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  1. #1
    Kansas City Boy is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2007

    Exclamation Newbie with a couple questions

    Im taking test e 450/week and eq 450/week for 6 weeks. The test e is giving me a lot of problems so I think im going to drop it if it acts up again... What should I replace it with?? Is there an oral I should take instead of injections? my past two shots in my left and right cheek have been terrible. first on the right side.. My cheek swelled up and my tail bone did too! Second time i did my left cheek swelled up but not as bad as the first time.... Should i try it a third time or give it up?? My stuff is legit and my placement is fine. the needle is 1.5in and .25 gauge.. Everythings fine there... I think my body doesnt want it injected.. Should i get an oral version.. If not.. what should i replace it with and also should i run them longer than 6 weeks each?

    Also should i be taking milk thistle or anything with this?? And what should i pct with?

  2. #2
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kansas City Boy
    Im taking test e 450/week and eq 450/week for 6 weeks. The test e is giving me a lot of problems so I think im going to drop it if it acts up again... What should I replace it with?? Is there an oral I should take instead of injections? my past two shots in my left and right cheek have been terrible. first on the right side.. My cheek swelled up and my tail bone did too! Second time i did my left cheek swelled up but not as bad as the first time.... Should i try it a third time or give it up?? My stuff is legit and my placement is fine. the needle is 1.5in and .25 gauge.. Everythings fine there... I think my body doesnt want it injected.. Should i get an oral version.. If not.. what should i replace it with and also should i run them longer than 6 weeks each?

    Also should i be taking milk thistle or anything with this?? And what should i pct with?
    If this is your first cycle, you are going to have some injection pain/soreness because you are injecting into virgin muscle. Just stau with it for a while. As long as you practise sterile and proper injection procedures, the pain will subside as you go. Also, 6 weeks is too short for a long estered cycle. You should run your cycle a minimum of 10 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    you got to inject very slowly that will help tremendasly. also masage the area after you inject for 5 mins.

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kansas City Boy
    Im taking test e 450/week and eq 450/week for 6 weeks. The test e is giving me a lot of problems so I think im going to drop it if it acts up again... What should I replace it with?? Is there an oral I should take instead of injections? my past two shots in my left and right cheek have been terrible. first on the right side.. My cheek swelled up and my tail bone did too! Second time i did my left cheek swelled up but not as bad as the first time.... Should i try it a third time or give it up?? My stuff is legit and my placement is fine. the needle is 1.5in and .25 gauge.. Everythings fine there... I think my body doesnt want it injected.. Should i get an oral version.. If not.. what should i replace it with and also should i run them longer than 6 weeks each?

    Also should i be taking milk thistle or anything with this?? And what should i pct with?

    What are your complete stats? answer ALL the green questions at the bottom of this post.
    Your length of the cycle is WRONG for Test E and EQ as both are LONG esters that need 4-8 weeks just to fully kick in for the test and I would NOT run EQ for any less than 12 weeks.

    If this is your first time injecting, there is gonna be PAIN as your body adapts to being injected. Make sure you inject SLOWLY, try not to move the needle as this will cause more pain. You can ice/heat the area after and massage area to help dissipate the oil

  5. #5
    Kansas City Boy is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    thanks guys!

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