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  1. #1
    luckylou's Avatar
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    First Cycle Teat/Dianabol

    Hey Guys,
    Thanks for the help in DUMPING the crap.
    You Guys are #1 for help! Hats off to ALL!

    Any way I want to start a first cycle. (12 week Cycle)

    Testosterone Enanthate , or Cypionate (400 mgs once a week, 12 weeks)

    with Dianabol (20 mgs a day) tab form. (1st 4 weeks only)

    Can i take Nolvadex (10mgs a Day for a precaution. or due i have to wait for the sore nipples first? And if i can take it, Due i take 10mgs a day for 12 weeks?
    (also Can I take the CyoGenX with the Nolvadex?)

    I'am 46, in good Shape.
    My diet is Great, (2,400 cal a day/ 3,000 cals a day)
    No Junk food at all!
    I take 1 gram a protein powder per Lb of weight.
    Also I take Betagen twice a day.

    Iam 5'10
    I started at 213.5 lbs.(out of Shape)
    Iam down to 203 lbs in 3 weeks. I workout every day for 1 hour.
    weights, cardio, Kempo,weights, ect 7 days a week. (P90X program)
    I dont pretend to know what Iam Talking about, Because I dont.
    You Guys are the Experts.
    Thanks for any Help.
    Any help would be Great.
    is 1 AMP= 250mgs/AMP of Test? and i would need 400 mgs once a week, corect?
    And would i have to neddle all 400mgs at one time, once a week, or can i break it up for the week( 200mgs, 200mgs?
    Thanks Again.

  2. #2
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007
    Test E and C are administered twice a week to keep the blood leves stables. Yes, 1 amp does equal 250 mg os test. There really isn't a need to take nolva throughout a cycle unless you are prone or unless the problem arises. (IMO) Are you talking about taking CyoGenX with you PCT or throughout the cycle too?

  3. #3
    kst68dog is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007
    ive been on the very same cycle for 6 days now and its going great....8lbs weight gain though i do realise its only water !im doing 400mgs once a week of test c,is this ok or should i do two 200mgs a week?

  4. #4
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    OK first off the dbol looks kinda low, the average user is doing 45mg, if you dont want to go that high, try 35mg of dbol a day. I perfer test E over test C, i gain more water weight on test C. If that amp is 250 why not make it an even 500mg a week to make life easy? its a modest bump up. In regards to splitting it up is a good idea, to keep a constant amount of test, in your system, in instead of having a weekly spike in test.

  5. #5
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    OK first off the dbol looks kinda low, the average user is doing 45mg, if you dont want to go that high, try 35mg of dbol a day. I perfer test E over test C, i gain more water weight on test C. If that amp is 250 why not make it an even 500mg a week to make life easy? its a modest bump up. In regards to splitting it up is a good idea, to keep a constant amount of test, in your system, in instead of having a weekly spike in test.

  6. #6
    luckylou's Avatar
    luckylou is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outta Kontrol
    Test E and C are administered twice a week to keep the blood leves stables. Yes, 1 amp does equal 250 mg os test. There really isn't a need to take nolva throughout a cycle unless you are prone or unless the problem arises. (IMO) Are you talking about taking CyoGenX with you PCT or throughout the cycle too?
    Yes, I Read all good things about CyoGenX . I was going to take it with Nolva
    through out the Cycle just in case.
    I want to be safe than sorry later through the weeks.
    Is this ok to take through the whole cycle?
    Last edited by luckylou; 04-08-2007 at 06:54 PM.

  7. #7
    luckylou's Avatar
    luckylou is offline Banned
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    OK first off the dbol looks kinda low, the average user is doing 45mg, if you dont want to go that high, try 35mg of dbol a day. I perfer test E over test C, i gain more water weight on test C. If that amp is 250 why not make it an even 500mg a week to make life easy? its a modest bump up. In regards to splitting it up is a good idea, to keep a constant amount of test, in your system, in instead of having a weekly spike in test.
    I was going to split Monday, 250mgs, Thursdays, 250mgs.
    also with the dbol tab form, should i take a liver pill?
    or should i shoot that also?

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