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  1. #1
    gsxr_john is offline New Member
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    Advice for the small guy..

    Info about myself. I'm 29, 6'1 and about 140lbs. Ya, the skinny guy. I've been working out for about 6-7 months steady now after about a 4 month break due to LOTS of work. I did 8 weeks on sust250 & gained about 15lbs then lost it all when I stoped. I'm hoping to get on the right track to gain a good amount of weigh that won't just drop off. And before you say it, I do eat, ALOT! No not junk food, well some junk food, but mostly good. I recently tried to do a stack of Sust, Deca & Dbol but have now found out my Deca and Dbol was fake. I sold the Sust to a buddy who was short on his cycle so am starting from scratch. What would be a good cycle to do? Ive been thinking about HGH. I live in a beach town and am getting tired of being too embarrassed to take my shirt off. I'd love to get around 200lbs, but realisticaly looking for 170+. Thanks in advance for your advice.

  2. #2
    Durty2 is offline New Member
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    wow man you should seriously get a diet plan and a good workout schedule and maybe some creatine.. i know thats not what you want to hear but you can gain 20 lbs naturaly really fast if you do it right and it will stay, being that skinny doing anabolics will get you bigger but you wont keep it because you dont have the base yet to keep it

  3. #3
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    you are 140 and 6'1....not good man

    you need to bring that base up a bit before you think about cycling...
    7-8months in the gym is honestly not that much it takes alot of time to develop muscle

    you say you eat alot...ok would you mind posting up your diet with a daily marcos.....its not that i dont beleive you i just would like to see what it looks like.

    steroids arent a magic you need to still put alot of time and effor in to building muscle while on them......

    please listen to all the advice you wont like it....but its comming from alot of experienced guys...

    soo lets first work on that diet and training of yours and well see about roids in a couple years

  4. #4
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Diet forums. What does your average day look like as far as meals go? Lay it out. 6'1" and 140 is no base to start taking AAS off of. You may be a "hardgainer" but I highly doubt you are eating enough.

  5. #5
    topnotch is offline Member
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    Just like everybody else said...your not I dont think you are really eating as much as you feel like...and to only be lifting 7 or 8 months thats not a good can gain so much more naturally and should before even considering. Steroids can't help without the proper diet and training, and even more important you need a good base to begin w/ and you've not got that yet. Welcome to AR though.

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Hey John, WELCOME TO AR

    you got some great advice so far. You already found out that steroids are NOT magic and won't just add weight or muscle to your frame. The reason you lost all your gains after you stopped was cause you didn't yet know how to keep those gains.

    FOOD can be the best anabolic substance you have right now as I wouldn't waste another cycle until we can get your diet worked out and get you working in the gym solid for at least another year.

    as Manpretty asked, just post a typical days meals and we can help adjust to get you to grow naturally first so when you do cycle you will be ready to make great gains and keep them

  7. #7
    gsxr_john is offline New Member
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    Wow! Thanks for the advise everyone. I really didn't expect to get such a great responce.
    A average day for me starts with a cup of coffee and a apple or bananna about 7:30-8. Then usually sometime around 10 I eat a protein bar with a bottle of milk. Lunch very's. Usually fast food, Chinesse or Mom and Pop places. Water throughout the day and a snack around 3-4 (candy). Then dinner is almost always home cooked. Steak, Pork, Chicken, Veggies and alot of potato's! Usually some kind of potato everynight. I always try to eat at least 2 plates. And finally another snack around 10ish. Protein bars sometimes. Usually cookies or granola bars. I've really cut back on soda's, 1 MAYBE 2 a day if at all. Usually water, tea, lemonaid or milk.
    Hope this can help you all help me. Thanks again for the advice and stoping me from wasteing more cash! I'm going to do some searching, but incase I can't find any, are there forums on good diets?

  8. #8
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Yep the Diet Forum is the place to be. Get that diet in order and trust me you'll see great gains.

    Good luck.

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    OK well don't take this wrong, but your diet SUCKS !! and that is why you are not growing...

    run , don't walk to the diet forum and start reading about bulking you could put on 10 lbs in a month if you start eating right

  10. #10
    gsxr_john is offline New Member
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    Thanks again everyone! I've started a new thread in the diet forum and will be doing alot of reading! Post me up some idea's if you'd like and have the time to spare! Great site, great people! I'm really glad I found it.

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