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  1. #1
    gym_rat_jason is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2007

    Hi guys! its me again decided to go on a test e only cycle/

    i am 20 .Training for a year and a half now and planning to go on a test e only cycle. However, when i went through multiple webbies, somem of the injectable cycles needs HCG for pct while some others dosent can you tell me why. Can you guys gimmie some ideas of a pct that you guys have done on yourselves and with great results in terms of not having any sides and retaining the most amount of muscles.

  2. #2
    Stock's Avatar
    Stock is offline Member
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    You have not researched PCT enough or you would know the answers to your questions. Plus, at 20, you are too young and no one is going to just give you a PCT cycle because you are too lazy to research it on your own.

    IMO, at 20 the last thing you want is for your dick to quit working for a few least that was the way I felt when I was 20...

  3. #3
    MrMe's Avatar
    MrMe is offline Member
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    You are a little young to be starting, i would try to focus on my diet and training and get my weight up and in a year or two cycle. Most your age will do it either way so IMO for test e you should do the nolva/clomid PCT for 4 weeks.

    The reason there is so many different opions on PCT is it ***ends on the gear your running, the duration of the cycle, what you respond better to, your age, and im sure there are other factors that come into play. The one you see mostly for first cycles and test e is the nolva and clomid. You will know how you responded to it afterwards and will be better equiped for next cycle.

  4. #4
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stock
    You have not researched PCT enough or you would know the answers to your questions. Plus, at 20, you are too young and no one is going to just give you a PCT cycle because you are too lazy to research it on your own.

    IMO, at 20 the last thing you want is for your dick to quit working for a few least that was the way I felt when I was 20...
    bump to that

  5. #5
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    If your going to do a cycle a test e cycle only is the right way to go. You will not need a hcg for that. How long are you running it for 10-12 weeks? With test e you will want to wait about 2 weeks after your last shot to start PCT. Others my differ but I think a nolva/clomid pct for 2 weeks is all you would need if you use moderate doses of the test e.

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