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  1. #1
    stvn21_ is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Hows my 2nd cycle look?

    First was just test suspension for 30days at 75mg/d alongside winny at 50mg/d, was pretty good gained 5lbs, kept it.. 5lbs of solid and i look a little leaner. Next is

    1 - 6 : DBOL 30mg daily
    1 - 6 : Suspension 100mg daily

    Current stats, 5ft 11 194lbs 14%

    hoping to hit a solid 200-202lbs post pct

  2. #2
    bolt4040 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2004
    I would hit the dbol at 40mg a day for 4 weeks...

  3. #3
    juice4life's Avatar
    juice4life is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    Is there a reason you are only running this for 6 weeks? What does your PCT look like?

    I would go with 4 weeks of the Dbol as well, but I would stick to 30mg. I'm a firm believer in less is more with dbol because more just seems to bring more water retention and side effects. How old are you? Sounds like you could do more naturally.

    You also need to post up your diet because you are wasting your money on gear.

    Also, why not run a good cycle, and just go with 500mg test E for 10 weeks?

  4. #4
    stvn21_ is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Diet is solid, last was 3500 cals daily, 280g protein each day.. I gained 5lbs of lean tissue and waist dropped 1/5"

    This is a good cycle, also.. I enjoyed suspension, seeing results right away rather then waiting for bloodlevels to peak on test-e or something similar, I like the idea of short esters allaround starting pct right after your shot.. getting off and over with quickly, sides are easy to control. I don't mind pinning/pain so its no biggie to me

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