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  1. #1
    Maxim1056's Avatar
    Maxim1056 is offline Junior Member
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    Still Somewhat Soar But Its Time To Stick

    alrite so its time to hit my right glute which i hit on friday, its still a lil bit im not sure if i have a ton of scar tissue or what but is it alrite to hit it again later today even if its still somewhat tender? I dunno if soreness means the last shot hasnt all the way obsorbed and if i shoot another ml in there if itll be to much and not obsorb or what. I think i have some decent scar tissue thats why it takes time to obsorb if that is the case, but anyway feedback will be helpful.

  2. #2
    Maxim1056's Avatar
    Maxim1056 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    I have done it before with no problem. I just move about an inch away from where the last one went in. Last time I got sore from an injection is when I used the same needle twice(I know stupid but I had no choice at the time) and I could literally feel the needle ripping through the scar tissue. It left a bruise for about 10 days. I used the spot again in 7days like you are doing and had no problems at all. Go for it.

  4. #4
    Maxim1056's Avatar
    Maxim1056 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks, im gonna do it

  5. #5
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Get more injection sites! I used to be freaked out about doing quad and pec shots. Now they are my favorites. The first few time you hit them, it might be a little painful due to the virgin muscle, but after awhile it gets better and a lot less painful.
    Less chance of developing scar tissue with more injection sites.

  6. #6
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord
    Get more injection sites! I used to be freaked out about doing quad and pec shots. Now they are my favorites. The first few time you hit them, it might be a little painful due to the virgin muscle, but after awhile it gets better and a lot less painful.
    Less chance of developing scar tissue with more injection sites.
    Very true but using the same muscle once a week shouldn't be a problem.

  7. #7
    Maxim1056's Avatar
    Maxim1056 is offline Junior Member
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    well heres my schedule

    i shoot 3 shots every 7 days cuz i take 2 shots of test and 1 of eq a week

    Mon 250mgs right glute test c

    Thurs 250mgs left glute test c

    Sat 300mgs right glute EQ

    Following Week

    Mon 250mgs left glute test c

    thurs 250mgs right glute test c

    Sat 300 mgs left glute EQ

    then back to the first weeks regimine

    with this schedule the time between each shot is 4 days, so each glute gets 4 days rest before it gets hit again

  8. #8
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    With that schedule you shouldn't have a problem sticking glutes exclusively.

    You're only hitting each glute twice a week, and there's more than enough surface space, even for the gluteal challenged to spread the wealth. Just start remembering where you shot. For example (right upper; right lower; right outter; right inner).


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i had a big problem with scar tissue this cycle and i wasnt injecting as much as u are. i would maybe think about other sites, i just shot my delt for first time sunday, its a little sore but not nearly as bad as my glutes have been. good luck

  10. #10
    Kansas City Boy is offline Associate Member
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    virgin muscle syndrom.. it happened on my glute too.. first time my ass and tail bone swelled.. tail bone was tennis ball size! but now there's no problems.. i dont know if you're newbish like me.. if your not.. disreguard this post.. if so then it will get better with time

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