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  1. #1
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    Quickie on Clen!

    hello, i just recieved my order of clen /taurine and i was wondering if you guys can help me on establishing a cycle.

    i just want to get lean i already have some muscle so its all good.

    Im 19,
    185 pounds
    20% B.F

    i workout regularly as well as do cardio and am on a strict diet. i was originally 191 lb.

    can somene recommed a cycle if not what do you guys think abvout perfectbeast cycle on clen, should i follow it? and how much taurine should i take along side with clen=?

    help is always appreciated thanks!

  2. #2
    HSFootball's Avatar
    HSFootball is offline Associate Member
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    20mcgs ED for 2 weeks on and off. If you don't want to go on/off you can take benadryl every 3rd week to regulate your beta receptors.

  3. #3
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2007
    just 20mcgs? that seems a little low dont you think?

    also how much taurine goes with it?

  4. #4
    cbc5010's Avatar
    cbc5010 is offline Junior Member
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    you wanna take between 80-100mcg 2 weeks on 2 weeks off

  5. #5
    johnmacdan's Avatar
    johnmacdan is offline Associate Member
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    I'm gonna follow perfectbeast's plan going up to 100mcg and take the benadryl every 3rd week.

  6. #6
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    im sure your more interested in losing bodyfat, but u will lose quite a bit of muslce too, most people tend to run test with clen

  7. #7
    johnmacdan's Avatar
    johnmacdan is offline Associate Member
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    I thought clen was an anti-catabolic and would assist you in not losing muscle?

  8. #8
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cookiemonstR
    im sure your more interested in losing bodyfat, but u will lose quite a bit of muslce too, most people tend to run test with clen
    yea man i think your confusing T3 with clen dude, anyways yea i think ill follow perfectbeast plan

  9. #9
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    can anyone offer more advice?

  10. #10
    johnmacdan's Avatar
    johnmacdan is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kimo27
    can anyone offer more advice?
    I read in another thread that said to take 3-5g of Taurine a day. Half before workout, half after. Search Taurine and you will find it.

  11. #11
    fatrock's Avatar
    fatrock is offline Member
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    I would start out at 20 mcg and bump up 20 mcg a day until 100mcg no more than 120mcg. The standard cycle is 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. You need to take benadryl to rebuild your beta receptors. Most people take them the third week but i usually take a few at the end of each week and then a bunch the third week while in between cycles.
    Dont forget your taurine for the cramps.

    good luck Bro

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