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  1. #1
    pimptastic's Avatar
    pimptastic is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2006

    no a-dex with primo?

    ok so im about to start test e at 500mg/wk, primo 400mg/wk, and win 50mg/ed....

    test and primo wks 1-12
    win 1st 4 wks and last 4 wks

    PCT is hcg , clomid, and a-dex

    im 28
    training on and off 16 yrs or so and hittin hard about the last 2yrs
    about 15-17% bf right now from bulk cycle i finished in dec.
    this will be my 4th cycle ive used sus, deca , tren a, win, t3, & clen

    what i am wonderin is ive been reading up on primo since ive never used it before and i read that it works to fight estrogen on its own. so is there no need for me to use a-dex or letro while on it even with the test and win in the cycle. im prone to gyno so should i use a-dex just to be safe.

  2. #2
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    I would up the doses of the Primo to at least 600mg. I don't see a need for the letro. I would keep the adex on hand.

  3. #3
    pimptastic's Avatar
    pimptastic is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2006
    sounds good to me . how is primo. ive nevr used it before and im tryin to get down to about 10%bf on this cut.

  4. #4
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    I haven't used it yet, but it is a very effective AAS. Used more for the finishing touches on a cycle, keeping estrogen under control, & hardening. The gains you make are very solid & easily keepable. What is your bf% now?

  5. #5
    pimptastic's Avatar
    pimptastic is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2006
    im between 15-17% right now. i just finished a bulking cycle in december and packed on about 30lbs. in the process. ive kept just about all of what i gain minus about 7 lbs. i started my cutting diet about 1 wk ago and have lost about 3lbs. i want to get back to about 265lbs and just shred at that. the only thing i eat is about 3 cans of tuna a day brown rice and broccili. and alot of chicken breast. i eatin about 4000 cals a day. 300g protein a day between food and shakes. im at about 180g carbs for now and about 40g fat a day. cardio 3-4 days for 30 minutes but im gonna go to 40-45 min.

    i eat lean steak at least twice a week and some grilled fish but not a big fish fan.

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