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  1. #1
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    DMSO transport of anabolics

    Anyone got any info on using DMSO for transporting anabolics into the body? I'm not planning on trying this method, just interested in the idea of it. It seems to me like you could use DMSO to avoid injections, although I'm not sure of what effect it would have on the compounds. DMSO has been used in the Veterinary field to transport chemicals/medicines into the body topically and it seems like it could work for anabolics as well. Has anyone experimented with this or have any info on it?

    DMSO from Wikipedia:

    Last edited by Dangerdan; 04-08-2007 at 07:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    THIS IZ WAI IM hoT!!!

    I dont think anyone can figure out what your proposing, you want to bond steriods to that stuff in one shot and some how transport faster and better?

  3. #3
    numbat's Avatar
    numbat is offline Member
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    In The Dark
    huh, if it didnt work you could always keep the rest around to strip paint.

  4. #4
    Adam F's Avatar
    Adam F is offline Associate Member
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    I have a few books about it here at my house. lol I have a lot of books since I am working on getting my Rn ceritfication. Anywho when I find them I will send you a PM on the arthurs. (Great Reads)! I dont know if you already read this, and yes I have a buddy of mine that is using DMSO right from instructions on website!

    Due to the fact that the acetate tablets burn fat but, at the same time, that in large part they are already deactivated in the liver, it would be most efficient to apply the compound locally, bringing the substance directly into the blood through the skin in the areas with undesired fat ***osits. At first this seems a little adventurous, but it is possible with the DMSO compound.

    Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is one of few substances which are fully absorbed through the skin and distributed through the body It is included in many ointments and gels which are used to treat sport injuries, contusions, swellings, and effusions in order to transport the casing substance through the skin. In addition, DMSO makes the skin permeable to other substances.

    Finely grind up one 25 mg Primobolan tablet with the grip of a knife on your kitchen board, mix it with half a teaspoon of DMSO gel and then apply a thin layer to your skin. It is important that you only apply it; do not rub it in. One or two applications are usually enough.

    Another way to avoid the liver and consequent destruction of the substance is to grind up the Primobolan tablets in a mortar and consume them together with heated vitamin E oil. The Primobolan/vitamin E mixture reaches the blood similar to Andriol that is the absorption occurs through the lymph system and the solution does not reach the liver through the portal vessel.

    Hope this helps!

  5. #5
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    is it going to work like testosterone gel? I think that stuff is weak.

  6. #6
    Adam F's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    THIS IZ WAI IM hoT!!!

    I dont think anyone can figure out what your proposing, you want to bond steriods to that stuff in one shot and some how transport faster and better?

    lol decoder you have to be a nerd like me to have read up on DHSO

  7. #7
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    yeah after reading i figured he wanted to put it in a gel.. I think thats comparative to drinking winstrol , IT will work but not as effective..

  8. #8
    Adam F's Avatar
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    My buddy uses it topically, but he also does injections. I am unsure how effective it is. I dont forsee it being that great maybe someday in the future

  9. #9
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Like I said, I'm not planning on using the stuff with any anabolics, but just interested in the theory. I hadn't seen DMSO mentioned on the steroid .com mainsite, but I'll check that out as well.

  10. #10
    Adam F's Avatar
    Adam F is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Dangerdan neither did I. I think I read that website 10 fold over, and forgot that I read it. It is a interesting theroy. There are a few really good books on the subject as well. (Wish I could remember the titles.)

  11. #11
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    I've got some DMSO that I use on occassion with a topical analgesic such as icyhot for muscle and joint pain and inflamation (tendonitis or tendonosis mainly). I get much better results with I mix the analgesic with DMSO and then apply it. I figured that I wasn't the first person to get the idea of using DMSO for anabolics and was hoping someone had experimented with it.

  12. #12
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    DMSO isn't new, and was very popular with Fina pellets. From what I remember, it's ineffective and smells like shit.

  13. #13
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr

    DMSO isn't new, and was very popular with Fina pellets. From what I remember, it's ineffective and smells like shit.
    You are correct: (1) it isn't new and (2) it doesn't smell good. Also, if you put it on your skin you instantly get this really foul taste in your mouth. As for the boo. . . part,

  14. #14
    gunzgunz is offline New Member
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    ive used dmso before for transport of various supplements intradermally. it works very well, however probably wouldnt recommend using anabolics via dmso because IV, or pill form would be much more effective. you would need alot of dmso in order to get any desired effect. and yea if your going to use dmso, be sure that your not using industrial grade stuff. just go to health/herbal stores to get the stuff for your skin. industrial grade dmso can contain other solvent, and various other crap in it that yourdont want in your skin. for example: people working in factories and car shops that use dmso must wear gloves when using the shit because some people have died b accidentally absorbing other cleaning materials that were laying arund just by touching it........... just a word of advice

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr

    DMSO isn't new, and was very popular with Fina pellets. From what I remember, it's ineffective and smells like shit.
    Oh man i did that probably 8 years ago. Before i knew about conversion kits.

    Huge difference between dsmo and injecting. Transdermal is a waste IMO

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