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Thread: Need Help!!

  1. #1
    BrotherLove is offline New Member
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    Need Help!!

    A week ago, I stupidly injected way too much test prop in my ass cheek. I was in so much pain and I started getting flu like symptoms and was EXTREMELY tired. After the third day, the symptoms were gone but I noticed a rather large lump in the upper/inner part of that same ass cheek...near the lower back. I went to the hospital and they said it was POSSIBLE I had some sort of staph infection. So they put me on Bactrim and I am on my 4th day of taking it. I am no longer sick and the lump KIND OF went down just a little...but it is still there. It's freaking me out. Do you guys think this is a pretty bad staph infection or u think because I injected so much Test Prop, it's just buildup (even though it's not close to the injection site)? It's painful to touch as well.

  2. #2
    Cat316 is offline Associate Member
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    could be buildup..bump

  3. #3
    BrotherLove is offline New Member
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    yeah, some people said that...and I asked the doctor about that. She said that with the fever and flu symptoms, it was most likely "cellulitis" which is a form of staph infection. I tried rubbing the lump in case it was a juice pocket...but it hurts like a bitch. And if it were an infection, I didn't wanna mess with it.

  4. #4
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    I think you had test flu and a sterile abscess. If you had a systemic infection with all the symptoms you mentioned I don't think it would have cleared upon its own as you described. You started taking the antibiotics after the flu symptoms were gone.
    As for the abscess was the spot red and warm to the touch? did it continue to grow and grow? If you anwsered yes to those questions it was probably infected. If not it was probably a sterile abscess. Here is another possible not definitive way to check. If after two to three days of antibiotics there is not a relatively dramatic decrease in size, the lump is probably not caused by bacterial inffection.

  5. #5
    BrotherLove is offline New Member
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    Well, the spot was a little red and warm. It didn't grow any larger than when I first noticed it. With the antibiotics, it seems like it has dimished slightly. But I've been on it for 4 days now. How do I get rid of a sterile abscess, if that's what it was?

  6. #6
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    I've been given a couple of explanations for a sterile abscess not sure if any are true:

    1) the body leaches out the solvent and oil causing the hormone to crystallize in your muscle -your body reacts to this by swelling up around the crystals to contain them

    2) your body is irritated by the volume or concentration of the shot,hormone,or solvents causing local tissue to swell in an effort to contain the irritant

    my personal experience has been that infected abscess start out slow and gradually keep growing and growing until attended to. The sterile abscess seem to get to size more quickly - one day nothing there next day you have a hard golf ball (or bigger) lump in your glute - doesn't usually keep getting bigger.

    Maybe someone with more of a medical background can respond.
    Last edited by jagdpanther; 03-19-2007 at 10:12 AM.

  7. #7
    BrotherLove is offline New Member
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    Do sterile abcess' go away or do I need to have it drained/surgically removed?

  8. #8
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Mine have gone away on there own. Some times this has taken a couple of weeks. Each time I sat down I got are reminder of it's existance.
    I certainly can't diagnose you as far as whether or not it will require medical attention, that is your call or the doctors.

  9. #9
    hardgainer1's Avatar
    hardgainer1 is offline Senior Member
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    See a doctor.

  10. #10
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    bro,first off, i doubt it has anything to do with you injecting in your glute, it can take a pretty high amount...but as for the actual bump...dont worry about it, coming from a prop user here, it happened EVERY SINGLE TIME i injected advice to you, use something else...
    for one reason or another, prop affects everyone differently, and i just happened to be one of those people that it affected in the same way its affecting you (especially if you have BD brand prop, that stuff is lethal) can keep taking it if you want to, but its going to do that everytime you inject, the bump will eventually go down faster each the end of the last cycle when i was taking prop, it went down in about 4-5 days, but that was the lowest, it was a bitch to sit down in my car, on the couch, at the office, ect...everytime it was a red, swollen, hard, bump about the size of a golfball...
    so i wouldnt worry about it if i were you, just know if you want to continue using it, its more than likely going to happen everytime you inject, if you want to keep using it, you're just going to have to deal with it, i choose not to, im done with that stuff, never again...hope this helps...see ya

    p.s.- beware if you inject that stuff in your thigh

  11. #11
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Everyone's experiance is a little different. newconquest has issues with prop.
    I don't. I shoot it in my glutes, quads, and delts with little discomfort during or after. Qv's Deca200 gives me little lumps, others decas haven't. Equi, which is supposed to be so mild to shoot gives me huge lumps. those were the ones that took two weeks to die down. I'm not writting this to contradict what newconquest has to say but rather in addition because i have found people can react very differently to the same compounds. part of the AAS thing for me is trial and error. i try to put effort into the planning to minimize the error though.

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