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  1. #1
    jasons123 is offline New Member
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    new and need advice on testosterone propionate and clenbuterol

    So ive done some research on multiple sites and spent hours doing research but i cant seem to find exactly what im looking for. Basically i am very overweight 22 years old, 5 feet 8 inches and 230 lbs. Ive been hitting the gym for about 2 months now and im doing well with everything but i want that extra edge, i want the results faster. I have lost about 40 lbs so far but i still have plenty of fat knock off. So im debating on doing testosterone propionate either by its self or with clenbuterol . So basically my question is should i stack these, should i take one and not the other, should i take both, what dosages should i take, how long should i be on it? Again im new to all this, i have never taken it before and im looking for any advice possible. thanks in advance for all of your advice.

  2. #2
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Im am 110% sure everybody will say ur not ready.Ur body has to much fat,u havent been traing long enough and u dont have any idea about steroids .Not to flame but it is how it is. If I were u I would just use the clen and get a good diet but dont touch the sauce for a while.

  3. #3
    jasons123 is offline New Member
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    thx for the advice, i am def new to all of this and am still doing plenty of research. I really have no intentions on hitting juice until my bf is in the teens and im in decent shape. Hopefully by that time i will have more knowledge and be ready. Thx for the advice

  4. #4
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    good idea.Stick around and learn a few things and when ur body is ready to get the juice u woll ahve all the knowledge u will ever need. BTW Welcome to AR

  5. #5
    Cat316 is offline Associate Member
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    check your diet and cardio in the morning no aas for you yet man

  6. #6
    Fjock is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat316
    check your diet and cardio in the morning no aas for you yet man
    ^ nuff said

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i wouldnt touch aas till u been training seriuos atleast 3-4years..NOT 2 months...

  8. #8
    frezhman's Avatar
    frezhman is offline New Member
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    rule of a thumb: @ most 15% bf, to reduce estrogen sides.

  9. #9
    jasons123 is offline New Member
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    Well as far as my diet goes i get about 250g of protien a day. I try to bring no more then 20 carbs in with about 1800 calories over 6 meals. I do HIIT cardio in the morning as soon as i wake up then i lift at night and do some more cardio after my lift. I eat pretty clean. The weight is coming off fast just not fast enough in my eyes. So clen would be a good idea?

  10. #10
    TomEGuns is offline New Member
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    250 g of protein?

    Quote Originally Posted by jasons123 View Post
    Well as far as my diet goes i get about 250g of protien a day. I try to bring no more then 20 carbs in with about 1800 calories over 6 meals.
    If you want your diet to help you drop more fat the amount of protein you're taking in is WAY too high. Protein should NEVER exceed your amount of carbs. I don't know your height or body mass to calculate your calories but you have the right idea on eating frequently.
    Excessive amounts of protein is nearly as easy for the body to convert to fat as...well fats. Not all carbs are not bad. Simple carbs yes, but complex carbs are essential and keep your glucose levels at a steady rate to keep the belly fat off. They are also needed to fuel the Krebs cycle to rebuild the damaged tissues from the stresses of training. By increasing your complex carbs (eg. veggies and oats) and cutting your protein in HALF (no matter how much you're dosing that is to high) your gains will increase and your body fat will decrease. Plus you will have a much higher energy level to train harder and longer.
    Protein is harder for the body to break down and use as an energy source for rebuilding. You're inhibiting your growth by cutting carbs that drastically and upping your protein.
    Remember the body works on a system of balances, it wants to maintain homeostasis. Adding excess in one area will cause a decrease in another. So a diet still has to have balance, especially if you are cycling. Remember extreme protein does not mean more muscle, it will only keep you smooth. Then as you're cycling your gains will be that much better. You have to have the foundation laid out correctly and then make improvements. There isn't that much you would have to do to change your diet when going into a cycle except increasing your calories and keeping the same balances. In other words, why put nice wheels on a car that doesn't run.

  11. #11
    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomEGuns View Post
    If you want your diet to help you drop more fat the amount of protein you're taking in is WAY too high. Protein should NEVER exceed your amount of carbs. I don't know your height or body mass to calculate your calories but you have the right idea on eating frequently.
    Excessive amounts of protein is nearly as easy for the body to convert to fat as...well fats. Not all carbs are not bad. Simple carbs yes, but complex carbs are essential and keep your glucose levels at a steady rate to keep the belly fat off. They are also needed to fuel the Krebs cycle to rebuild the damaged tissues from the stresses of training. By increasing your complex carbs (eg. veggies and oats) and cutting your protein in HALF (no matter how much you're dosing that is to high) your gains will increase and your body fat will decrease. Plus you will have a much higher energy level to train harder and longer.
    Protein is harder for the body to break down and use as an energy source for rebuilding. You're inhibiting your growth by cutting carbs that drastically and upping your protein.
    Remember the body works on a system of balances, it wants to maintain homeostasis. Adding excess in one area will cause a decrease in another. So a diet still has to have balance, especially if you are cycling. Remember extreme protein does not mean more muscle, it will only keep you smooth. Then as you're cycling your gains will be that much better. You have to have the foundation laid out correctly and then make improvements. There isn't that much you would have to do to change your diet when going into a cycle except increasing your calories and keeping the same balances. In other words, why put nice wheels on a car that doesn't run.

    He's doing a KETO diet..... you know, no carbs.. so yeah

    Ok, to the OP

    #1 Do not touch any kind of AAS please, there are several reasons for this, the top ones are:

    You are too young to safely do AAS, unless you've had BW done and are getting HRT, which is not the case. Your endocrine system is not yet fully developed and introducing exogenous hormones now comes with a big risk of causing permanent damage to it.
    You havent trained long enough, tendons and ligaments take a loooong time to get stronger, muscles do not. Doing AAS now will end up with you being injured and unable to train for several months.
    You're carrying too much bodyfat This will lead to more conversion of testosterone into estrogen, and thus increased blood pressure, gyno, bloat, increased risk of developing prostate cancer and more. This CAN be controlled by using an AI, but I would still recommend at least getting down in the mid teens.
    You're not educated enough You still have a whole lot to learn about a whole lot of things before you can make an educated call whether or not to "hop on the juice"

    #2 Hit the nutrition section, there's a lot of really helpful guys there with tons and tons of knowledge

    #3 You really do not need anything else than a better understanding of food, and your relation to food and eating to get in shape. What made you fat in the first place? Likely you ate like crap, and too much, so thats what needs to change.
    And I'm not talking about doing 6 months of hardcore KETO/Atkins/LCHF, because if you do, once you come off you'll start eating like you did before again. You just will, because that's your habit, and habits take a long time to break.

    Start eating in a way that you can live with for the rest of your life, but still maintain your health.
    If you need something to drop weight, you'll need it to keep that weight off once you're done.
    If you already know what youre doing, clen and the likes, can be used as a tool to loose a few lbs a little bit quicker, but it should never be used as a crutch. And once you know what you're doing, you'll have no need for clen etc.

    I started at 256lbs and dropped down to 169lbs (170 in my avatar), no clen, no ephedrine, no AAS.
    Just keep at it


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