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Thread: Tren E

  1. #1
    cbc5010's Avatar
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    Tren E

    I was just wondering how many mg of Tren E you would need to inject each week and how long to have a solid cycle.....I am using 750 mg of test E with it but i do not know how many mg of Tren E to use each week....

  2. #2
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Do 300-400mg a week.

  3. #3
    cbc5010's Avatar
    cbc5010 is offline Junior Member
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    really thats all???

  4. #4
    cbc5010's Avatar
    cbc5010 is offline Junior Member
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    and for how many weeks do i run Tren E for it to be effective.

  5. #5
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Tren is some powerful ass stuff u don't need a lot to see its results. Since Tren E may take a bit to kickin i'd suggest running it at least 8 weeks.

  6. #6
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    Can always front load it too, that works well and your cycle will be nice and short.

  7. #7
    cbc5010's Avatar
    cbc5010 is offline Junior Member
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    ok thank you very much for your advice guys

  8. #8
    IPStack is offline Junior Member
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    Usually 6 to 8 weeks, 50 to 75 mg ED

  9. #9
    kongloud is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    Can always front load it too, that works well and your cycle will be nice and short.

    how do u front load tren e?

  10. #10
    cbc5010's Avatar
    cbc5010 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IPStack
    Usually 6 to 8 weeks, 50 to 75 mg ED
    Were talking about Tren E not Tren A...why would you inject Tren E every day that is why it has the long ester for less frequent injections.

  11. #11
    cbc5010's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kongloud
    how do u front load tren e?
    to frontload you just double your normal doasge for the first if you were going to use 400 mg of Tren E for 12 weeks wekk one would have 800mg of Tren E and then 400 mg of Tren E for the next 11 weeks......however I have been reading and my findings were that tren shood not be frontloaded if you are using it for the first time, and that actually goes for most compund b/c you dont know how your going to react to it.....but tren supposedly has heavy frontloading coould be dangerous

  12. #12
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cbc5010
    to frontload you just double your normal doasge for the first if you were going to use 400 mg of Tren E for 12 weeks wekk one would have 800mg of Tren E and then 400 mg of Tren E for the next 11 weeks......however I have been reading and my findings were that tren shood not be frontloaded if you are using it for the first time, and that actually goes for most compund b/c you dont know how your going to react to it.....but tren supposedly has heavy frontloading coould be dangerous
    Yeah, first time I used tren E I was treating it like it was tren acetate. I had extensive experience with the acetate version. I did 100 mg tren e/day and by the 3rd week it kicked me in the ass. Have to use lower dose of the longer estered version. I think the 300-400 mg/wk is a good idea. If youre doing a long cycle, dont worry about front loading. Especially if your new to it.

  13. #13
    kongloud is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cbc5010
    to frontload you just double your normal doasge for the first if you were going to use 400 mg of Tren E for 12 weeks wekk one would have 800mg of Tren E and then 400 mg of Tren E for the next 11 weeks......however I have been reading and my findings were that tren shood not be frontloaded if you are using it for the first time, and that actually goes for most compund b/c you dont know how your going to react to it.....but tren supposedly has heavy frontloading coould be dangerous
    thats what i though. why would u front load tren e considering the sides. damn 800mg of tren e! sounds like poison

  14. #14
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Actually - just took 1000mg of tren e on sun/mon ... and will hit it again fri/sat ... making my total dosage this week of tren 1600mg, and test-e 2000mg ... and expect to be getting results within a few days. It's in EO ... which I hear (can anyone confirm) takes longer to release in the body...?

    I've used tren before, and know what it will do - thus, waiting for the results I know and expect is unecessary. The first time I used tren, I used acetate... as it is quite logical to estimate your long-estered dosing based on short esters, which grant the user quick manipulation.

    Furthermore, acetate is about ~13% stonger, mg per mg than enanthate ... so I doubt it's defensible to say that enanthate is stronger, as the ester takes up more space molecularly the longer (larger) it is. For those of you inclined to correct me on this number... the molecular weight of tren base is less than that of test base, and thus, the assumption that all esters consume a static amount per mL with respect to the parent hormone is inaccurate, because by definition a mg is a measure of weight, and the parent hormone attached the the identical ester ... is a DIFFERENT weight.

    I say do it up... and keep letro on hand... although technically, you [should] decide if you're going to use letro in advance ... as in, PRIOR to even STARTING tren - as it takes 60 ish days to get to a stable level.

    Nolvadex on the other hand ... is liver toxic, may cause benign prostate enlargement, is carcinigenic, and is occular-toxic (poisenous to the eyes). So, although it's quite immediate at replying to the potentiation of Pr by estrogen, I'd honestly take gyno over BPH, vision loss (and floaters in the eyes), and liver carcinomas. Gyno surgery isn't expensive compared to the value of [most] peoples lives. Try exemestane or ... um... raloxefene (sp?). Those are very new AI's and SERM's, respectively.
    Last edited by Two4the$$; 05-04-2007 at 12:37 AM.

  15. #15
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    I'm on pretty much the cycle you are thinking about right now:

  16. #16
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Two4the$$

    Furthermore, acetate is about ~13% stonger, mg per mg than enanthate... so I doubt it's defensible to say that enanthate is stronger, as the ester takes up more space molecularly the longer (larger) it is. For those of you inclined to correct me on this number... the molecular weight of tren base is less than that of test base, and thus, the assumption that all esters consume a static amount per mL with respect to the parent hormone is inaccurate, because by definition a mg is a measure of weight, and the parent hormone attached the the identical ester ... is a DIFFERENT weight.
    This is true, mg per mg tren acetate would be stronger. Only thing youre not considering is how much longer the tren E stays active in your body. Youre looking at more than 2 weeks, and during that time as you continue to dose on it your levels will climb higher and higher. YOull never reach the blood levels doing acetate that you will doing enanthate . In a week or two your sides are going to be terrible, considering that dosage youre taking. I was on just 700 mg tren e/wk and it proved to be to much for me. Now I was taking more compounds along with it than you are, but I think it was mostly the tren that reared its ugly head.

  17. #17
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    This is true, mg per mg tren acetate would be stronger. Only thing youre not considering is how much longer the tren E stays active in your body. Youre looking at more than 2 weeks, and during that time as you continue to dose on it your levels will climb higher and higher. YOull never reach the blood levels doing acetate that you will doing enanthate. In a week or two your sides are going to be terrible, considering that dosage youre taking. I was on just 700 mg tren e/wk and it proved to be to much for me. Now I was taking more compounds along with it than you are, but I think it was mostly the tren that reared its ugly head.
    Actually - if you do 100mg ED of acetate, and 700mg EW of enanthate , you'll NEVER get equivalent enanthate released per week as you would acetate.

    The difference however, is that it will be working stably, all hours of the day, at a higher average number excluding the peaks of acetate.

    anyway, i believe that you are reporting your experiences honestly, but, they are only your experiences, and don't represent the average experience... and that your experiences as you honestly state, are somewhat ambiguous as you were taking other things at the same time.

    I'm just being contraversial, but don't mean to start a non-productive argument...


  18. #18
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    I'm doing 400 mg E4d, pharma grade, did the first shot 800 mg.........decisions were split between what my next shot should be, I did 400....and I'm doing my third shot today - I can't really telly you if its working yet, because I look better EACH day, but the diet and cardio anre perfect and I've been taking 100 mg prop ED for about 3 weeeks now, and oral winny for about 10 days......and I've always had trouble with insomnia although it seems its getting worse, seems like I'm sweating more and I'm becoming more irritable...

  19. #19
    bor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717
    Tren is some powerful ass stuff u don't need a lot to see its results. Since Tren E may take a bit to kickin i'd suggest running it at least 8 weeks.
    I agree, seems logical since its a long ester, but I'll be doing it for 6-7, hence the frontload....we'll see

  20. #20
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Two4the$$
    Actually - if you do 100mg ED of acetate, and 700mg EW of enanthate, you'll NEVER get equivalent enanthate released per week as you would acetate.

    Its true for the amount you inject each week, you will get more trenbalone out of the acetate than the enanthate . The thing is, with the enanthate the trenbalone will stay active so much longer in your body and as you go week to week the levels start to build up. This is true with any longer ester. If you think that your levels of tren using the acetate will still be more than using the enanthate by week 5 or 6, you have it all wrong. Eventually the blood levels will be the same with each. So im just saying that when using the tren e you have to be careful because it might feel like an ok dose at first, by after a few weeks the blood levels will climb and by then it might be too much. Another thing I like to do is front load now, and by doing this the tren e kicks in before the end of the first week.
    Last edited by Maldorf; 05-06-2007 at 04:58 PM.

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