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  1. #1
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    Angry Help. Jus not making progress.

    I'll try not make this long and boring and just give some general stats.
    34 yrs old
    15 %
    training for 18 years !

    I'm on PCT right from my second cycle
    1-10 500mg Testc
    1-10 450mg Deca
    1-5 75mgED Test prop
    PCT= HCG , clomid, nolva

    I train 4 days a week hitting each body part once a week.
    Train very intensely, using drop sets, super sets etc. on occasion

    I have made great improvements in my diet eating eating approx, 3300-3500 cals a day with about 325 grams protien.

    Very low fat as well.

    I've been doing great the with everything but I just cant seem to get my measurements up. They went up mid cycle: 1 inch on my quads, 1/2 inch on my calves 1/4 inch on my bis. But the measurements always fall back after my cycle. I feel as though I'm looking a bit bigger and better in the mirror but my measurements are barly budgeing. Since June of 2006 to today, I'm up 12 pounds. Body fat has stayed constant (15%). I'm getting extremely frustrated! I'm not sure what needs changing. I thiught these cycles would boost me over the edge. I'm trying my best to eat more beef and cals. I havnt done cardio in about a year either. If I'm going to loose all my gains after a cycle whats the sense of doing it any more. Any input welcome. I dont get where the 12 pounds went. My clothes fit tighter, my body fat hasnt changed, but my measurments aren't moving. I just dont get it.
    Last edited by Wizeguy; 04-17-2007 at 08:42 PM.

  2. #2
    gigem's Avatar
    gigem is offline Banned
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    hmmm a shot in the dark i mean if your diet is solid pct is solid how long have you been doing your current workout or do you change it up? im sure you do just a question ok your up 12 lbs when was your last cycle and what were you up at end of cycle?

  3. #3
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    I started my last cycle @ 207. I went up to 214 by the end, actually by the 5th week and then stopped gaining. I'm in my 5th week of PCT.
    I have been doing my current work out for years but I mix it up with super sets, drop sets, low reps, high reps etc.

  4. #4
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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  5. #5
    p01ntbl4nk is offline New Member
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    BRO do this trust me. 50-25-25. or 40-30-30 keep your carbs and fat the same bro trust me. Fats being used as an energy source work trust me. I do it. Its woking for me give it a shot.

  6. #6
    Geeezer's Avatar
    Geeezer is offline Senior Member
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    When you starting you PCT?
    I see you run your deca 1 though 12
    Go 2 weeks longer with you test
    Maybe run your Prop at the end of your cycle
    1 to 10 weeks deca
    1 to 10 weeks with Test E
    11 though 12 with test prop.
    Then you can go right into your PCT the next day after you last shot of test P

  7. #7
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    source check [email protected]
    Blog Entries
    maybe something with ur gear?

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