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Thread: Steroid Base

  1. #1
    Pops1985's Avatar
    Pops1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Steroid Base

    Alright you guys I'm not an a cycle or nothing and I have done a bunch of research, This might be a very stupid question so if you feel like it is stupid don't answer it by me!

    Alright lets say someboy is wants to run a cycle of Winny and D-bol or anything execept Test, Why is it important to have Test in the Background?

    I have been asking myself this question and friends for a couple of weeks now!

  2. #2
    xtremepwr's Avatar
    xtremepwr is offline Junior Member
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    In Layman's terms Test in the bacground on a winny cycle because it will shut down your balls. The syntheic testosterone will make up for the lack of natural test due to the winny. With dbol its because imo dbol only will basically get you lots of water retention and lower test levels as well. The test will once again supplement the other form of gear to work better and keep you safer. If its something your thinking about doing trust everyone here and start with a test only cycle 500mg e.w. followed up by good pct.

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Look test is NOT mandatory in any cycle and i know many people who have ran deca and tren w/o test and ****ING love it and wont ever go back.. but those people are few and far between. Test is crucial if ur a male because it makes you who u are and keeps u functioning normally.. wanna know wat all test does.. google it.. and start reading.. and u better pack a lunch kuz test does a shit load of stuff you couldnt even possibly fathom (maybe..) either way we choose to use test as the back bone (meaning it shud be used in every cycle, and NOT MEANING it has to be higher than everything else) because its the only steroid ur body kan effectively use to replace the endogenous testosterone ur body would otherwise normally be producing.

    now i have ran many cycles w/o test LOL even deca (i already knew wat would happen, but i never become IMPOTENT-my libido just decreased greatly) and i found that i really hate test but i love the fact it gives me the most god awsome boners ever (plus i perform better in bed) so i use it.. all the time at TRT doses. i will probably never ever run it over 250-500mg/wk again as i can get far more effective gains from lower doses of dht's and nor groups.

    if u woulda done a lil lookin around u woulda seen i have replied to MANY posts in just this week bout the importance of test in a cycle, and i could be eating my eggwhites right now instead of typing this ! ><

  4. #4
    Pops1985's Avatar
    Pops1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    Look test is NOT mandatory in any cycle and i know many people who have ran deca and tren w/o test and ****ING love it and wont ever go back.. but those people are few and far between. Test is crucial if ur a male because it makes you who u are and keeps u functioning normally.. wanna know wat all test does.. google it.. and start reading.. and u better pack a lunch kuz test does a shit load of stuff you couldnt even possibly fathom (maybe..) either way we choose to use test as the back bone (meaning it shud be used in every cycle, and NOT MEANING it has to be higher than everything else) because its the only steroid ur body kan effectively use to replace the endogenous testosterone ur body would otherwise normally be producing.

    now i have ran many cycles w/o test LOL even deca (i already knew wat would happen, but i never become IMPOTENT-my libido just decreased greatly) and i found that i really hate test but i love the fact it gives me the most god awsome boners ever (plus i perform better in bed) so i use it.. all the time at TRT doses. i will probably never ever run it over 250-500mg/wk again as i can get far more effective gains from lower doses of dht's and nor groups.

    if u woulda done a lil lookin around u woulda seen i have replied to MANY posts in just this week bout the importance of test in a cycle, and i could be eating my eggwhites right now instead of typing this ! ><

    hahahaha Sorry Dude hahaha for spoiling your eggwhite Dessert!! LOL
    Btw thx you guy's no but I really wanted to know I want to learn as much as possible before I run something and would gladly help to give some advices

  5. #5
    xtremepwr's Avatar
    xtremepwr is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE Btw thx you guy's no but I really wanted to know I want to learn as much as possible before I run something and would gladly help to give some advices[/QUOTE] Smart decision bro....thats the way to maximize your gains and stay healthy.

  6. #6
    Adam F's Avatar
    Adam F is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    Look test is NOT mandatory in any cycle and i know many people who have ran deca and tren w/o test and ****ING love it and wont ever go back.. but those people are few and far between. Test is crucial if ur a male because it makes you who u are and keeps u functioning normally.. wanna know wat all test does.. google it.. and start reading.. and u better pack a lunch kuz test does a shit load of stuff you couldnt even possibly fathom (maybe..) either way we choose to use test as the back bone (meaning it shud be used in every cycle, and NOT MEANING it has to be higher than everything else) because its the only steroid ur body kan effectively use to replace the endogenous testosterone ur body would otherwise normally be producing.

    now i have ran many cycles w/o test LOL even deca (i already knew wat would happen, but i never become IMPOTENT-my libido just decreased greatly) and i found that i really hate test but i love the fact it gives me the most god awsome boners ever (plus i perform better in bed) so i use it.. all the time at TRT doses. i will probably never ever run it over 250-500mg/wk again as i can get far more effective gains from lower doses of dht's and nor groups.

    if u woulda done a lil lookin around u woulda seen i have replied to MANY posts in just this week bout the importance of test in a cycle, and i could be eating my eggwhites right now instead of typing this ! ><

    Have to agree with performance in bed. Same thing happened to me. I was no doubt a stud in the sack. Result= 1 year old little girl lol.

  7. #7
    Pops1985's Avatar
    Pops1985 is offline Associate Member
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