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  1. #1
    sci muscle's Avatar
    sci muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Question oily skin, from DHT or estrogen?

    I have read serious articles that contradict eachother about oily skin and acne.
    One article claimed oily skin is from the testosterone turning to DHT. Other articles have claimed it is from aromatizing to estrogen. I am taking test-e and arimidex . Today I started to feel the effects of the test....oily skin, increased aggression and libido, pumped up feeling in the gym, but since I am using arimidex, the oily skin must be from DHT and not estrogen, correct?

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good question...unfortunately I don't have a definitive answer for you...I'll look into this and see what comes up.


  3. #3
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    Bro I took 500mgs/week test E with 2mgs of Amiridex a day and I my face was so greasy it was probably flamable.

  4. #4
    sci muscle's Avatar
    sci muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Nevermind, I just looked it IS DHT. Alot of 'gurus' obviously don't know what they are talking about after all. It is high levels of DHT that cause oliy skin and acne, not estrogen. Taking AIs won't help as brian and I have found out.

  5. #5
    Kayne is offline New Member
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    what can you do to prevent?

  6. #6
    Bojangles69's Avatar
    Bojangles69 is offline Banned
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    Real simple:

    You can either start this with your cycle or the second you begin to see your skin getting noticably oilier. Go to a local vitamin shop. Find pantothenic acid. Its water soluble, safe, and works for me and many others like a charm.

    Also use the cheapest highest dose brand they sell. Ideally you want 500mg (or 1/2 gram) a pill. And I never noticed the cheaper brands of this particular vitamin working less or more than the more $$ ones. But take **2** pills/500mg, 5 x's a day (spaced somewhat evenly throughout the day) which = 10,000mg a day. And pantothenic acid will increase coenzyme-A in your body which breaks down oils in your blood and converts them to into other shit.

    Your skin should not be oily at all after 3-4 days. If still it is you can increase the dose no more than a couple more grams a day. (you shouldnt need to go higher) Stay on it for your whole cycle, oily skin will not be a problem. And I prefer to always drink AT LOT of extra water on B vitamins just to wash them out. Go google "pantothenic acid" for more information.

    That and lots of vitamin c (wont do shit for oily skin) are my personal favorites.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 05-11-2007 at 01:32 AM.

  7. #7
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1
    Bro I took 500mgs/week test E with 2mgs of Amiridex a day and I my face was so greasy it was probably flamable.

  8. #8
    skank's Avatar
    skank is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Real simple:

    You can either start this with your cycle or the second you begin to see your skin getting noticably oilier. Go to a local vitamin shop. Find pantothenic acid. Its water soluble, safe, and works for me and many others like a charm.

    Also use the cheapest highest dose brand they sell. Ideally you want 500mg (or 1/2 gram) a pill. And I never noticed the cheaper brands of this particular vitamin working less or more than the more $$ ones. But take **2** pills/500mg, 5 x's a day (spaced somewhat evenly throughout the day) which = 10,000mg a day. And pantothenic acid will increase coenzyme-A in your body which breaks down oils in your blood and converts them to into other shit.

    Your skin should not be oily at all after 3-4 days. If still it is you can increase the dose no more than a couple more grams a day. (you shouldnt need to go higher) Stay on it for your whole cycle, oily skin will not be a problem. And I prefer to always drink AT LOT of extra water on B vitamins just to wash them out. Go google "pantothenic acid" for more information.

    That and lots of vitamin c (wont do shit for oily skin) are my personal favorites.
    Great Information! My skin is flammable too. Good to know that pantothenic acid will help.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Anecdotally (and we've discussed this here on before) it seems that estrogen can cause oily skin as well as DHT. Estrogen can technically "treat" acne in some cases, but even though the skin has functional estrogen receptors (and can get acne from too much estrogen in some cases), the treatment of acne with estrogen is because adding estrogen will lower androgen levels, not necessarily a direct result, per se.

    Remember, some steroids don't convert to DHT at all, and still give us acne, and others don't aromatize, and still give us acne; still others do neither and yet give people acne anyway (Tren ).

    Many factors are important in acne, and not everything is known yet:

    Clin Dermatol. 2004 Sep-Oct;22(5):419-28.
    Acne: hormonal concepts and therapy.
    ***artment of Dermatology, Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine, P.O. Box 850, Hershey, PA 17033, USA. [email protected]
    Acne vulgaris is the most common skin condition observed in the medical community. Although we know that hormones are important in the development of acne, many questions remain unanswered regarding the mechanisms by which hormones exert their effects. Androgens such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone, the adrenal precursor dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), estrogens such as estradiol, and other hormones, including growth hormone and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), may be important in acne. It is not known whether these hormones are taken up from the serum by the sebaceous gland, whether they are produced locally within the gland, or whether a combination of these processes is involved. Finally, the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which these hormones exert their influence on the sebaceous gland have not been fully elucidated. Hormonal therapy is an option in women with acne not responding to conventional treatment or with signs of endocrine abnormalities.
    Last edited by Property of; 05-11-2007 at 04:54 AM.

  10. #10
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Anecdotally (and we've discussed this here on before) it seems that estrogen can cause oily skin as well as DHT. Estrogen can technically "treat" acne in some cases, but even though the skin has functional estrogen receptors (and can get acne from too much estrogen in some cases), the treatment of acne with estrogen is because adding estrogen will lower androgen levels, not necessarily a direct result, per se.

    Remember, some steroids don't convert to DHT at all, and still give us acne, and others don't aromatize, and still give us acne; still others do neither and yet give people acne anyway (Tren ).

    Many factors are important in acne, and not everything is known yet:

    Clin Dermatol. 2004 Sep-Oct;22(5):419-28.
    Acne: hormonal concepts and therapy.
    ***artment of Dermatology, Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine, P.O. Box 850, Hershey, PA 17033, USA. [email protected]
    Acne vulgaris is the most common skin condition observed in the medical community. Although we know that hormones are important in the development of acne, many questions remain unanswered regarding the mechanisms by which hormones exert their effects. Androgens such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone, the adrenal precursor dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), estrogens such as estradiol, and other hormones, including growth hormone and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), may be important in acne. It is not known whether these hormones are taken up from the serum by the sebaceous gland, whether they are produced locally within the gland, or whether a combination of these processes is involved. Finally, the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which these hormones exert their influence on the sebaceous gland have not been fully elucidated. Hormonal therapy is an option in women with acne not responding to conventional treatment or with signs of endocrine abnormalities.
    Good find.

    I was actually thinking of running some IGF for my next PCT. Being acne prone, it may not be a wise idea now. Hhmmm.....

  11. #11
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    i was running test e @ 500mg a week w/ some winni, starting running .33mg letro eod and acne cleared right up...never really had probs w/ acne till i got on then skin got oily..letro seemed to fix it up for me.

  12. #12
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    H-Town Baby!
    great thread!

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