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  1. #1
    OPSTER's Avatar
    OPSTER is offline Associate Member
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    My whole body is itchy.... is it the tren?

    I've been taking tren a now for a few weeks....
    But for the past couple days, my whole body is just itchy...
    Like an allergy, but it took weeks to develop?
    Can you develop allergies to these things that quickly?

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Is it tren a or e? If you were allergic you should have noticed the first day or so. It shouldn't take weeks. Did you eat or take anything different yesterday or today?

  3. #3
    OPSTER's Avatar
    OPSTER is offline Associate Member
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    It's Tren A... nothin else has changed, diet is the same.
    I got all my clothes in the wash, I'm redoin all my laundry.
    The thing is, when I inject tren, its a lil itchy around the area for a day or two. Turns red and what not, but this is insane...

  4. #4
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    i know liver problems your body can become itchy as a symptom. Now i'am not saying thats defo it deffiently not. But maybe get bloodwork done just to be safe if you dont
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  5. #5
    Lion King is offline Junior Member
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    Blood work is a good idea as a lot of bad things including some forms of cancer can have symptoms of itching. Of course, I'm not suggesting you have cancer.
    Go buy some benadryl tabs and take to see if they relieve your symptoms. Any hives, red blotches, lumps, bumps or skin iritations?

  6. #6
    daaaan's Avatar
    daaaan is offline Associate Member
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    its the tren , i had those too as well. take reactine and do some blood work to make sure.

    its definetly the tren.

  7. #7
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Happens to me as well, ive noticed the sides arise a couple previous runs ive had with Tren .

    I was admistering Tren A, and IMO the itchiness with arise when the compound is fully stable in your body. Even though your taking Tren A, it does take a good week or two for everything to stabalize.

    However for me, the sides (constant itching) subsides after about two weeks, i did nothing different but just rode it out.

    Ive found it helpful to take a cold shower when i feel the urge or when i feel itchy all around, helps a great deal.


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