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  1. #1
    JaCKeDuPD is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2007

    Clen -heart beat skiping?

    anyone ever experience i wanna say a skipped heart beat while on clen im 5'4 23 yrs old 165 and on my 3rd day of clen at 60mg going up too 80 i know it enlarges ur ventricles but anyone feel a skip of a beat at all?

  2. #2
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
    ACE5HIGH is offline Member
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    I hated how clen made me feel, heart was really erratic (kinda scarry) I for one wont ever take it again. Didnt do much for me either. Id take a ECA stack anyday over clen.

  3. #3
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    do you really need clen at 165lbs?

  4. #4
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    from your stats you cant have too much fat that diet cant take care of.

  5. #5
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    What do you expect from 60mg...

    I usually try mcg's.
    I did experience a bit of joint pain and dry mouth.

    Are you taking Taurine? Clen ***letes the body of Taurine. You can buy this at a vitamin shop locally.
    This should help you from getting muscle cramps.... and I believe Taurine is an enzyme in the heart?

    Add Taurine to your diet

  6. #6
    ANCEPONCE is offline Junior Member
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    To answer your original question...yes. I've felt that same beat skip feeling. I guess it is pretty normal...but until you get used to can be kinda scary. Sometimes feels like your heart is going be beat out of your chest. But I guess that is the price we pay for what we do....It sure as hell helps me with my massive appetite. So for me it is worth it.

  7. #7
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    clen gave me a resting heart rate of 120 beats/minute..if you feel like your heart is skipping a beat, then it probably is, check your blood pressure and your pulse. I will never take clen again either. There are better options IMO besides I dont think you need it at 165 lbs either!

  8. #8
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX
    What do you expect from 60mg...

    I usually try mcg's.
    I did experience a bit of joint pain and dry mouth.

    Are you taking Taurine? Clen ***letes the body of Taurine. You can buy this at a vitamin shop locally.
    This should help you from getting muscle cramps.... and I believe Taurine is an enzyme in the heart?

    Add Taurine to your diet

    Here is a little onfo on Taurine:

    It strengthens the heart muscle, boosts vision, and helps prevent macular degeneration; is the key component of bile, which is needed for the digestion of fats; useful for people with atherosclerosis, edema, heart disorders, hypertension, or hypoglycemia; is vital for the proper utilization of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium; helps prevent the development of potentially dangerous cardiac arrhythmias; has been used to treat anxiety, epilepsy, hyperactivity, poor brain function, and seizures.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  9. #9
    Cut2Var's Avatar
    Cut2Var is offline New Member
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    Clen is risky, if you start having off-heart palpitations.
    Make sure to either cycle off FAST - or just stop.

    You can develop long term arithmias from this.
    AAS is safe, when you're safe using it.

  10. #10
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    one of clen 's side effects is heat palps... so yes your heart is beating wierd

  11. #11
    JaCKeDuPD is offline Associate Member
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    maybe ill jus take the 50 i got and say fawk the other 50 and jump on 50 winny pct it with nolva... yea im 165 real short though dont wanna be much bigger im pretty big for my size now.. this sound like a good idea?

  12. #12
    Musicman's Avatar
    Musicman is offline Associate Member
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    winny pct? explain

  13. #13
    jixxxer's Avatar
    jixxxer is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    So how much taurine to take while on clen ? Lately Ive been getting tightness in my muscles when working out??

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