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  1. #1
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Strength over mass???

    If you were choosing a cycle and were not looking to put on a lot of mass, but you were looking to add as much strength as possible, how would you do it? What would you choose for your cycle? What would your diet look like? Would you change the parameters of your workouts?(longer sets, higher reps). Would you increase cardio?
    I want as big a gain in strength as I can get, without a large gain in body weight. I know its not the normal, but I need to stay fairly lean.

  2. #2
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    sounds like you should research some anavar . Very little mass and a lot of strength.

  3. #3
    fabry is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    halo (fluoxymesterone), seems to be the strongest stuff for pure strength, but also very toxic!
    var and tren are other good drugs that gives you strength...

    i think that if your cal (and protein) intake is not enough big, you wont put lot of weight even if you use pure bulker roids...

  4. #4
    bigfnguy is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    you may want to check into the powerlifting section of this site. I am sure you can find some good strength workouts there that is just for that rather than size. As far as diet, get ready to eat! High protein (2g per lb of body weight) 1.5 to 2g complex carbs per lb of body weight, low low low fat. This should keep the weight off. The var is probably great advise as well. No mater what you do, you will get some size with the strength, but it will be limited if you work out right.

    IMO, you will find that lots of short sets such as 8 to 10 sets of 3 or 4 reps with as much weight as you can do with each exercise with short rest between. (45 seconds to a minute and a half) also do 4 exercises per body part (Example) Flat bench, 8 to 10 sets 3 or 4 reps/ Incline bench, same sets and reps/ decline bench same sets and reps/ and finish off with flys, or heavy peck deck or cable cross same sets and reps. that would be a good example for a strength only workout for chest. The same would follow the rest of the body. One body part per day, and hit every part once a week.

    Just remember to keep a good trustworthy spotter close with you. You will need to use heavy enough weight to be at failure each set.


    This is only my opinion, and what I have learned in the past with my body type. The difference was I got to a point where I didn't care how big I got, so I uped my reps to sets of 8 to 10 and fewer sets trying to get bigger.

    Good luck, and lift safe! Do your research and know that I have found some excellent advise in here. Lots of knowledge exceeding my own on this site.
    Good luck!


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