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  1. #1
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    Arrow Tren effects on Cardio

    Just want a poll on how tren in your cycles has effected your cardio? To what extreme?

  2. #2
    bigtruck07 is offline Banned
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    the general consensus is a noticable decrease in cardio capacity

  3. #3
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    well, i knew that. i was curious as to what degree. for ex. say you could run 4 miles before using tren in a you can only run 2....

    an ex like that............anyone?

  4. #4
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    bump, anyone?

  5. #5
    bigtruck07 is offline Banned
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    that ***ends on so many factors that i couldnt give you an answer

    if cardio is very important to you, i wouldnt run tren

  6. #6
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    anyone else?

  7. #7
    bigtruck07 is offline Banned
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    if you could run 4 miles before using tren , you'll only be able to run exactly 1.365 miles before you collapse.. no matter what dosage, what else you're running, what you're training for, or anything. 1.365 miles and you're ****ing done

    is that the answer you're looking for?

  8. #8
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    bigtruck, you are junk posting on a lot of the threads on this board. obviously you don't have a sound answer to the question i am asking, so please move on.

  9. #9
    hangtight08's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    hes just askin a question bigtruck no need to be a d#ck about it

  10. #10
    hangtight08's Avatar
    hangtight08 is offline Associate Member
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    ban that dude...what a joke

  11. #11
    bigtruck07 is offline Banned
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    sometimes when i get bored, i have an urge to help others. forgive me

    seriously man.. there are way too many variables to your question. i'd love to help you out

    i personally didnt notice much of a decrease in my endurance when i used tren for a couple cycles, but then i didnt do much cardio either. i just worked out at a fast pace. i do remember breathing really heavy all the time.

    what do you run so much for? tren should be reserved only for those looking to build large amounts of size and strength. it's not something i'd use for a little hardness or anything like that

    what else will you be running with tren, what dosage of tren, how many cycles have you done, whats your bodyweight, whats your reason for the cardio, whats your past training history, what are your goals, diet?

    answer all those questions and i MIGHT be able to tell you if it'd be worth it or not

  12. #12
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Ya doin 50mg/ED of Tren Ace and it takes noticably longer to catch my breath with very heavy areobic excerscises like when doing deadlifts or squats.

  13. #13
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    for real man. look at what he's posting on the other threads....just read them.....its a joke. anyways, if anyone has a comment to the original ?. let me know, thanks

  14. #14
    bigtruck07 is offline Banned
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    listen, i just dont want people to ignore what i say if its relevant to their question

    i have a friend that trains for MMA. he used prop, tren , and masteron . he got a lot stronger, and he was still able to complete his classes and keep up, but he said he had a hell of a time not getting winded and that, as an athlete, he probably wouldn't run it again.

    this isnt a joke, i've ran tren multiple times before training for a couple different sports.. it ***ends what you're doing. i think there are better choices for tren for anybody besides a competitive bodybuilder or powerlifter

  15. #15
    BigEast's Avatar
    BigEast is offline Junior Member
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    ha whut a scumbag... tryin to meat the 100 post mark im guessing. qwit wasting ur time on this boARD bigtruck go drink a shake.

  16. #16
    gigem's Avatar
    gigem is offline Banned
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    nah just banned lol

  17. #17
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    man, what gets into people?????

  18. #18
    hangtight08's Avatar
    hangtight08 is offline Associate Member
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    ive actually been wanting to know the answer to the same question grimm...i play football and bout to run some tren but now kinda wonderin bout that effect it plays on your cardio, does anyone know the details on this matter?

  19. #19
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hangtight08
    ive actually been wanting to know the answer to the same question grimm...i play football and bout to run some tren but now kinda wonderin bout that effect it plays on your cardio, does anyone know the details on this matter?
    Tren would defintely and noticably dimish your playing ability.

  20. #20
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    Why is that tho? What exactly in tren effects your breathing or lungs? and what part of your lungs are effected????????????????

  21. #21
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    When I run low test with tren my cardio is not that badly affected. I can still run around and play tennis. I haven't tied to play hockey while on tren but hockey kicks my ass when I'm not on tren - so I probably wouldn't know the difference. Some people are heavily effected others not so much. Some people say that nandrolone destroys there cardio - it doesn;t bother mine but I do have a general feeling of lethargy from deca . Really you need to try it for yourself - and take into account other factors such as other AAS you are using.

    If you want to use tren pre season then I see no problem. Especially if you plan out phases of training with specific goals for each phase. When does football camp start? August? You have plenty of time to run a tren cycle before then if you are worried about ur endurance during the season. If you have combination trials to run before then for postions or whatever you may want to takethat into account as well.

  22. #22
    Lion King is offline Junior Member
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    This was a question for me also and I have experimented with tren to find an answer. I have run low doses of tren, 75 EOD, and seen low increases in cardio performance due to strength gains. This would probably only apply in sports like cycling or rowing when the extra power helps. Don't think it would help with endurance runs. However, this quickly dimishes after 4-6 weeks from starting date. I've then noticed if I continue with tren after 6 wks, or up my dose to 75mg ED, my cardio gets significantly worse along with my blood pressure.
    This may not be a totally accurate gauge, but I monitor my b/p while on tren. When it goes up more than 20-30 systolic i back off the tren.
    I train with some national caliber endurance people. Their drugs of choice are winstrol , anavar , hgh and epo.
    Hope this helps a little. I'm still looking for more information on the subject myself so if you get any info please post it.

  23. #23
    gigem's Avatar
    gigem is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimmReaper
    man, what gets into people?????
    i dont know some people are just asses its cool to joke and cut up but some people just take things a little far

  24. #24
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    tren is hell on my asthma and i cant even do high-rep sets hardly. it really makes cardio hard for me. i dont use it anymore. you could avoid most cardio problems stacking with eq or drol tho (or at least the rbc aspect of it)

  25. #25
    IAMCDN's Avatar
    IAMCDN is offline Associate Member
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    i'm about to run tren for the first time at 50mg EOD. i've read that cardio is difficult while on tren, so i'm gonna start off slow and experiment with it. i will post my results.

  26. #26
    godkilla's Avatar
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    when i took tren i noticed that it got easier for me to reach my target heart rate. not by much, i am talking single digit percentages that was more than likely attributed to the gains in lean mass moreso than the tren itself. i was taking 70mgs ed

  27. #27
    sdstacker is offline New Member
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    I train MMA and would estimate that it cuts my cardio capacity by about 15-20%, which is very noticable (and troubling) when you are too tired to hold your arms up when someone is punching you. This estimate is based on a high does (80 mg ED), because thats just how I roll (yes, I know I have issues). It also cuases me to sweat a LOT more than everyone else.

  28. #28
    Mel1's Avatar
    Mel1 is offline New Member
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    How long does it take for your cardio capacity to come back to normal levels after you used Tren ?

  29. #29
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    With tren , cardio is no joke but it doesn't take to long to "build back some decent lungs." I'd say no more than two-three weeks to get back to normal cardio workout. Especially with Tren A (short half life). But damn, when you're stacking it, it makes 12 reps feel like you've just ran a marathon.

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