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  1. #1
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    Big Lump on Glute-HCG?

    I have a big and semi-painful lump on my glute and was wondering how long it takes for them to go away. Or if anyone knows a way to get it to go away faster. HCG , i just mixed my 5000iu HCG wit 10ml of water. Does that mean that 1cc would equal 500iu. Correct? Does sub-Q or IM work better for HCG injections?

  2. #2
    hardgainer1's Avatar
    hardgainer1 is offline Senior Member
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    are you sure 10ml water? a regular syringe is 3ml(cc)

  3. #3
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    I took a regular syringe and injected 1ml into the HCG bottle and then I took the syringe and filled the whole 3ml syringe three times and injected it into a sterile glass vial. And took the 1ml that was in the HCG vial and added it to 9ml that was in the sterile vial. Which would equal 500iu/cc. Right? Now what about the lump on the injection site of my glute? Does anyone have any info on that?

  4. #4
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirusTheVirus
    I took a regular syringe and injected 1ml into the HCG bottle and then I took the syringe and filled the whole 3ml syringe three times and injected it into a sterile glass vial. And took the 1ml that was in the HCG vial and added it to 9ml that was in the sterile vial. Which would equal 500iu/cc. Right? Now what about the lump on the injection site of my glute? Does anyone have any info on that?

    HCG is not going to do anything to remedy a lump in your ass...and I'm not too sure of you method of reconstitution that you have mentioned kinda made it all sound more complicated than it needs to be...and risk of contamination sounds elevated too...I dunno, maybe I'm wrong.

    Good luck,

  5. #5
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not injectin the HCG to get rid of the lump. I'm using the HCG through out my cycle. Well im a complicated person, but I assure you that there is no risk of contamination. They were suppose to be two seperate questions.

  6. #6
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    there is no reason to be shooting hcg IM.... you can, but IMO, why would you want to ??? if you are already injecting AAS, why would you want to inject IM more than necessary......sub-q is great for HCG... as for your reconstitution method...its not the norm, but its fine provided that there is no risk for contamination as you say...

  7. #7
    Hedo is offline New Member
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    I never got a lump from HCG ...but always went the sub-q route. I have found that lumps are caused by excessive pins in the same area, at least for me. I've been careful to avoid contamination...and fortunate in that regard.

    The best course may be to go sub-q with your HCG and move your other shots around a bit more.

  8. #8
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    I haven't injected the HCG yet. I was just asking so I would know when it comes time to do it. This is only the sixth day of my cycle on Tren A, Test Prop, and Test E so I've only had to pin myself one time in that glute because I use six different sites for pinning. So the lump cannot be from excessive pinning.

  9. #9
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Is the lump like a hard knot?? If so, avoid that site until it subsides...with time it should. This happens sometimes.

    Is the lump is red, painful, feverish, and swollen? It could be an infection or abcess...monitor it and if it gets worse or doesn't subside in a day or so, get to the doc to have it examined.

    As for the HCG , I shoot it sub-q with a slin problems. I don't exceed it's use more than 500iu/e3d and no longer than 2 weeks. Remember that HCG is one of them things that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

    Good luck,

  10. #10
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    The lump isn't red or feverish, but it is sore to the touch. I wouldn't consider it a hard knot, but it has a little bit of firmness to it.

  11. #11
    McQueen's Avatar
    McQueen is offline Junior Member
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    the only time i get a lump in my glute is when i inject hcg cold,its painful possibly because your body temp is much higher than the substance,we all know how hot aches feel. it should go away in time.

  12. #12
    SteelTown84's Avatar
    SteelTown84 is offline Junior Member
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    leave the site alone for a while, it will go down by itself... try massaging is for about 10 minutes at a time... i no ****in boring but it helps it loosin up

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