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Thread: Do you compete?

  1. #1
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Do you compete?

    My question is for people who compete, so if you don't compete i rather you not answer but if you must, all i ask is that you please give accurate information.

    I would like to know how long before a competion to do you get off AAS, or do you run the pct through it. I'm asking this because i plan on doing my first competition in November:

    NPC Lackland Classic Bodybuilding Figure & Fitness Championships (Drug-Tested National Qualifier for Team Universe Only) Lackland AFB, San Antonio November 3 2007

    stats: age 20
    height 5'8
    weight 195 (as of today)
    previous cycles-0
    bf 13-15
    training exp- 4 years, 2 years religously

    i know what most will say already but im going to go ahead and go through with it, i understand the risks i am taking; this is just something i want. Thanks for you concerns in advance.

    2nd question:
    how does this cycle look?
    week1-4: testp 71.4mg ed
    week 5-12: teste 250mg monday and thurday/50mg oral winny each day
    week 8-12: 20mg aromisn ed
    week 13-15: 1250mg tribulus ed
    week 13-15: nolva 40mg,30mg,20mg/clomid 100mg,50mg,50mg

    and im thinking of adding clen /t3 in there
    Last edited by scribbs12; 03-22-2007 at 12:33 AM.

  2. #2
    scribbs12's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    My question is for people who compete, so if you don't compete i rather you not answer but if you must, all i ask is that you please give accurate information.

    I would like to know how long before a competion to do you get off AAS, or do you run the pct through it. I'm asking this because i plan on doing my first competition in November:

    NPC Lackland Classic Bodybuilding Figure & Fitness Championships (Drug-Tested National Qualifier for Team Universe Only) Lackland AFB, San Antonio November 3 2007

    stats: age 20
    height 5'8
    weight 195 (as of today)
    previous cycles-0
    bf 13-15
    training exp- 4 years, 2 years religously

    i know what most will say already but im going to go ahead and go through with it, i understand the risks i am taking; this is just something i want. Thanks for you concerns in advance.

    2nd question:
    how does this cycle look?
    week1-4: testp 71.4mg ed
    week 5-12: teste 250mg monday and thurday/50mg oral winny each day
    week 8-12: 20mg aromisn ed
    week 9-15: 1250mg tribulus ed
    week 13-15: nolva 40mg,30mg,20mg/clomid 100mg,50mg,50mg

    and im thinking of adding clen/t3 in there
    I guess your Test P is dosed funny?
    Are you only running Test E for 8 weeks?
    I would keep the Winny at 6wks max, so wks 7-12.
    I don't see a need for Tribulus during your cycle. PCT, why not, but during cycle is a waste IMO.
    Your PCT should start 2 weeks after your last Test E injection. So on a 12 wk cycle it would start at week 15.

  4. #4
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    well i just did 500/7 for test p so that came out to 71.4 but i'll just shoot somewhere between 70-75.. not all comes out so should be around there anyways.

    test p is for 4 weeks
    test e for 8 weeks
    winny is 8 weeks also

    thanks for ur input

  5. #5
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist

    I don't see a need for Tribulus during your cycle. PCT, why not, but during cycle is a waste IMO.
    yeah that was a mistake.. i ment to put it after cycle
    thanks for pointing that out

  6. #6
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    well i just did 500/7 for test p so that came out to 71.4 but i'll just shoot somewhere between 70-75.. not all comes out so should be around there anyways.

    test p is for 4 weeks
    test e for 8 weeks
    winny is 8 weeks also

    thanks for ur input
    Test E needs to be ran for at least 10 weeks as it is long estered and takes awhile to kick in. 12wks is ideal. Also i'm guessing your using the prop as a kickstart? Like I said I would run the Winny 6wks, but its your cycle. JMHO.

  7. #7
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    Test E needs to be ran for at least 10 weeks as it is long estered and takes awhile to kick in. 12wks is ideal. Also i'm guessing your using the prop as a kickstart? Like I said I would run the Winny 6wks, but its your cycle. JMHO.
    yeah i was using it as a kick start-
    maybe i should cut out testp
    or make the cycle 4 weeks of test p and add 12 weeks of test e

    yeah i'll think about changing it to 6 weeks, i read a few peoples cycles that say to run it for 6 do to liver damage; i just wanted to see what people would say about 8 weeks and if its over kill

    but im not sure.. nothings set in stone yet... i got a few months or so to plan my shit out.. thanks again

  8. #8
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Yeah no problem. I'm just telling you what I would do. As far as the Winny goes there have been many people who have ran it way past 8wks and been fine. But, seeing as its your 1st cycle and your already running multiple compounds, 6wks is plenty. I'm sure you know that the suggested 1st cycle for everyone is 12wks Test E or C 400-500mg/wk, thats why I haven't mentioned it. I'm guessing you already know that the reason for this is so you can see how your body reacts and know which AAS causes which sides for your body. I would say cut out the Prop and run the Test E at 250mg 2x per week for 12 weeks. If you are set on running the Winny, I would just keep it at 5-6wks max.

    Good Luck

  9. #9
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    Yeah no problem. I'm just telling you what I would do. As far as the Winny goes there have been many people who have ran it way past 8wks and been fine. But, seeing as its your 1st cycle and your already running multiple compounds, 6wks is plenty. I'm sure you know that the suggested 1st cycle for everyone is 12wks Test E or C 400-500mg/wk, thats why I haven't mentioned it. I'm guessing you already know that the reason for this is so you can see how your body reacts and know which AAS causes which sides for your body. I would say cut out the Prop and run the Test E at 250mg 2x per week for 12 weeks. If you are set on running the Winny, I would just keep it at 5-6wks max.

    Good Luck
    Yes i know about running the suggested 1st cycle thanks again for ur concern, im just stubbern and trying to be a hard ass.. but i might just keep it plain and simple.. and do only test e with winny-
    but i want to keep the winny 6-8weeks.
    im just worried about my joints.. so i plan on taking massive amounts of water+glucosamine

  10. #10
    Booz's Avatar
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    how does that cycle look??crap is the answer i would come up with im afraid.......
    why are you only running the enanthate from week 5??should be started from week 1.................
    the winny should be ran 2 weeks past the enanthate then pct can start the day after the last winny...............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

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    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  11. #11
    hugovsilva's Avatar
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    The dosages are up to you

    1-4:test prop
    1-12: test e
    8-14: winny
    15-18:tribulus (i would go for hcg 13-15)

  12. #12
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    ^^They got it. To truly 'kick start' with prop, you need to be running it with enan.

  13. #13
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    The dosages are up to you

    1-4:test prop
    1-12: test e
    8-14: winny
    15-18:tribulus (i would go for hcg 13-15)
    thanks that helps alot

    and when you say dosages.... my questions with that is.. since test prop and test e are running together from week 1-4 would i do 250 of test prop and 250 of test e? or just run 500 of each for teh first 4 weeks? thanks.

  14. #14
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    and i still have 1 question un answered .. if i were to compete on nov 3 2007.. would i run it up to the day of, or do i need to be done with everything by i start.. i would imagine by the last day or the day of the start of my pct. thanks

  15. #15
    scribbs12's Avatar
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  16. #16
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    and i still have 1 question un answered .. if i were to compete on nov 3 2007.. would i run it up to the day of, or do i need to be done with everything by i start.. i would imagine by the last day or the day of the start of my pct. thanks
    Well If I were you I would allow some time off depending on your bodyfat at the time being anywhere from 4-10 weeks to start cutting down and adjusting your diet for the competition. If you get to close to competition and you come off there's not telling what can happen during pct (no motivation, body changes, etc.) I would play it safe.

  17. #17
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    alright cool thanks, and just by chance would u know about taking viagra or something? not to sound dumb.. but i swear i read it a few times on here.. that people take it before or during their comps... to become more vascular

  18. #18
    xtremepwr's Avatar
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    Like beefkake31 said i'd finish up early enough to drop bodyfat. I compete in powerlifting so I'm planning on finishing my last injection a day or so before my comp. and before pct

  19. #19
    xtremepwr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    alright cool thanks, and just by chance would u know about taking viagra or something? not to sound dumb.. but i swear i read it a few times on here.. that people take it before or during their comps... to become more vascular
    I dont know that viagra would be a good idea although standing on stage with an erection may get you points for flattering the judges.

  20. #20
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Too much for first cycle and it will probably hurt you come comp, why not do it natural.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  21. #21
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Too much for first cycle and it will probably hurt you come comp, why not do it natural.
    yeah, i also thought about that too.. but i plan on slimming down or even staying the same weight but lower bf by the end of the summer... due to marine PLC .. (marine boot camp for officers) and its gonna be in the hot ass summer weather of virginia.. and contrary popular belief that all marines are swole.... most are smaller and lean as hell.. due to the way the excersise.... non-stop running.. push ups.. pull ups.. sit ups.. etc...

    but going nat is still high up on my list of options.. i just thought i would do a little better with aas.. regardless i'll update, on what i decide..
    thanks again..

  22. #22
    Primalinstinct's Avatar
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    Your first cycle?

    Test e only for 10 to 12 weeks minimum. Drop the winny you do not need it.

    You do not need a compound of chemicals for the first cycle. You will potentially encounter more sides and NOT more gains. I mean, if you do decide to go your route, what is next? Five, six different chemicals for the next cycle? Geez, where do you stop? Probably in the hospital bed.

    Focus on the food. Focus on the food. Focus on the food.

    I am 37 years old and after 17 years around the gym have decided to cycle test e only. My body is reacting more than I can keep up with at times and it is influencing my body and mind greatly. Slow down and reassess what your doing with your one and only, young body.

    Good luck.

  23. #23
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Thanks for the words of wisdom, im pretty sure im just gonna do test e then or just keep it natty...

    i'm just going to try to get back to 225 natty like i used to be and then go from there.. these are pics from me back in oct-nov 06.. i lost alot of weight because i thought i would be able to compete in april... but i messed up bad and ended up losing muscle+weight
    --only pics i have from being that size sorry have none with clothes off
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Do you compete?-1237543846_l.jpg   Do you compete?-what-.jpg  
    Last edited by scribbs12; 03-22-2007 at 07:30 PM.

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