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  1. #1
    ml87's Avatar
    ml87 is offline Associate Member
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    first cycle ever

    hey, looking to start a cycle soon. i have been working out for about 2 years now and taking the muscletech stack for about 3 months to get healthy. now i want to move on to bigger things. im thinking about sust. good, ok, bad for beginners? what would be a better bet? i kno i will need some anti-estrogen stuff too so what is good in that area? im 19, 160lbs, 6'.. i dont care about pills or needles, either way is fine with me. so if you have any good advice thanks ahead of time!

  2. #2
    scribbs12's Avatar
    scribbs12 is offline Member
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    everyones already going to tell you no.. because your 19...but.. if you had a bigger base.. maybe you could consider it.. but your only 160?! 6 ft.... get to at least 195... 200 at that.. natty.. and test is said to be a "first cycler" IMO.. your not ready.. but hey its up to you.. im sure everyones going to agree... no offence..

  3. #3
    scribbs12's Avatar
    scribbs12 is offline Member
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    1-4:test prop
    1-12: test e
    8-14: winny
    15-18:tribulus (i would go for hcg 13-15)

    thats what i was considering for my first cycle... and i already know everyones going to say its too many compounds..but hey i only said i was considering it..

    this is about what a first cycle should look like..

    1-12: test e

    15-18:tribulus (i would go for hcg 13-15)
    Last edited by scribbs12; 03-24-2007 at 01:32 AM.

  4. #4
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
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    not ready for gear bro. You can easily get to 200+lbs naturally with a good diet and solid training routine. bottomline: eat more + train more = growth.

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  5. #5
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    1-4:test prop
    1-12: test e
    8-14: winny
    15-18:tribulus (i would go for hcg 13-15)

    thats what i was considering for my first cycle... and i already know everyones going to say its too many compounds..but hey i only said i was considering it..

    this is about what a first cycle should look like..

    1-12: test e

    15-18:tribulus (i would go for hcg 13-15)
    I think both cycles aren't bad. I would drop the winny. But pct is bad. I would not do hcg at all it is not needed and if I ever did it it would be on cycle due to it being suppressive also. Nolva/clomid/adex is my pct of choice.

    But to original poster: You are way to small for gear yet. Drop the muscletech crap and just eat. Post diet and training regiment and you will see that you are way off.

  6. #6
    gagear628 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Outta Kontrol
    not ready for gear bro. You can easily get to 200+lbs naturally with a good diet and solid training routine. bottomline: eat more + train more = growth.

    follow this thread:
    Building A Base, Is This True?
    Agreed wait a little bit you got plenty of time to grow.

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