomorph.

    I have a good frame, with good muscles, but not huge or overly defined. I work out 5 days a week. one hour of lifting, 30 minutes of cardio every day.

    I drink no-xplode before a work out and i drink cell_mass after the workout. i follow up with protein shakes with bananas and soy milk, and i am eating smaller portions 6 times a day to keep my metabolism going.

    Trying to get my caloric intake to about 3000+ a day.

  10. #10
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Just go with the long estered Test for 12 weeks. I wouldn't use D-Bol but thats up to you. If you do use it go with wk 1-4 40mg ED. Its a kickstart so you start seeing gains before the Test kicks in. The reason for running the Test for 12 weeks is because the long ester takes a while to kick in and you should see more gains by running it for the extra 2 weeks. Start PCT 2 weeks after last Test injection. Fine tune that diet & keep training like you are and you'll be golden. Good luck.

  11. #11
    outlawtas's Avatar
    outlawtas is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    if money is an issue do not use eq. total waste of money. 1st choice looks good. you could drop the dbol tho
    EQ is a steroid you either love or hate, you have to try it and see for yourself.

    As for a first cycle being too simple, I don't think it can be

  12. #12
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Simple is a good thing for a first cycle. You need to see how your body reacts to steroids before you go nuts adding compounds and using high doses.

  13. #13
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    I ran that same cycle of test only and I gained 33lbs but I would throw clomid for pct cause u will be shut down if you done.

  14. #14
    bigwillystyle's Avatar
    bigwillystyle is offline Associate Member
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    bump for the clomid, might want to invest in some letrozole incase your sensetive to test(for gyno purposes). you could also bump up your calories another 250-500 per week...until you sick of eating..good luck

  15. #15
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by samsaige
    i am 5'8, 42 yeard old, meidum build, not built, not small, 190 lbs. I am a stero-typical Mezomorph.

    I have a good frame, with good muscles, but not huge or overly defined. I work out 5 days a week. one hour of lifting, 30 minutes of cardio every day.

    I drink no-xplode before a work out and i drink cell_mass after the workout. i follow up with protein shakes with bananas and soy milk, and i am eating smaller portions 6 times a day to keep my metabolism going.

    Trying to get my caloric intake to about 3000+ a day.
    Go see your doctor about HRT and GH.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  16. #16
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by samsaige
    i am 5'8, 42 yeard old, meidum build, not built, not small, 190 lbs. I am a stero-typical Mezomorph.

    I have a good frame, with good muscles, but not huge or overly defined. I work out 5 days a week. one hour of lifting, 30 minutes of cardio every day.

    I drink no-xplode before a work out and i drink cell_mass after the workout. i follow up with protein shakes with bananas and soy milk, and i am eating smaller portions 6 times a day to keep my metabolism going.

    Trying to get my caloric intake to about 3000+ a day.
    whats the bf at my friend?

    ps what are your goals for the cycle?

  17. #17
    samsaige is offline Junior Member
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    ok, so let me see if i got it straight:

    1. Drop d-bol for now
    2. increase test for 2 more weeks totaling 12 weeks
    3. use clomid instead of novadex
    4. eat like a horse
    Do i need to eat more than 3000 calories a day? do i need something more than clomid to help PCT or is clomid good enough?

  18. #18
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    man first you gotta tell us what you want plus a lowish bf is very important

  19. #19
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    and that would be clomid and nova

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