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  1. #1
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Nov 2006

    Testosterone dosages!! Whats the difference?

    my last cycle I used test prop @ 100mg ed and most of the time the pain was pretty intense in the following days..... my current cycle I am using test prop @ 50mg ed and there is hardly any pain in the following days..... so is the prop pain dose d.ependant? (the prop is from the same lab and batch)

    Also, Is there any discernable differences as far as side effects and benefits when injecting test prop @ 350mg/wk, 500mg/wk, 700-1000mg/wk?
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 05-18-2007 at 02:11 PM.

  2. #2
    manwithin's Avatar
    manwithin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z
    my last cycle I used test prop @ 100mg ed and most of the time the pain was pretty intense in the following days..... my current cycle I am using test prop @ 50mg ed and there is hardly any pain in the following days..... so is the prop pain dose d.ependant? (the prop is from the same lab and batch)

    Also, Is there any discernable differences as far as side effects and benefits when injecting test prop @ 350mg/wk, 500mg/wk, 700-1000mg/wk?
    I had the samething happen to me two years ago, I use test prop 75mg ed for 8 weeks and it felt like I was kicked by a donkey almost everyday... Then my next cycle I used 100mg ed same lot same brand and pain was 1/10th of what it used to feel like... I think it's because my body got used to the prop, that's the only thing I could think of nothing else changed...

  3. #3
    sci muscle's Avatar
    sci muscle is offline Junior Member
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    the more test the more effect, but not linearly, it is more like a bell curve. 600 mg. week is the most efficient dosage. Higher dosages have higher effects, but after 600 the increased dosages have smaller increased effects.
    Minimum to do is usually 400/week, anything less is more like HRT. 600/week should be plenty for your second cycle.

  4. #4
    veryveryquiet's Avatar
    veryveryquiet is offline Junior Member
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    Well if you are doing 100mg in one location it will def hurt more than 50mg in the same spot. If you want to take 100 do like I did and just split it into two shots if you do the left pec then also do the right pec etc...

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