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  1. #1
    skank's Avatar
    skank is offline Member
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    When to inject during weekly routine

    I will be using 400mg Test E once a week for 10 weeks. Workout routine is Mon-chest,shoulders Tues-quads,calves Wed-upper back,abs Th-hams,low back Fri-tri's,bi's,abs. Being that Test E is a long ester , when do I inject? Sunday with 1 day for it to get in my system before the routine? I know it is most effective in the first 5 days. When it peaks during the week I am not sure. Based on its half life I would think after injecting, it would be most effective a day later and than gradually decline through the week until the next injection a week later.

    I researched this for 4 hours and found nothing except for a couple of people using short esters with a similar question. Not the same. Thankyou.

  2. #2
    MrMe's Avatar
    MrMe is offline Member
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    You will have to inject twice a week. Monday and thursday, or offset to whatever you want... Sun and wednesday

  3. #3
    skank's Avatar
    skank is offline Member
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    Yes, that makes the most sense to benefit the 5 day workout. A Sunday and Wed. injection would spread it out perfectly during the right part of the week. Thankyou MrMe.

  4. #4
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    No. You are injecting twice weekly in order to keep your blood levels steady/consistent.

    By the way, what are your stats? Age, height, weight, yrs training, cycle exp. etc......

    Quote Originally Posted by skank
    Yes, that makes the most sense to benefit the 5 day workout. A Sunday and Wed. injection would spread it out perfectly during the right part of the week. Thankyou MrMe.
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 04-18-2007 at 06:41 PM.

  5. #5
    skank's Avatar
    skank is offline Member
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    Age 49, weight 180, height 5'10". 15 years weight training, but usually as off season to other sports in the past. Did one short cycle over the winter of Test Cyp 200mg a week to see how my body would respond , only 6 weeks followed by PCT 2 weeks after last injection. No problems, well being improved and did add a few pounds. Definitely a little stronger in the gym. The new cycle will not be started until mid summer.

  6. #6
    skank's Avatar
    skank is offline Member
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    Dec 2006
    I am still curious when testosterone levels are the highest after injecting. Is there a graph or study to show this in blood levels, the rise and gradual decline of the long ester Test E?

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