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  1. #1
    jelly's Avatar
    jelly is offline Associate Member
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    First cycle NEWB. I'm sure yall are sick of hearing about it!

    Current Weight:150lbs
    Weight Goal for first cycle: 180ish
    Height: 5'8"

    Current Activities: Working out at the gym, Surfing.

    At first I was adamant against sticking myself with a needle, but I've warmed up to it somewhat after watching a few educational IM injection videos online.
    Doesn't look too bad.

    I want to gain this weight, but maintain my cut surfer body. I also want to negate boobie growth using clomid and I want to be able to screw my girfreind during the cycle without any "false returns".

    After some research I've concluded that my best choice for my goal is probably:

    300mg of Deca p/week (2mg per lb bodyweight)
    4 Dianabol tabs per day (25mg per tab or 100mg total daily)
    Clomid (as soon as my nipples feel perky-woohoo!)

    I will also be ingesting 120g of protein from suppliments a day. (6 servings of Muscletech Nitro-tech per day) with 3 healthy meals, and 500mg vitimin C.

    Any suggestions? Comments?

    Last edited by jelly; 05-13-2007 at 10:59 PM.

  2. #2
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    A very poorly planned cycle for your first bro. Your libido and sex drive will be compromised due to the compounds your running. They are notorious for bringing sex drive down.

    Clomid will do nothing to prevent gyno related issues, and you might run into gyno related issues if you dont run an AI or SERM.

    To be honest, i dont believe you need AAS yet. Your relatively light, and im sure you can pack on more muscle and lbs through a proper diet and training regime.

    At such a light weight, your tendons and ligaments arent strong enough to withhold the tremendous strength gains one can make on a cycle. And you risk serious injury to your joints, tendons, ligaments, etc... due to this.

    Read up and research about proper diet and training regimes, contact some of the more experienced bros and ask for their advice im sure they will help you out.

    My intentions here are not to flame you, not at all bro. Just being as honest as i can, and providing you with info that will benefit you now and in the future.


  3. #3
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You might be able to gain 30lbs but half of it is going to water and shed off at the end. And I would start off with 50mg of Dbol ED and see if you can tolerate it enough, 100mg is pretty high. Clomids not going to do anything to prevent gyno, 10mg of Nolvadex taken ED would. And if you do end up getting gyno nolvadex would only stop it from getting worse but it wouldn't reverse it, only thing that can reverse gyno is Letro. And if you add in 500mg of Test E a week you'll have a decent cycle going but if you don't want to add in Test be fore warned that you will probably not be able to get a hardon if your life ***ended on it until after pct.

  4. #4
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    I agree with the others....

    comon man
    I will also be ingesting 120g of protein from suppliments a day. (6 servings of Muscletech Nitro-tech per day)
    this needs to be better..


  5. #5
    jelly's Avatar
    jelly is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    To be honest, i dont believe you need AAS yet. Your relatively light, and im sure you can pack on more muscle and lbs through a proper diet and training regime.

    At such a light weight, your tendons and ligaments arent strong enough to withhold the tremendous strength gains one can make on a cycle. And you risk serious injury to your joints, tendons, ligaments, etc... due to this.

    Ok, how about a milder application of AAS then.

    Deca maybe 250mg per week (10 weeks)
    No D-bol
    Testosterone 200mg per week (10 weeks) <-- inject same time as deca?
    160g protein from suppliments and alot of chicken 'n' eggs.
    Nolvadex .

    Last edited by jelly; 05-13-2007 at 10:36 PM.

  6. #6
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
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    your not ready for a cycle bro. Read way more because whare did you get clomid for gyno? you need to eat more thats it your only 150 ilb. harsh but its the truth. if you were to do anything try this.

    500mg test e a week (not oral) for 10-12 weeks
    30mg d bol ed weeks 1-4
    Nolva 10mg ed or keep on hand
    Liquidex if you wish to keep water weight off wich you said you wanted. Dbol is going to give you a lot of water

  7. #7
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Why resort to AS tho? why not just put more effort in your diet and training and spend the cash u were gona spend on some quality supplements, u would be amazed with what you can do with some dedication...


  8. #8
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Your diet is your problem bro. Three meals a day is nothing. Get your diet down and you will grow like a ****.

    Also, a "mild application" of AAS is not the answer for your problem. Don't look for the quick fix. Show some dedication and put forth the effort. In time you will reap the benefits.

  9. #9
    jelly's Avatar
    jelly is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    Clomid will do nothing to prevent gyno related issues, and you might run into gyno related issues if you dont run an AI or SERM.
    Nobody get me wrong. I'm not trying to argue or criticise. In relation to the Clomid, this is what I read at another source. Maybe my source was bad.

    "Clomid can likewise also be used as a maintenance anti-es!rogen throughout the duration of steroid intake with good confidence, just as is done with Nolvadex . In most instances this will prove equally sufficient, the drug effectively minimizing the activity of estrogen in the body and warding off gyno and excess water/fat retention."

    Is this source false?

    Additionally, yall seem to be tending strongly towards me not using any AAS. I can easily get ahold of them through a friend right now, it's just that, I'd rather not waste my money on a bunch of legal pills labeled "bulking stack" from GNC or equivalent stores if they don't do anything. I want to get big, relatively quick before I move out of the country in 6 months, because when that happens, I'll lose all my connections.

    I'm appreciating all you're input guys!
    Last edited by jelly; 05-13-2007 at 11:19 PM.

  10. #10
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    relatively quick before I move out of the country in 6 months, because when that happens, I'll lose all my connections.
    6 months is more than enough time to find a new source....


  11. #11
    Stock's Avatar
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    "relatively quick before I move out of the country in 6 months, because when that happens, I'll lose all my connections"

    ***ending on what country you are going to, it might be easier...

  12. #12
    jelly's Avatar
    jelly is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stock
    "relatively quick before I move out of the country in 6 months, because when that happens, I'll lose all my connections"

    ***ending on what country you are going to, it might be easier...
    Australia. I don't know what the laws regarding AAS are like over there.

  13. #13
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    Quote Originally Posted by jelly
    Australia. I don't know what the laws regarding AAS are like over there.
    very very very hard to find get aas sent into austarlia you would probably(key word) need a domestic source that operates inside there borders.

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