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  1. #1
    Bigstiffler's Avatar
    Bigstiffler is offline Associate Member
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    New York

    4th cycle need opinions!

    so i'm gettin ready to start my 4th cycle & i'm very pyched! but i duno what to run. so far i have 2 options heres what they look like
    weeks 1-12 test cyp 750mgs/wk
    weeks 1-4 or 5 30mg dbol (pink thais!)
    **weeks 1-6 50 eod tren ace
    ** instead of tren weeks 1-12 eq 600mgs/wk

    i'm looking to bulk as much as possible but not tryin to put on any more fat.
    currently i'm 5'9.5" 209lbs about 13%b/f.. i'm looking to hit around 230lbs with the same b/f or lower i was also thinking of runing winny for the last 4wks too just to cut up.

    so should i run the tren or eq & are the doses good or what? i have never touched tren b4 but heard nothing but good stuff bout it! any suggestions what to run & why will help!!

  2. #2
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigstiffler
    so i'm gettin ready to start my 4th cycle & i'm very pyched! but i duno what to run. so far i have 2 options heres what they look like
    weeks 1-12 test cyp 750mgs/wk
    weeks 1-4 or 5 30mg dbol (pink thais!)
    **weeks 1-6 50 eod tren ace
    ** instead of tren weeks 1-12 eq 600mgs/wk

    i'm looking to bulk as much as possible but not tryin to put on any more fat.
    currently i'm 5'9.5" 209lbs about 13%b/f.. i'm looking to hit around 230lbs with the same b/f or lower i was also thinking of runing winny for the last 4wks too just to cut up.

    so should i run the tren or eq & are the doses good or what? i have never touched tren b4 but heard nothing but good stuff bout it! any suggestions what to run & why will help!!
    What did your previous cycles look like?

    I would personally run the Tren but, it needs to injected ED to avoid sides.

    What is your PCT going to consist of?

  3. #3
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigstiffler
    i have never touched tren b4 but heard nothing but good stuff bout it! any suggestions what to run & why will help!!
    You haven't heard everything then because there is a lot of bad stuff. Hard to sleep, lots of sweating, nightmares, tren cough, makes you very moody, tren dik and low libido, requires an AI to be run with it but yes it does work good.

  4. #4
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    i think it will be better when u write ur previous cycles with doses

  5. #5
    Bigstiffler's Avatar
    Bigstiffler is offline Associate Member
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    New York
    my previous were 1st cycle 10wks test 400mgs/wk
    2nd cycle 12wks test 500mgs/wk
    3rd cycle 12wks test 750mgs/wk, anadrol 50mgs wks 1-2 75mgswks 3-4
    now goin on the 4th!
    my pct will consist of nolva, clomid, tribulus
    if i ran the tren i would use liquidex throughout the cycle
    i also ran into a gyno prob last cycle i ran the letro but it got the lumps behind both of nipples down to about the size of a peanut m&m so i was thinken about running some letro during the next cycle too

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