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  1. #1
    SergioLMT's Avatar
    SergioLMT is offline Associate Member
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    Projected first cycle...opinions greatly appreciated

    Hey everybody! Ok, after about 2 months of research, I think I've finalized my "first cycle." Here's what I've put together. I'd appreciate any input you may have.

    - Only Test E for 12 weeks while running HCG and Arimidex during the cycle
    - Nolvadex , Aromasin , and Vitamin C for PCT

    How does that sound for a first go around? Thanks in advance everyone!

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    how about your stats??

    why you running this?

    and HOW MUCH test E do you plan on running

  3. #3
    SergioLMT's Avatar
    SergioLMT is offline Associate Member
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    Ahhh damn...sorry about that bro.
    5'9", 180lbs., 26 yrs. old
    was planning on running 500mg a week of test e
    I've worked out for a good 5 years consistently (natural), and want to take it to the next level.

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    ok, sounds like a good beginner cycle for you . good luck with it

  5. #5
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergioLMT
    Hey everybody! Ok, after about 2 months of research, I think I've finalized my "first cycle." Here's what I've put together. I'd appreciate any input you may have.

    - Only Test E for 12 weeks while running HCG and Arimidex during the cycle
    - Nolvadex , Aromasin , and Vitamin C for PCT

    How does that sound for a first go around? Thanks in advance everyone!
    Looks like a sound cycle bro, good beginner one.

    However IMO you dont need to run HCG throughout the entirety of the cycle, IMO its best utilized and started 2 weeks prior to PCT start time and throughout PCT.

    But all in all looks good, keep us posted on how things go man.


  6. #6
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    how about your stats??

    why you running this?

    and HOW MUCH test E do you plan on running

    you need to replace our signature with what is your stats!?!?!

  7. #7
    ben1750 is offline New Member
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    Looks good bro.. Dont get discouraged if you dont feel anything right away, ya got to remember it takes a few weeks to kick in.. When I took my first cycle I was in such a hurry for results I got discouraged..

    Keep us posted with some results

  8. #8
    paesano is offline New Member
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    I personal like the short cycles but a lot of guys dont.

  9. #9
    lex57's Avatar
    lex57 is offline Senior Member
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    congratulations bro a newbie with sense. i love it. keep up the good work bro. with a solid first cycle like that you will learn a lot. from injecting to and pct and doseage and frequency. that is why always bust balls when guys say what do you think? and its 200 mg of deca a week. bro you will be surprised what being smart about this stuff will do for you. there are tons of guys here with years and years of experience at your disposal. research and be smart. good job. are you gonna split it up teice a week? i would for sure. keep us posted.

  10. #10
    SergioLMT's Avatar
    SergioLMT is offline Associate Member
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    Thank you everbody for such encouraging words. It's greatly appreciated. I originally wanted to run that cycle, injecting twice a week, Sunday and Wednesday, but now I'm second guessing myself. At my current stats (5'9", 180) my goal is to lose fat while building muscle. A bunch of guys at my gym have been telling me that I'd be better off with a cycle of HGH in that sense. What do you guys think? Think I should just stick to my original test e cycle?

  11. #11
    Huckster's Avatar
    Huckster is offline Associate Member
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    HGH takes a very long time for noticable results. It is pretty expensive in that regard. It supposed to be run for 6 months at at least 5 sub-q jabs per week. I have no experience with it myself, so I'm only parroting what I've read about it. Might want to look at throwing in some Anavar w/the test E and eat right and you might be really happy with the results. But anavar isn't cheap either.

    What's your BF% now?
    Last edited by Huckster; 05-25-2007 at 06:10 AM.

  12. #12
    SergioLMT's Avatar
    SergioLMT is offline Associate Member
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    My body fat is about 15% now. I was actually thinking of throwing in Anavar in the cycle as well, but kept hearing about how your "first cycle should be JUST test...etc." I definitely hear you about the HGH being really expensive. Even with the var, I don't think my projected cycle would cost nearly as much.
    How would you suggest I add in the var?

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