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  1. #1
    Act of God's Avatar
    Act of God is offline Member
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    Pain (and other stuff) 2 days after inject?

    I just took my 5th shot on monday around 8pm. It was business as usual and tuesday I was fine. I woke up today and I felt like I did after my first shot (pretty sore). Plus, there is either a lump or some sort of muscle spasm directly below the inject area. Accompanying that is a small black and blue mark where the needle went in a little smaller than the diameter of a pen cap.

    My inject is 250mg test E with 200mg Deca all shot at once. Drawing needle head is different than injecting head. Area is swabbed with alcohol before injecting and band-aided up afterwards.

    I have no fever or any symptoms other than the soreness, bruise and lump/spasm. Any ideas?

    My gut reaction is that it is no big deal, I just want to make sure I'm not sleeping on something potentially bad.

  2. #2
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Maybe just a minor bruise? I'm not sure what the symptoms of an infection are, though. I do know that if its infected, you get a fever (I think), which you said you don't have.

  3. #3
    imanewbie is offline Associate Member
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    wherever the bitches are
    if the pain doesnt get worse, or the lump doesnt get bigger...i was just stick it sure you will be ok.. i never did bruise, but i was sore just about everytime.

  4. #4
    Act of God's Avatar
    Act of God is offline Member
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    I popped some ibuprofen and a muscle relaxant...seems to feel a little better. I have (for some reason) a full Rx of Cipro laying around that is still good just in case.

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