Ok guys, I need some advice. I made an order from a place overseas for some bottles of test. I used to get it sent to my buddies house but this time I had it sent to a mail box center that I have a box at. I went to check on it yesterday. Now normally there is just a cute younger girl working behind the counter. Well, yesterday she was there along with an older guy who looked just like a plain clothes cop. He had the crew cut and just looked like a cop. The funny thing is that there was a line of customers but he wasnt helping anyone. Just hanging out back there. I am freaking out because I am not sure of the law as far as delivery goes, thru a mail center. I also have a conversion kit sitting there from Don that I am afraid to pick up. Is it illegal to order those? I was thinking about just waiting it out to see if they call me to pick up the package because they never normally call me for other packages. Help me out please!!