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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    need some advice from experienced aas users.

    ok this is probably gonna be a long thread but i have a few questions. i want to give all my info about my cycle and diet. that way yall will understand whats going on. maybe it will help with giving me answers. also i have been training for about 6 years with a little time off for shoulder injury and shingles. to start my cycle and deit. i just did week 12 of my cycle.

    dbol 30mg week 1-4
    test e 500mg week 1-14
    deca 300mg week 1-10 (for the joints)
    tren e 175mg every 5 day week 5-12

    heres my diet

    7am 4 egg whites, i slice whole wheat toast with very little sugar free jelly
    (most days i throw in a protein shake)

    9-9:30 1/2 cup brown rice with can of chicken

    11-11:30am big chicken breast

    1:30-2pm protein shake

    4-4:30pm protein shake with oatmeal

    5pm workout

    7pm sometype of meat(chicken, steak, lean beef) and veggies(salad, greenbeans, something of that nature)

    9pm usally some peanuts or a table spoon of PB(even been known to eat a few boiled peanuts)

    10:30-11pm chicken breast then sleep

    now that thats out the way. here a little about me and what has happened on this cycle. i guess you could say ive never really been a small guy, mostly because ive built houses my hole life. in the last 3 monthes my strength has sky rocketed and i have lost 3 sizes on my waist(went from size 36-33). this is the skinniest ive been since 16 years old. my over all size has gotten much bigger, to the point were everyone i know is asking me about my steroid use .

    resently i have been getting alot of poping in my joints and not just my shoulders(witch always pops on account of the bersidis) but in my ankles, hips, and knees as well. i was wondering if this is because i stop the deca on week ten and it is now worn off.

    also since about week 9 ive been having some very painful injections. so bad that i can bearly walk for 3-7 days. this is really affecting work and my workouts. i really dont understand why im getting this pain now. it went very smoothly until week nine(no pain at all) i have been using same gear the whole cycle. the injection site doesnt look infected at all, but there is a knot on my ass that feels like a big bruse and its shooting pain down my leg into my knee and ankle to the point where i cant stand. it is hurting so bad now that i am thinking of cutting this cycle short and not doing the last two test injections.

    yesterday i dehydrated pretty bad form working in the sun forming a house. i had to leave work early because i almost passed out. i drink a shit load of water. i drank between 2 -3 gallons at work that day, but it runs out me like a hose. i drop from 205 to 190 in about 6 hours. when i got home after passing out for a hour my girlfriend found me on the floor. she got me some poweraid. then juiced me some kind of apple, bananna drink because i was geting some really bad craps. so bad even my abs were craping up. after a few hours of hydrating i got my weight back up to 199. later that night i got a very bad fever 102.9. i also got the chills and my blood pressure drop to 103/50. i have know idea what happen but im much better today. temp and blood presure are both good.

    here are some of my questions

    could joint pain be caused from stoping deca?
    why do i dehydrate so easy now?
    whats up with these injections and should i stop early?
    at what blood pressure level do you go to the hospital?
    would it be to take a week off from the gym at this point in my cycle?

    i think i had some more question but my heads not all there right now. if i think of anything else i will post. i would really apperiate some help on this if you can.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

  3. #3
    naturalsux's Avatar
    naturalsux is offline Anabolic Member
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    for joint pain i recommend some fish oil supplement 6-10g a day.

    for cramping your potassium is probably low, eat some bananas. 2-3 day.

    a stroke happens at 180/???? i think.

    yes take a week off, it will do wonders for your body! you will come back stronger.

    you need more veggies with your meals. you need more carbs!

    also i get the popping in my knees, i just go slow and make sure i warm up thoroughly.

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you drop 15 lbs in 6 hours? Im no doctor, but that cant be healthy!! I would suggest drinking some gatoraid or something as well if youre gonna out in the sun sweating like that too. You need your electrolytes too. Sounds like you got extremely dehyrdated and lost a lot of electrolytes. You probably need some more carbs in your diet too

  5. #5
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by naturalsux
    for joint pain i recommend some fish oil supplement 6-10g a day.

    for cramping your potassium is probably low, eat some bananas. 2-3 day.

    a stroke happens at 180/???? i think.

    yes take a week off, it will do wonders for your body! you will come back stronger.

    you need more veggies with your meals. you need more carbs!

    also i get the popping in my knees, i just go slow and make sure i warm up thoroughly.
    thanks for the responds think ill take the rest of the week off, and i started fish oil yesterday but i need to up the dose. i had more carbs in my diet and some guy in the diet forarm told me it was to much that i shouldnt eat any after lunch, but i believe your right so ill bump that up to. thanks for the help very much appreciated.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    you drop 15 lbs in 6 hours? Im no doctor, but that cant be healthy!! I would suggest drinking some gatoraid or something as well if youre gonna out in the sun sweating like that too. You need your electrolytes too. Sounds like you got extremely dehyrdated and lost a lot of electrolytes. You probably need some more carbs in your diet too

    yeah i ended up finding out that i probably had a heat stroke or damn close. i got 4 poweraids today, dont plan on leting that happen again.

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    The powerade will help, but I would drink more than 2-3 gallons of water a day if I was working in the sun. I drink that much every day and I have an office job.
    Last edited by Big; 06-14-2007 at 05:05 PM.

  8. #8
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    man i dont know if i can drink much more than that. im already at the water cooler three times as much as everyone else. but i can try

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I didn't think about that. There is a device called a camelback that's an insulated fluid pouch you wear on your back, I used to use one when I rode my bike a lot. Maybe you could wear one of those and just break to fill it up. Not sure if it would work but thought it was worth suggesting.

  10. #10
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    i have seen those, not a bad idea. may even keep me a little cooler. do you remember where you got yours.

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I got mine at a bike shop, but if you have trouble finding one drop me a pm and I'll send you mine if I can find it, I don't use it any more and I'm pretty close to you, I live in Gpt.

  12. #12
    nbkandrew13's Avatar
    nbkandrew13 is offline Member
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    more water, yes stopping the deca will make your joints hurt more, and stroke ***ends on the person and fmaily history i had @237/189 had to be rushed to emergency room and they told me that i was in the stroke range

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