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  1. #1
    jdm95lude's Avatar
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    Dianabol or Anadrol

    My buddy plans on doing a Test C, Deca 12wk cycle. He is wanting to do a kickstart which would be better he doesnt like the fact of orals but I told him there are safe ways which would be safer and more affectice? Dianabol or Anadrol for a kickstart?

  2. #2
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
    SUB-ZERO is offline New Member
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    Either or bro, doesnt make much of a difference, i mean using one over the other isnt going to be that huge in terms of gains.

    Its really up to the user, IMO i would go with the a-bombs, just a personal preference.

  3. #3
    jdm95lude's Avatar
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    do a-bombs have allot of water retention b.c I know d-bol is kinda bad with the water.

  4. #4
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    ***endent on your diet bro and whether you opt to use an AI or not.

    If you keep your sodium and sugar levels low and incorporate an AI like letro to combat water ret, you should be golden.

    Water ret should be min if any at all.

  5. #5
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    in my personal experience, I would suggest using Dbol for your kickstart. i know medications effect people differently but I felt hell of a lot better, ate more, had a lot more energy, sex drive was through the roof and 40mg dbol spread out through the day was just as effective, if not more, than 100mg Anadrol .

    I felt sick, lazy and bloated when I take Anadrol anymore than 50mg/day and that's not really a dose that will give you a good kickstart.

    I personally would suggest using 40 - 50 mg of a good brand of Dbol per day as a kickstart. Of course spread this out as much as possible like taking 10 or 15mg every 4 hours to keep blood levels as stable as possible (going off of it's half-life).

    My $.02

  6. #6
    jdm95lude's Avatar
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    yeah I know dbol raises blood pressure hardcore. Thanks for the help Dizz.

  7. #7
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdm95lude
    yeah I know dbol raises blood pressure hardcore. Thanks for the help Dizz.
    Well a lot of strong androgens will raise your blood pressure to an extent. I know Tren and Anadrol raised mine to unacceptable levels but everyone reacts differently so I'm just telling you my experience....Trenbolone , Anadrol, high doses of testosterone (above 600mg/wk) and to a small extent Dbol increased my blood pressure. Never ran Deca or EQ alone so I can't say if that had an effect on blood pressure for me.


  8. #8
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    i like d-bol better... for alot of reasons but mainly the overall feeling of welling being on dianabol ... a-bombs make me feel like shit

  9. #9
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J*U*icEd
    i like d-bol better... for alot of reasons but mainly the overall feeling of welling being on dianabol... a-bombs make me feel like shit
    I definitely feel a whole hell of a lot better on Dbol than Anadrol 's. The feeling of "well-being" is kinda indescribable besides that you feel like you have so much more energy, in a better mood and just a generally much better effect.


  10. #10
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    IMO in terms of gains Anadrol will provide more, and if the user is looking to get the most gains he will run Anadrol, and deal with the sides in order to achieve his goal(s)

  11. #11
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdm95lude
    yeah I know dbol raises blood pressure hardcore. Thanks for the help Dizz.
    Basically any compound will raise your BP, remember that AAS will raise your RBC count. The more your RBC count rises, the more of a chance you will have for high BP.

  12. #12
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUB-ZERO
    IMO in terms of gains Anadrol will provide more, and if the user is looking to get the most gains he will run Anadrol, and deal with the sides in order to achieve his goal(s)
    true but, You have to figure the minimum recommended dose for anadrol being 100mgs and Dbol 40mgs so there's a difference in blood concentration in the beginning. It's hard to train hard and eat well when you feel sick and lazy on anadrol. It was to the point where I didn't even feel like leaving the appartment or eating anything....I just felt like laying on the couch. And I know, everyone reacts differently to this hormone...but this is how I reacted.


  13. #13
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    true but, You have to figure the minimum recommended dose for anadrol being 100mgs and Dbol 40mgs so there's a difference in blood concentration in the beginning. It's hard to train hard and eat well when you feel sick and lazy on anadrol. It was to the point where I didn't even feel like leaving the appartment or eating anything....I just felt like laying on the couch. And I know, everyone reacts differently to this hormone...but this is how I reacted.

    I see where your coming from bro, and its understandable.

    Sorry to hear about the bad experience with Anadrol. To me it really provides alot in terms of gains, but with minimal sides.

  14. #14
    Decoder's Avatar
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    I have some dbol now, I perfer dbol over anadrol , anadrol has way more sides.

  15. #15
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUB-ZERO
    I see where your coming from bro, and its understandable.

    Sorry to hear about the bad experience with Anadrol. To me it really provides alot in terms of gains, but with minimal sides.

    I know, I wish it didn't effect me the way it does. I can take it for a week without those sides and I usually get a good boost in strength and weight in that first week. I wish I could take it longer, I can only imagine the initial gains, but I just start feeling like crap and can't continue it.

  16. #16
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    Yah bro, not really worth running a compound that hinders with your appetite and overall well being, as gains will be minimal.

    However and this is just a thought, maybe you could incorporate some EQ or B-12 or a combo of both, to help raise your appetite and energy levels.

  17. #17
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUB-ZERO
    Yah bro, not really worth running a compound that hinders with your appetite and overall well being, as gains will be minimal.

    However and this is just a thought, maybe you could incorporate some EQ or B-12 or a combo of both, to help raise your appetite and energy levels.
    Something I didn't think of before, B complex can be bought in most vet supply stores fo very cheap and does help with energy/appetite. Very cheap way of dealing with those side effects of Anadrol ......good thinkin SUB


  18. #18
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    No problem bro, glad to have helped.

  19. #19
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    I have tryed both and to be honest Drol suck for me. I have taking human grade and UGL drol. I have felt lazy, cant be bothered attitude and just a shitty feeling. However the dbol gave me really high BP. Since taling the drol i havn't gained any weight due to me not eating much allso i have been pissing non stop if that makes any sence?

  20. #20
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    How about taking both at a lower dosage. That's what I'm planning to do on my next cycle. Probably do around 20-30 d-bol and 50 d-drol.

    I've read that there might even be synergy between the two.

  21. #21
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    he doesnt have to do either really. He can just front load with the test and deca during the first week of the cycle. That first week, just double up on the dosage.

  22. #22
    juice4life's Avatar
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    All I know is I'm up 7lbs in my first week of Dbol , look and feel jakked as hell, and my lifts have already gone up a ton, and I'm only taking 25mg a day. I'm not holding any water yet either. I'm running test with it by the way fellas. No worries.

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