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03-19-2007, 02:40 AM #1
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First Cycle - Boy this shit works!
Hi Guys,
first cycle ever and Im 4 weeks into it, was a bit shaky at the start with multiple input from various sources and late arrivals of the juice but think im right on track now, it is as follows.
Week 1 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week.
Week 2 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week
Week 3 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week, 200mg Deca Once a week, 40mg Anabol per day
Week 4 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week, 200mg Deca Once a week, 40mg Anabol per day
Week 5 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week, 200mg Deca Once a week, 40mg Anabol per day
Week 6 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week, 200mg Deca Once a week, 40mg Anabol per day
Week 7 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week, 200mg Deca Once a week, 40mg Anabol per day
Week 8 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week, 200mg Deca Once a week, 40mg Anabol per day
Week 9 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week, 40mg Anabol per day
Week 10 - 250mg Test Enanthate 2 times a week, 40mg Anabol per day
*20mg Nova per day
Age - 25
Lifting History - Newbie (2 months)
Height - 192cm
Weight - 159.5 lbs (after 4 weeks on cycle)
Estimated BF% - I am extremely thin with no body fat whatsoever, not sure on %
Diet - Im eating well, steak and potatoes or similar everyday, weight gainer with high calories, moderate amounts of junk food but doubled my daily intake for sure
Goals - to stop looking like a pull through for a rifle (lanky as F**k)
in the 4 weeks so far I have gained 6 kilo, Im eating well, training 3 times a week.
any thoughts or advice? (ill post a before and after pic once im finished my course, you would not beleive the difference already, im only 4 weeks in to it.)
If you think i should add anything or ditch anything let me know.
03-19-2007, 02:48 AM #2
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You have only been lifting for a TOTAL of 2 months ? You never lifted before that ?
03-19-2007, 02:53 AM #3
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basically yes, very aerobic exercise prior over the years, I lifted for about 6 months when i was 20 with no real gain whatsoever and no juice, then i went quite athletic.
Last edited by thai_elite; 03-19-2007 at 02:55 AM.
03-19-2007, 03:16 AM #4
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good luck.
are you going to run the nolva only for pct ?
03-19-2007, 03:23 AM #5
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ive been taking the novofen 20mg a day for the last 2 weeks, my nipples got tender so i took advice from the research ive been doing and got on the anti-e's immediately.
should i continue with novofen 20mg a day? The nipple tenderness is gone.
03-19-2007, 03:30 AM #6
id continue for another wekk then back it down to 10mg ed throughout the rest of your cycle
03-19-2007, 03:36 AM #7
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Thanks Mealticket will do just that.
Any comments on my cycle? should i do 12 weeks due to the slow start?
03-19-2007, 03:42 AM #8
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if you feel you can keep gaining then add 2 weeks if thats what you want. thats what i would have done if i thought i could get more...
but i would wait until the last week before making up my mind.
03-19-2007, 03:47 AM #9
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pretty disciplined at the moment but thats not to say what will happen in the next few weeks, gotta few friends comin for holiday so no doubt ill miss a few days at the Gym.
Not too worry, living in Thailand has its benefits! if i need another 2 weeks worth of gear, Ive always got the pharmacy next door!
03-19-2007, 05:43 AM #10
first off you started the deca too late it is a long estered compound which requires weeks to build up to sufficient and stable levels. and you're running it for too short a time.secondly test alone would have been adequate.
but you are having good results with the cycle at least.
the worst thing is how quickly you juiced,2 months aint enough to master even basic lifting techniques,should have waited at least a of the reasons is that newbs dont usually have the commitment or knowledge to pull it off,always looking for the quick fix.they usually end up losing it all.
good luck anyway.
03-19-2007, 06:25 AM #11
2 months worth of training and your starting a cycle?? thats plain ignorant. you need yrs worth of training to build a base to work from before you even consider taking any gear.
I would stop all compounds and concentrate on your diet and training program this will build some solid muscle and get some hard workouts under your belt, research as much as possible for the next couple of years at least. gear is not the answer for you at your stage!
03-19-2007, 06:34 AM #12
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Whoa.. Hold on. 2 months of lifting experience, 160 pounds (after 4 weeks), and only training 3 days a week???? Do I have this correct? I agree with Helium3 and Marcus. Way too soon for gear bro. but you asked for thoughts and advice. 1) I would say up the training days to 5 days a week. 2) Post your training schedule. 3) post your diet. 4) Post "real" goals (be specific) ... to stop looking like a pull-through is more of an idea, not a goal. Say something like add 20lbs to my bench or gain 10-15lbs of lean mass. (both of which could have been easily attained with proper diet and training for an individual with your stats and experience), 4) and to bump Marcus, drop all gear and concentrate on diet and training.
Good luck bro. post upLast edited by Outta Kontrol; 03-19-2007 at 06:38 AM.
03-19-2007, 07:17 AM #13
3) post your diet
03-19-2007, 11:01 AM #14
Originally Posted by marcus300
03-19-2007, 09:29 PM #15
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Here is my diet etc
Ok Guys,
Thanks for all the constructive criticism, seems a few people are not happy about people of my experience doing a cycle, I have even noticed a brand new thread on the forum talking about this thread! Have a read at "newbies on Juice" thread, I will be posting a reply there also. Different situations means different rules and ways to do things, I really think everyone should not be tarred with the same brush
Back to the point, here is my diet
breakfast - oatmeal flakes and 2 boiled eggs
Mid Morning - N-Large supplement Shake
Midday - High protein meal varies each day, usually Steak and potatoes or fish and chips, ham & cheese omelette)
Afternoon - N -Large Supplement Shake
Tea Time (and pre-workout) - again varies but usually beef, chicken or fish with potatoes)
after workout - N-Large Supplement Shake
Evening Meal - Burger or cheese and ham omelette
Before Bed - N-Large Supplement Shake
Here is my 3 day per week workout (this was put together by my personal trainer)
Bench Press 4 x 8
Incline Bench Press 4 x 8
Pec-Dec 4 x 10
Close-grip Bench Press 3 x 8
Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 8
Overhead DB Extensions 3 x 12-15
Low Pulley Rows (close-grip) 3 x 8
Lat Pulldowns 3 x 8
Bent-over Rows 3 x 8
Shrugs 3 x 8
Barbell Curls 3 x 8
Dumbell Hammer Curls 3 x 8
Squats 2 warm-up sets, 4 x 8
Leg Extensions 4 x 8-10
Leg Curls 4 x 8-10
Donkey Calf Raises 4 x 15-20
Seated DB Press 3 x 8-10
Lateral Raises 3 x 8-10
Bent-over Laterals 3 x 8-10
My real goal is to achieve a weight of 182lb, and have lean muscle with low body fat, my strength before was an issue so obviously doubling my strength would be a great goal to achieve.
I am nearly half way through the cycle, I will see it through to the end as advised, if some of you are still pissed off, have a look at the afore mentioned thread and you will see my reasons on why exactly im doing this.
Thanks for all the help and your comments on my diet and workout would be apprecitedLast edited by thai_elite; 03-19-2007 at 10:03 PM.
03-20-2007, 05:01 AM #16
Originally Posted by Columbus
03-20-2007, 05:07 AM #17
Your diet is TERRIBLE, And you are juicing after 2 months. did it not oocur to you that diet is FAR more important than steroids for muscle growth. IMO you are ignorant and give responsible AS users a bad name. Very sad indeed....
03-20-2007, 06:24 AM #18
I think your limited lifting experience and cycling has the potential to hurt you. You have not developed a base you are just leaning good technique and lastly while your muscles will grow your tendons may experience a
different affect. Your tendons have the potential to not be able to keep up with the new muscle gained and you may just end up pooping a tendon. Re consider the gear for now give your self 8 to 10 months of hard work with a good diet and take it from there
03-20-2007, 10:15 PM #19
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Hi Guys,
Thanks for the input, much appreciated.
I do agree my choice to juice already has been a bad one, but i will follow it through at this stage of the game, im half way through it!
I really dont see how my personal choice to use Juice gives you perfectbeast2001 a bad name, and how this makes you sad i also dont understand.
Different strokes mate and different reasons, I didnt ask an opinion on my choice to do Juice, I asked for advice on diet, exercise and my cycle.
Maybe instead of telling me my diet is TERRIBLE, you could be constructive and tell me what part of it is terrible and what i could do to improve it.
03-20-2007, 10:22 PM #20
Sounds like you listened to people who wanted to make monetary benefit off of you rather than researching for yourself.
If it were me, I'd drop the aas all together..but I dont know if you'll do that.
03-20-2007, 10:45 PM #21
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No monetary benefit involved, I have a pharmacy next door that ordered me everything i asked for at very good prices, I done all my research online with no outside input
I will drop the AS after this cycle is complete and concentrate on my technique and diet, my main objective will be to keep the gains I have so far, I am disciplined and dedicated thus far, the self confidence levels, feel good factor are driving me forward.
Once im done with this cycle I will take the advice and not even consider another cycle untill i am more experienced and ready.
03-20-2007, 10:46 PM #22
Originally Posted by thai_elite
03-20-2007, 10:51 PM #23
Originally Posted by marcus300
03-20-2007, 11:06 PM #24
You say drop it after this cycle is complete.
Why stress your HPTA any more? Stop and start up PCT now before you shut yourself down any more.
03-20-2007, 11:19 PM #25
If I were you and did it all over again (assuming I could not talk you out of it) I would consume more real, whole foods and run one standard gear (test e) for the program. A new body does not need all that juice to react and get results.
I truly believe you will end up with the same results as if you would have by running just one type of gear (test e) instead... Except now you are just potentially going to deal with more sides.
Good luck.
03-20-2007, 11:24 PM #26
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OK so i stop immediately, Im in week 5, based on my cycle posted above what PCT do you reccomend.
03-20-2007, 11:26 PM #27
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wow man being that small i would do 200mg a week of test, i did that my first cycle for 10 weeks at your size and i still had massive gains because i lifted extemely well and ate right
03-20-2007, 11:27 PM #28
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most people start out at about 400mg/week because they are already hugge..
03-20-2007, 11:35 PM #29
Ok guys, he says he's going to stop immediately (first smart thing he has done).
What can we recommend to him for PCT?
What week of your cycle are you in? week 5?
03-20-2007, 11:43 PM #30
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Yes im in start of week 5 so had my monday jab of test e, due another friday that will be week 5 complete
dballs i can stop immediately
03-21-2007, 12:40 AM #31
Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
Now, lets learn and get strong -- together.
03-21-2007, 01:58 AM #32
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Thanks Primalinstinct!
was beggining to get tired of being slated.
I have made the wise choice to cease the cycle immediately and start PCT, any help on the best possible PCT would be appreciated (obviously i want to keep what i have so far) im aware that a good diet and lots of lifting will keep this going.
On completion of PCT I will update you guys on what I have and havent lost of my gains, could be an interesting read.
03-21-2007, 08:01 AM #33
Originally Posted by Kale
03-22-2007, 02:42 AM #34
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Originally Posted by Schmidty
change the record mate! slapped on the wrist, made the right decision to cease................get over it!
03-22-2007, 03:05 AM #35
So, you started wrong. Big F'n deal. So did I when I was much younger. Now you know what you need to do. Come off your cycle then go natural for at least a year or two. Too much negativity in these replies. If he or anyone else knew you were going to call them stupid and insult them for being ignorant (non-insultingly) they would not be comfortable asking and then they would have never gotten the advice they needed. We are ALL here to learn.
Last edited by Dobie-BOY; 03-22-2007 at 03:06 AM. Reason: change
03-22-2007, 03:21 AM #36
Originally Posted by Schmidty
Last edited by Dobie-BOY; 03-22-2007 at 03:23 AM. Reason: add
03-22-2007, 04:33 AM #37
Given the guys experience i would say this cycle is a little early...about 5 years early!
03-22-2007, 05:12 AM #38
Originally Posted by thai_elite
If you cant be bothered to do that then you may want to consider a different hobby.
03-22-2007, 05:29 AM #39
Can we set this man a PCT up? He said hes going to come off his cycle but no one seems like they want to give him a PCT now that hes comming off...
We flame ( yes even i do), and then never back it up. so set the man up a PCT
03-22-2007, 05:45 AM #40
here is a good pct regimen to follow.
Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
6 20mgs/day
GL, btw i know a few people like you that are running it this early in lifting experience just because some big ass guy sold it to them and told them they will get big like him quick, so sad but money is everything in this world to some people.
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