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  1. #1
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    Tren Ace & Tesy Cyp question

    OK, i'm almost positive i'm gonna run my next cycle like this.
    Tren Ace 50mg EOD
    Test Cyp 50mg EOD
    I'm gonna mix them both in the same pin. What do you guys think? D you have any other suggestions?

  2. #2
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    What are your stats and previous cycles??

    Why are you shooting the cyp like that? Did you misinterpret the frontloading thread? And what are you trying to do cut or bulk? Theres not enough info there for anyone to give you any solid advice...

  3. #3
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    Sorry. My stats are 5'7 200lbs. 17% bf. Previous cycles inculed Sustanon 250, Winstrol ***ot, Omnadren , Clen , and clomid. I'm looking to get shreded for summer. I'm adding the cyp because of what I read here on how important it is to run test with Tren . First time tren user.

  4. #4
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Ok well you chose a bad compound to do it with. If you're going to run tren and want to add Test then use Test Prop...Also I think you'll have much better results if you inject everyday as opposed to EOD.

  5. #5
    IAMCDN's Avatar
    IAMCDN is offline Associate Member
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    i can't get prop, i already have the cyp.

  6. #6
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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  7. #7
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Not sure if it's any help to you or not but I'm currently in week 7 of my cycle, consisting of:

    Test Enanthate 750 mg/week
    Tren Acetate 75 mg/ED
    Letro 1.25 EOD

    And it is going good, great size and I am cutting as well.

    Why you would shoot the Cyp at 50mg is beyond me, with it's half-life and all...

    Just shoot it twice a week. I'd shoot the Tren ED like thegodfather mentioned to reduce sides.

  8. #8
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    how much cyp should I shoot every week?

  9. #9
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAMCDN
    how much cyp should I shoot every week?
    I'd say 500mg/week should be sufficient. As long as the test dosage is higher than the Tren . What did you shoot in your previous cycles for your test dosages?

  10. #10
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAMCDN
    how much cyp should I shoot every week?
    How much cyp do you have and what is the dosage(mg to ml)?

  11. #11
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    i have a 10cc vial with 100mg/ml. I used to shoot 500mg of sust/week in my previous cycle. But i'm only using the test in this cycle to avoid tren dick, so i'd rather keep it at a minimal dose.

  12. #12
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAMCDN
    i have a 10cc vial with 100mg/ml. I used to shoot 500mg of sust/week in my previous cycle. But i'm only using the test in this cycle to avoid tren dick, so i'd rather keep it at a minimal dose.
    Then 500mg/week will be sufficient.

  13. #13
    xpijeonx is offline Associate Member
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    You have one 10cc vial?

    I am starting a similar one soon but I am going to front load the cyp and run it ED with the tren ED. Front loading the cyp followed by ED injection protocol linked by "Swifto" in the "Front Loading Explained" thread. I havent decided the doses yet though. 50/75 ed of tren and cyp to suit ***ending on tren...

    Frontloading explained-

    (edited for grammar)

  14. #14
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    ok. Then I'll tell you guys exactly what i've got, and you guys can give me your reccomendations on how to cycly them. I have:

    Tren Ace - 20ml (100mg/ml)
    Test Cyp - 10ml (100mg/ml)
    Winstrol Tabs - 200 Tabs (5mg/Tab)

    I'm looking to get ripped for summer and keep my weight at around 180-185lbs. I'm currently 200lbs @ 5'7.

  15. #15
    DIESELPWR's Avatar
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    well to me personally i think u only have 27 days worth of tren and 2.5 weeks of test and 20 days of winny tabs but thats just me idk what everyone else thinks..

  16. #16
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, 10cc of test is not enough.

  17. #17
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    i would never inject test c more than twice a week. personally i only would do once a week but i hate needles. i agree u need more test 10cc is just not enough. also i would maybe wait i week or 2 before starting the tren a, that way the test will have time two start. same with the winny maybe wait a few weeks befor starting it so u will have enough for the end of your cycle.

  18. #18
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    You will need more tren as well. An argument could be made that you could use more winny.
    Last edited by JC2007; 05-20-2007 at 02:56 PM.

  19. #19
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    i only plan on doing 50mg eod of tren . why would i need more than a 20ml bottle. I'm only running it for 8 weeks.

  20. #20
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    but you are going to run the test longer than 8 weeks right.

  21. #21
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidsquirrel
    but you are going to run the test longer than 8 weeks right.
    i was hoping too, but then i'd have to shoot 100mg/week, and your guys are saying that's not enough.

  22. #22
    topnotch is offline Member
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    I disagree that you have to have more test than tren ..many people say this also about deca ...tren shuts down your natural test completely, but even if you are shooting 100mg per week, that means you will have that much test in your body every week, which is quite a bit more than your normal even. So if you are just running the test as a replacement, and to stop the tren dick and sex problems, then in my opinion, 100mg/week will be sufficient. I would shoot that twice per week, with .5ml per injection, and you could just mix that with your tren shots then.

  23. #23
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topnotch
    I disagree that you have to have more test than tren..many people say this also about deca...tren shuts down your natural test completely, but even if you are shooting 100mg per week, that means you will have that much test in your body every week, which is quite a bit more than your normal even. So if you are just running the test as a replacement, and to stop the tren dick and sex problems, then in my opinion, 100mg/week will be sufficient. I would shoot that twice per week, with .5ml per injection, and you could just mix that with your tren shots then.
    Thanks, topnotch, that's what I thought before I started getting different ideas from people, then i didn't know what to think. So i'm almost positive i'm gonna run it like this:

    Week 1-8 Tren A - 50mg/eod
    Week 1-8 Test Cyp 100mg/week
    Week 4-8 Winstrol Tabs 50mg/day
    PCT Clomid

  24. #24
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    You may as well not even bother wasting your time if you're gonna shoot 100 mg/week of Test.

  25. #25
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    even 100mg of test a week might not help the tren dick problem. my buddy is using 175 tren e a week with 200 test c and he said is stuff still doesnt get has hard as normal. test is cheap, if your not wooried about ur dick go for it. and keep us posted

  26. #26
    topnotch is offline Member
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    different people react different...100mg/week of test may work just's possible to be in people's mind sometime also, b/c they focus on it so much and worry, and that in return can cause it...Since your running the tren eod, you may wanna get a couple bottles of prop and just shoot it w/ the tren, then you won't have to wait for the long ester to kick in with the test...and may want to have a little extra on hand, just in case you do have the problem...i think you will be fine though

  27. #27
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    OK, here it is, starting tommorrow. Should I change anything?

    Week 1-8 Tren A - 50mg/eod
    Week 1-10 Test Cyp 200mg/week
    Week 4-8 Winstrol Tabs 50mg/day
    PCT Clomid
    - Milk thistle, cranberry extract etc....

  28. #28
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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  29. #29
    cavemanspearchucker's Avatar
    cavemanspearchucker is offline Associate Member
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    tren is not something to take lightly. some advice..... i noticed that the only time i really got agitated was when i was hungry. and i was constantly hungry. always pack around snacks( good ones) where ever you go. my coworkers know to stay away from me if i havent eatn in the past hr or so. shit my bosses wife even brings me food. seriously always have food with in reach.

  30. #30
    IAMCDN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cavemanspearchucker
    tren is not something to take lightly. some advice..... i noticed that the only time i really got agitated was when i was hungry. and i was constantly hungry. always pack around snacks( good ones) where ever you go. my coworkers know to stay away from me if i havent eatn in the past hr or so. shit my bosses wife even brings me food. seriously always have food with in reach.
    how long were you on for and how much were you taking?what where your gains and sides like?

  31. #31
    cavemanspearchucker's Avatar
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    i had to cut it short after 6 weeks. my gains were rapid. in the first 3 weeks i was up 16-18 lbs. 75mg ed test prop 50mg ed. i started running out of injection sites. my ass is'nt that big. SIDES: i didn't have night sweats but i grinded my teeth so loud at night that i would wake up my roomate. i was very irritable if i went more than 1.5 hrs without some food. ohhhhhh never in my life have i felt that power. no acne or hair loss. with injection site pain i used lidocain. it's what the pre load any flu shot/immunisation with. will deaden the pain and make it tollerable. seriously always have snacks with you. i have a high metabolism and tren seamed to exxagerate everything. from my hunger to my temper. i had to watch my self more. if you have physcologoical problems i wouldn't reccomend taking it in high doses. unless you have something to counteract it like valium, etc.
    Last edited by cavemanspearchucker; 06-05-2007 at 06:23 PM.

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