Currently have 3 days left in my fina/prop cycle. Fina 1-7 100mg ed, Prop 1-8 100mg ed. Just noticed a lump today behind my nipple definitly gyno, had some tenderness before but it was very minor and I was using liquidex which got rid of the tenderness but somehow still have a lump (could be prog from the fina?). Regardless Im going to want to try reverse it using letro. The way I see it I have two options:

1) Start the letro reversal today according to C Bino's thread, and in 3 days when my cycle ends I can start using HCG which i have on hand. Then after the reversal is overwith do a normal nolva pct.

2) Finish out the 3 days left with just the liquidex. Normal nolva pct 3 days after last shot. Then once that is all done with do a letro reversal with HCG and cialis on hand so i dont get shut down.

What do you guys think would be the better approach?