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Thread: Test & Fat Loss

  1. #1
    DCB83 is offline Associate Member
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    Test & Fat Loss

    When would I see a significant change in bf when using 750mgs of sustanon a week?
    Im in week six right now, and it has kicked in.

  2. #2
    MrNice's Avatar
    MrNice is offline Banned
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    Uh, I think you're expecting the wrong thing.

    Test won't reduce your bodyfat, it'll help you maintain muscle mass while in a calorie deficit

  3. #3
    manwitplans's Avatar
    manwitplans is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    When would I see a significant change in bf when using 750mgs of sustanon a week?
    Im in week six right now, and it has kicked in.
    Well, this ***ends on your diet, and cardio ofcourse.

  4. #4
    DCB83 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    Uh, I think you're expecting the wrong thing.

    Test won't reduce your bodyfat, it'll help you maintain muscle mass while in a calorie deficit
    sure about that dude.
    ive cycled omnadren @ 500mgs a week. I had a little belly goin on, i wasn't working out my abs or doing cardio, and the fat disapeared and my abs started to appear.

  5. #5
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    when im on test and really workout hard and do cardio i lose fat, shi* ive even lost fat on dbol when i was kickstarting my cycle. i have also read many of pages on test that say it helps burn fat(inculding the one on steroid .com).

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    When would I see a significant change in bf when using 750mgs of sustanon a week?
    Im in week six right now, and it has kicked in.
    You will see significant changes in bf with diet and your cardio program not with 750mg of sus per wk.

  7. #7
    MrNice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    sure about that dude.
    ive cycled omnadren @ 500mgs a week. I had a little belly goin on, i wasn't working out my abs or doing cardio, and the fat disapeared and my abs started to appear.
    Yeah i'm sure about that.

    test doesn't burn fat, your diet/cardio does. If you're in a caloric deficit you will burn fat, if not you won't. It has nothing to do with injecting test

  8. #8
    SilverToungedDevil's Avatar
    SilverToungedDevil is offline Associate Member
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    i'm sorry mr. nice but i think your wrong.... "Testosterone is also good at promoting fat loss. Having an anti-estrogenic effect it creates an ideal fat loss environment. Test binds to the A.R on fat cells resulting in fat break-down and also prevents new fat formation.(15) Another indirect action of fat loss that test produces is the nutrient portioning effect it has on muscle and fat. Since the body is building muscle at an accelerated rate more of the food you eat is shuttled to muscle tissue and away from fat." ~A.R.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    Yeah i'm sure about that.

    test doesn't burn fat, your diet/cardio does. If you're in a caloric deficit you will burn fat, if not you won't. It has nothing to do with injecting test
    Testosterone Enanthate is probably the most commonly used form of testosterone by both athletes and bodybuilders alike. Although I donīt have any hard statistics on this, Iīd be willing to bet that this form of testosterone is the most commonly used form of testosterone on the black market today. Itīs very effective for building muscle and strength, losing fat, and is cheap & readily available.

    this is staight from here first paragragh. please read before telling some one there wrong

  10. #10
    MrNice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverToungedDevil
    i'm sorry mr. nice but i think your wrong.... "Testosterone is also good at promoting fat loss. Having an anti-estrogenic effect it creates an ideal fat loss environment. Test binds to the A.R on fat cells resulting in fat break-down and also prevents new fat formation.(15) Another indirect action of fat loss that test produces is the nutrient portioning effect it has on muscle and fat. Since the body is building muscle at an accelerated rate more of the food you eat is shuttled to muscle tissue and away from fat." ~A.R.
    Oh great, a quote from Anthony Roberts to prove me wrong .Thats about as worthless and misunderstood as quotes come. Notice how the Veteran in this thread, who is about the only guy who knows what he's talking about has also agreed with me.

    Listen, if you do not change anything in your diet/training but just inject test you won't lose any fat.

    The original question was "when will I start to see a noticeable difference in bodyfat" Well he won't see a noticeable difference if all he's doing is injecting test, test won't suddenly cause fat to drop away.

    You obviously have very limited understanding of steroids if you think just injecting some compound (apart from pgcl/tren ) is going to cause fat to be metabolized barring any changes in diet/training etc.

    The fact the threadstarter is now on test is not going to cause any difference in bodyfat, if he is working out and in a calorie deficit he will burn fat at an accelerated rate compared to someone not on test since the test will be preserving muscle, and perhaps even building a small amount of it, thereby increasing fat burning. But by itself, it will make no difference to his bodyfat percentage, as an individual factor in the equation.

    Burning fat is a combination of diet, training and THEN gear.

  11. #11
    MrNice's Avatar
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    Not to mention if you're running 750mg test a week then some of it will be aromatizing to estrogen, making you prone to estrogenic side effects such as fat storage

  12. #12
    SilverToungedDevil's Avatar
    SilverToungedDevil is offline Associate Member
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    i agree whole heartedly bro that the gear is not going to just make him start shredding bf... obviously cardio and diet are whats going be responsible for % of bodyfat going up or down on a cycle, all i was saying is that cycling creates accelerated and ideal conditions in your body to burn fat and not store much. so in turn, cycling will help you burn fat at a much higher rate than normal. but your absolutely right that test isn't going to magically make him burn fat if his diet and cardio suck. i assumed that he had this in check, and i'm sure i just misunderstood what you were telling him. cheers

  13. #13
    MrNice's Avatar
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    Yeah I getcha, its just the way he worded it

    "when will I see a significant change in bf" he suddenly expected the fat to go poof and disappear cuz of the test.

  14. #14
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    if he is already doing cardio 5 times a week and starts test. IMO he will lose some fat. i say this because i do cardio like this and when i start my test cycles i burn more fat. so say what u want if he is training right on test he can burn fat. may not burn it like tren does but it will help.

  15. #15
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    damn i type slow

  16. #16
    nbkandrew13's Avatar
    nbkandrew13 is offline Member
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    when im on gear test masteron , winny, i sweat like a whore so i always think thats how i know its working if im running or whatever and pouring sweat its burning the fat, and whether 750mg a week of test will cause alot of estrogen ***ends on the individual a great deal i ran 750 mg a week and because my test levels were basically 0 in the beginng i barely ran any anti est

  17. #17
    DCB83 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    Yeah I getcha, its just the way he worded it

    "when will I see a significant change in bf" he suddenly expected the fat to go poof and disappear cuz of the test.
    dude, what do u think im just injecting myself and not training. who the f does that???
    I just notcied on my last cycle that fat was being burned at a much faster rate. justed wanted to know when this starts to occur during a cycle.

  18. #18
    Maxim1056's Avatar
    Maxim1056 is offline Junior Member
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    yea im on 500mgs test c and 300mgs eq a week and im on week 2, im hoping to burn some serious BF also, i run 6 days a week and then train in the gym for an additional 2 hrs 5 days a im hoping to cut down bf alot while gaining nice lean muscle....only week 2 so cant tell to much yet.

  19. #19
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    diet and cardio burn fat, steroids do NOT (well maybe tren ). Steroids preserve muscle while on a calorie deficent diet, but they do not miraculously melt off fat. Mr Nice tends to have lots of smart ass comments, but he is right

  20. #20
    Maxim1056's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    diet and cardio burn fat, steroids do NOT (well maybe tren). Steroids preserve muscle while on a calorie deficent diet, but they do not miraculously melt off fat. Mr Nice tends to have lots of smart ass comments, but he is right
    well going by anthony roberts talk of testosterone here on AR it says it promotes fatloss and makes it hard to gain fat while on it, of course running side by side with a diet and workout routine but according to AR it should accelerate it a real lot.

  21. #21
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxim1056
    well going by anthony roberts talk of testosterone here on AR it says it promotes fatloss and makes it hard to gain fat while on it, of course running side by side with a diet and workout routine but according to AR it should accelerate it a real lot.

    I know plenty of people that have gotten fat while on test and plenty others that lost fat...its all diet ***endant!!

  22. #22
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    I know plenty of people that have gotten fat while on test and plenty others that lost fat...its all diet ***endant!!
    That's true, to a certain extent. It's harder to get fat on test. It's easier to lose fat on test. That's pretty much what everyone has been saying so... let's all just leave it at that, right?

  23. #23
    NewVader is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    I know plenty of people that have gotten fat while on test and plenty others that lost fat...its all diet ***endant!!

    this is absolutely true. What test can do is allow you to be on a calorie deficit so you can burn fat and still gain some lean mass if you are not too advanced, but it all comes down to your diet...

  24. #24
    big_dubya33's Avatar
    big_dubya33 is offline Associate Member
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    I gained some fat off a cycle of test c but was eating for bulk and lifiting heavy with little or no cardio.

    From what I've seen it's ***endent on diet, not a function of just the test itself. I know many who have lost fat while on a test-based cycle too - but that was with cutting goals and appropriate diet

  25. #25
    Selene's Avatar
    Selene is offline Associate Member
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    The results will be based upon your diet and training while on the cycle

    good luck to you

  26. #26
    helium3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    Not to mention if you're running 750mg test a week then some of it will be aromatizing to estrogen, making you prone to estrogenic side effects such as fat storage

    amen,you nailed it bro.

    this is exactly what people dont understand.maybe HE could reap some fat loss if using an AI.

  27. #27
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    if you have a clean diet and good workout routine with cardio. then start test and keep same diet and workout then it will help you burn fat at the same time as building muscle. i know because i have done this. diet is the key but test does promotes fatloss. which mean it help lose fat. most of the time the people who get fat on test have a shit diet. i dont understand how anyone can say test wont help burn fat.

  28. #28
    MrNice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    dude, what do u think im just injecting myself and not training. who the f does that???
    u'd be surprised!!!

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