The cycle 200mg E2D, tren E4D 400 mg, proivron 25 mg twice a day, nolva 10 mg twice a day.....

I prolonged the cycle since the tren e took a lot of time to really kick in (5-6 weeks) , the cycle will last 4 months instead of 3, i have cca 2 and a half months left.....did thid because this is my firt non workinh summer an d I wann look fabolous all the way throuh......

I'm tapering off the t3 too, I'm coming to the 2 pills phase.....

Should/could I :

do one of there things :

1. do amonth of d bol , to take care of the t3 *** wont drow too much water since its really hot, sweating like pig all the time from the weather and the tren, ECA cardio and training, and so on....

2. or a natural diuretic, just check what little parts of me still have little piece of fat of them or are tehy just holding water - also nolva might help with this, i just started it today...........maybe it could even help with the fat loss (doubt it ) - or I should do it as an experiment, and these it again b4 a week ahen i REALLY have to look good.....

- sseems to me the two coulnd't mix IMO , or could they