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  1. #1
    Dicktricky is offline New Member
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    Newbie questions about Tren Acetate

    Let me first first start and tell you all what I am looking to accomplish. I am
    5'9" and 170 with a pretty athletic build. I have remained very consitent in the gym the last 14 to 16 months. I am also still making very nice natural strenght gains, but I want to become more defined. I want to be vein popping. I am on a very proper diet minus a few nights a month of beer drinking. I was told about Tren acetate by some pretty reliable sources and I already have an order in that I am now questioning. They say it is the best thing out there. I have been researching it however and it seems to not be preferred for first time users. I hear about fin dick and all kinds of night sweats with sleepless nights and shit. All I want is to gain a little more lean muscle mass and strength without the water weight of most products. Should I be hesitant about doing Tren Acetate by itself as a newbie? Would anyone reccomend something else with my goals in mind? I am sorry if these are stupid questions, but I don't want to do anything until I am sure. Thank you so much for any help!

  2. #2
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    diet and cardio will get you to your goals..tren isnt recommended for a newbie and should never be run without some sort of test..unless you dont want your dick to work! If youre still making good gains, no need to mess with gear yet

  3. #3
    Dicktricky is offline New Member
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    Ok, thanks for the help. I have heard it is great for fat burning though? I guess I am just trying to avoid the mass amounts of cardio need to regain the six pack. I am fairly lean, but I have a little pudge around the belly. Just up the cardio huh?

  4. #4
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    how old are you?

  5. #5
    Dicktricky is offline New Member
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    29 years old

  6. #6
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    if you're still gaining naturally then in good concious i'd advise you to continue until you plateau. even then, there are natural ways to overcome plateaus to an extent. if you're going to cycle either way, then i'd start with a low dose of test e or c (250mg/wk for 10wks) and see what results you can take away. I've stayed pretty lean off of that type of cycle with good diet and cardio, in fact i was really happy with the results. as far as tren goes, maybe an overkill if you don't know the effects on a more fundamental cycle.

    good luck.

  7. #7
    Dicktricky is offline New Member
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    I really do appreciate your help, and I appreciate the honesty. To many people out there just tell you whats good about the products and never tell you the negatives.

  8. #8
    Dicktricky is offline New Member
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    Should I just take 250 mg once a week in one dose for starters of test e? What should I be paying for test e? I have my order in for the tren and my dudes having trouble getting is so I was going to change my order. I don't want him sticking me. I paid $140 a bottle for the tren acetate.

  9. #9
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    really not supposed to discuss prices on here, but were you a getting a 10cc bottle of tren a? Tren a really needs to be shot every other day at a minimum, preferably every day to keep sides would need more than one bottle of tren most likely anyway

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i wanna see this VERY PROPER DIET.

  11. #11
    Dicktricky is offline New Member
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    I have an order for 3 bottles of Tren . I wouldn't order just one, but I am going to switch to test e for a trial. Any opinions. Sorry about the price question. My bad.

    The proper diet I speak of is pretty disciplined. I eat nothing but fish and chicken and mostly green vegetables. I mix in whole grain and wheat rice as well as wheat pasta. I try to stay away from any salts and I avoid sweets pretty much all together. I will allow myself to splurge maybe once a week. I do not drink soda, but when I do it's diet ****. I drink mostly water and take in probably to protein shakes a day totally 80 grams of protein. I usually eats salads with loads of chicken for lunch and plain oatmeal with raisins for breakfast. I know my downfall is beer! I like to drink beer once a weekend. Sometimes I over indulge and I know that is making my lifting that much tougher.

  12. #12
    SilverToungedDevil's Avatar
    SilverToungedDevil is offline Associate Member
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    Igifuno is on point... imo you should stay clear of the tren ace. until you see how your body responds to test alone. the few people that i know who take tren. are extremely experienced body builders. try a long ester test like cyp or enth for 10 to 12 weeks.. just make sure you get your pct in line for after the cycle.

  13. #13
    gixxer's Avatar
    gixxer is offline Associate Member
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    that tren cough sucks,if you get.

  14. #14
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    I ran Tren A for 12 weeks at 100mg/ed with prop of course. That was my 7th cycle. It is indeed the most powerful out there. I will admit I ran it too long, and suffered some painful effects from it that took 3 months to clear up....
    The normal effects that didnt put me at my Doctors were the night sweats, completely soaked sheets, and the bacne.. My back was a minefield...Do not run it as a first cycle, you will be sorry that you did....

  15. #15
    gixxer's Avatar
    gixxer is offline Associate Member
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    shit made my hair thin out.thats 1 side i could have done with out.

  16. #16
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Stick with test for your first time. I plan on running tren for my second cycle, which is still too soon, but that is why I am running tren ace, incase I can't handle the sides, I will just stop.

  17. #17
    Dicktricky is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverToungedDevil
    Igifuno is on point... imo you should stay clear of the tren ace. until you see how your body responds to test alone. the few people that i know who take tren. are extremely experienced body builders. try a long ester test like cyp or enth for 10 to 12 weeks.. just make sure you get your pct in line for after the cycle.

    When do I start the Clomiphene citrate? At what point during the cycle and how much do I take? Is this something that will be hard for me to aquire? I would like to make sure I so things the right way and appreciate any more knowledge.

    Thanks for talking me out of Tren . Not sure I am ready for all of those sides.

  18. #18
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    I would run the Test at around 500mg/week.

    you can use an AI to keep some bloating/water away.

  19. #19
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dicktricky
    When do I start the Clomiphene citrate? At what point during the cycle and how much do I take? Is this something that will be hard for me to aquire? I would like to make sure I so things the right way and appreciate any more knowledge.

    Thanks for talking me out of Tren. Not sure I am ready for all of those sides.
    sounds like you dont know what PCT is...head over to the post cycle therapy section and spend some time over there

  20. #20
    Dicktricky is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    sounds like you dont know what PCT is...head over to the post cycle therapy section and spend some time over there

    Thanks bro! I shall do that. One last question, I keep hearing about gyno and I was curious what the chances were with a first cycle of just test e alone? Also, I was initially told to take 250 mg a week for 10 to 12 weeks because it would be a first cycle. Anyone else have thoughts. Keep in mind I am not looking to blow up. I am just looking to add a little additional lean muscle mass and strength. Thanks!

  21. #21
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
    gorgorothsatanis is offline Associate Member
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    Never ever use tren on its own unless you want to feel like you were castrated. The ultimate stack: Test Prop/Tren/Masteron Eod or Ed.

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