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  1. #1
    Zipper's Avatar
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    Lump In Pec after inj.

    injected 1 cc of deca into pec 4 days ago. it swelled up a bit but pain was not bad. now today i have a lump the size of a puck and is rock hard. there is no redness or fever so i dont think it is infected.also right now there is no pain at all. i think i maybe hit the same spot i hit last week. Anybody ever have this happen before?

  2. #2
    Zipper's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Zipper's Avatar
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  4. #4
    dale is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipper
    injected 1 cc of deca into pec 4 days ago. it swelled up a bit but pain was not bad. now today i have a lump the size of a puck and is rock hard. there is no redness or fever so i dont think it is infected.also right now there is no pain at all. i think i maybe hit the same spot i hit last week. Anybody ever have this happen before?
    i had a friend that was a nurse inject the roids because i was too much of a pussy to do it myself. i asked her about injecting into the pecs and said "NEVER inject anything in your pecs....too close to the heart!". i know a lot of bros do it any way but i never will.

  5. #5
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dale
    i had a friend that was a nurse inject the roids because i was too much of a pussy to do it myself. i asked her about injecting into the pecs and said "NEVER inject anything in your pecs....too close to the heart!". i know a lot of bros do it any way but i never will.
    i dont see the relavency of injecting close to the heart......its still an intramuscular injection which means it has to be absorbed through the muscle first so i dont see how that could mean anything

    as far as the lump i get a knot/lump after every 1cc inject of my prop/tren blend i'll ice it for 2 days to keep the swelling down then if its still there i'll throw a heating pad on it for a while and its gone the next day....dont heat it right away though you'll jus tdraw blood to it and make the swelling worse.

    and dont freak out on thinking its an abcess yet because if its rock hard its prolly just cuz its a virgin muscle and thats its delts/glutes still do that every inject i just deal with it. if you get a fever then i'd become conserned or if the knot gets "mushy" or soft then that would sound like fluid biuld up/abcess but mine swell up and turn red and get hot for days every time and its never a big deal just a reaction i have to the prop/tren just wait it out man.

  6. #6
    dale is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    i dont see the relavency of injecting close to the heart......its still an intramuscular injection which means it has to be absorbed through the muscle first so i dont see how that could mean anything

    as far as the lump i get a knot/lump after every 1cc inject of my prop/tren blend i'll ice it for 2 days to keep the swelling down then if its still there i'll throw a heating pad on it for a while and its gone the next day....dont heat it right away though you'll jus tdraw blood to it and make the swelling worse.

    and dont freak out on thinking its an abcess yet because if its rock hard its prolly just cuz its a virgin muscle and thats its delts/glutes still do that every inject i just deal with it. if you get a fever then i'd become conserned or if the knot gets "mushy" or soft then that would sound like fluid biuld up/abcess but mine swell up and turn red and get hot for days every time and its never a big deal just a reaction i have to the prop/tren just wait it out man.
    if you accidently hit a vein you could be F*CKED.

  7. #7
    Zipper's Avatar
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    its seems to be better today. not as hard as it was yesterday! its not a virgin muscle cause i have hit it many times. I was thinking that if i hit the same exact spot as last week it could explain why this happened?

  8. #8
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dale
    if you accidently hit a vein you could be F*CKED.
    no different than hitting a vein in your leg/arm/delt/ass or anywhere else. just cuz ur peck is inchest from your heart doesnt mean anything!

  9. #9
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipper
    its seems to be better today. not as hard as it was yesterday! its not a virgin muscle cause i have hit it many times. I was thinking that if i hit the same exact spot as last week it could explain why this happened?
    or you could have hit anerve or maybe moved around a lil to much and it got inflamed....lots of possibilities just make sure you dont get a fever or feel sick. if so i'd have it looked at but until then i wouldnt worry.

  10. #10
    Zipper's Avatar
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    thanks haro! i think now as i look back i may have rushed the shot and probably was moving around a bit.

  11. #11
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipper
    thanks haro! i think now as i look back i may have rushed the shot and probably was moving around a bit.
    yea thats why i hate shooting glutues cuz i cant hold still i shake/move to much and then i get a knot/inflamation from tramatizing the muscle.

    but like i said if you wanna get the lump down just hit it with a heating pad a couple days after the initial injection it should disperse if theres oil sitting in there

  12. #12
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Ice, 20 minute intervals, for 48 hours. then alternate heat and ice 20 minute intervals. At least thats the protocol for swelling due to an injury. Been a while, but Im pretty sure thats correct.

  13. #13
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    yea thats what i said ice for 2 days after in ject then start applying heat....

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