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Thread: year long cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    IN your walls

    year long cycle

    Im thinking about going on a year long bulker. 400mgtest, 400mgEQ, 5iu'shgh
    I will be geting blood work once a month and also be under the care of my own personal doctor. i need to no the in's and out of doing this and how to get the most out of it. this would be my 5th cycle Im 6'1 230lbs at 11%bf 4years lifting strong. give me some response!!!!

  2. #2
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your crazy, that's my response.

    Gains will tapper down in 2 or 3 months and recovery will be hell.

    If I went on a 1 year cycle (I never will) I would never use the same compounds or the same dodages.

    One good thing is that you have a doctor following you, but in any case I wouldn't do it.

  3. #3
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    I don't have a problem with a year long cycle. But I don't like the way you've planned this one out.

  4. #4
    Lexed's Avatar
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    the only thing you should be running a year is gh nothing else

  5. #5
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    fvck that! that means u need to take a year off to. U will proly stop seeing gains in a few months and good luck shocking ur balls back to life. I have seen people do year long cycles but they dont loook like that at all.

  6. #6
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
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    From everything I have read this is not a good idea. The only thing you could do would be hgh and from what I have read you should be doing 10 iu day to get good results you could do this while cycling your gear over the course of a year...anyone else's thoughts on this would be good

    also very expensive of course but you have probably considered that already.

  7. #7
    Joemeek's Avatar
    Joemeek is offline Junior Member
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    I was going to say the same about getting a few cycles in through the year, how long has your last 4 cycles been over ?
    what size was you when you did your first one ?

  8. #8
    nbkandrew13's Avatar
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    i cant remember who it is but someone on here is having great success replacing his aas with hgh, completely

  9. #9
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
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    maybe that is the one? either way this is a good account of it.

  10. #10
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
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    note he has increased dosage to 10 iu/day with good results, per documents I have read this is a good dosage

  11. #11
    torontodude's Avatar
    torontodude is offline Member
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    man, a one year cycle sounds crazy...doesn't sound to safe..

  12. #12
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    I have a buddy who got off a nine month cycle about 2 months back. I know he is having a hard time recovering last time I spoke with him. I used to run my cycle somewhere between 16-20 weeks. I now run short cycles 8-10 wks. It's safer imo and gains are much more keepable and attainable. Best of luck whatever you decide.

  13. #13
    Weezleer is offline New Member
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    why on earth should he stop seeing gains aroud month 2-3???? That's more of a diet and overtraining issue than a roid-issue!!

    If your natty test levels magically was raised with 100% for a full year, you guys don't think you would gain a lot more that year then usually??

    Bloat-gains will stop fast, that's right, but gains would imo not stop if cycling,training and dieting is done properly..

    Shorter cycles would be a lot more healthy imo though

  14. #14
    MidwestMuscle is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyhorse666
    Im thinking about going on a year long bulker. 400mgtest, 400mgEQ, 5iu'shgh
    I will be geting blood work once a month and also be under the care of my own personal doctor. i need to no the in's and out of doing this and how to get the most out of it. this would be my 5th cycle Im 6'1 230lbs at 11%bf 4years lifting strong. give me some response!!!!
    A year long of 400mg test / 400mg of eq , 5ius of gh will be safe, EQ is very mild, I go for blood test's (CBC).....This is pretty much what pro's do just in larger doeses with alot more drugs. Your better off doing this pick your test (cyp/sust/enan) avoid prop for 1 year straight pain scar tissue abcess, 5ius of GH Hopefully serostim, 400mg of test /run eq for the first 15 weeks/dbol first 4-6 weeks 30-50mg, then just do test and gh for 3 monthes, then around 6 monthes test/tren /gh maybe winny....for 10-12 3 monthes just test/gh.. should be pretty safe, doese are resonable, go for a blood test once a month....Diet is allways the most important thing!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    I was looking into more of the regular 3 month cycle of
    400 test e
    400 eq
    than after droping the eq and just using 200mg's of test e for three months and than starting back on 400 test E and 400 EQ
    5iu's hgh never stoping all year long

  16. #16
    BOUNCER 01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyhorse666
    Im thinking about going on a year long bulker. 400mgtest, 400mgEQ, 5iu'shgh
    I will be geting blood work once a month and also be under the care of my own personal doctor. i need to no the in's and out of doing this and how to get the most out of it. this would be my 5th cycle Im 6'1 230lbs at 11%bf 4years lifting strong. give me some response!!!!
    Damn! Is that why they call you CRAZYHORSE?

  17. #17
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    Thats Why!!! Ha Ha

  18. #18
    Lexed's Avatar
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    if you do it then can you do a log would be very intresting

  19. #19
    skeldno's Avatar
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    Well i went back on the gear as i suffer from very bad skin disorder on my hands and after non stop visits to the dermatoligists the gear is the only thing that will work for it i have uploaded a pic of b4 gear.

    I could not even work with them but now for the first time in my life they are 100% fine!

    So i think i will have to stay on the gear forever as if i come of i am screwed and will not be able to work!
    If you wana know about a permanent cycle then ask me in a few years LoL
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails year long cycle-dsc00225.jpg  

  20. #20
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    ok first thing's first.. you really need to learn HOW TO CYCLE efffectively if ur going to do a whole year LOL imo your not ready for it...

    there are cycling protocols for using aas indefinetly KINDA.. its callled CRUISING
    i have 2 good endocrinologist friends.. i got into a good convo with one of them about CRUISING.. i would love to spill alot of the info here but im not.. im just going to say
    STICK to conventional cycling protocols because your not at the level to go all out.

  21. #21
    muscle_20's Avatar
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    If thats how you look in your avatar you have a long time until you need to do such dangerous things.

  22. #22
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I also suffer from skin complaints when off cycle. I get hives and flaky skin on face and scalp. When on gear i dont have any problems at all. This is one of the deciding factors in me deciding to run TRT from now on (with cycles added once or twice a year). I do not want any more kids which would obviously be a concern if i did. I suggest you research TRT and consider wether it is for you. A year long cycle as you describe is not very sensible at all.

    LOL just realised there are two different guys posting here, well both of you go read the TRT stuff!!

  23. #23
    x_moe's Avatar
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    doesnt winstrol help damaged skin ? hmmm cant remember were i read this

  24. #24
    skeldno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    ok first thing's first.. you really need to learn HOW TO CYCLE efffectively if ur going to do a whole year LOL imo your not ready for it...

    there are cycling protocols for using aas indefinetly KINDA.. its callled CRUISING
    i have 2 good endocrinologist friends.. i got into a good convo with one of them about CRUISING.. i would love to spill alot of the info here but im not.. im just going to say
    STICK to conventional cycling protocols because your not at the level to go all out.

    This isnt my first cycle, i have done 2 before this one. I am on alot less gear this time then i normally use but its anough to give me gains :-) I also wanted to do a cycle anyway and would even if my hands were ok.

  25. #25
    firedso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muscle_20
    If thats how you look in your avatar you have a long time until you need to do such dangerous things.

    EDIT -
    Last edited by firedso; 06-26-2007 at 05:02 AM.

  26. #26
    skeldno's Avatar
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    Nice one! I agree i beleive a nice year wouldnt yo yo your hormornes so much!

    but everyone is different and reacts different. i am gonna stay on the gear till i run out of funds or fell it is damageing my body!

  27. #27
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by firedso
    I have shut my mouth for a long time but the ignorance in here is just funny. Its much healthier running moderate dosages of deca and test year round then constanly crashing your body giong on and off cycle and using unhealthy compounds like tren , anadrol , halotestin and what not. Running 500 mg of Test E and 400 mg Deca year round is not unhealthy. There medicine for god sakes. There supposed to be used that way. I would however advice to start on 500 mg test E for the first 6 months and only then add deca to the mix . And use it year round dont constanly crash your body giong on and off. When you choose to steriods use them proper like their suppose to be used. I realise that 99 procent in the world who use steriods do it in cycles giong on and off and use unhealthy compounds like tren, dianabol , halotestin and whatever else that practically kills the liver in longterm usage. This is really not the healthy way to use steriods it just isnt. I,m not here to come off as some kind of Guru and i dont care if people dont take my advice, Hell its your body and your life. But thinking that constanly crashing your body and using highly toxic orals and compounds like tren is "healthier" then using moderate dosages of Test and Deca (Who are actually just medicine) yearround are really being ignorant. And i dont mean that in a bad way. Because i understand. There was a time that did cycles myself and it diong in that way was really bad for my body. Besides everywhere you go you hear that you should "cycle" for so many weeks and do this and that. and that year-round usage is unhealthy. And after reading this and you continu to believe that is the way to use steriods. thats fine by me i,m just trying to help. Health is very important. I know for a fact that i,m ganna get flamed on this but i dont really care what people think about me. They cant help thinking a certian way and their ego cant stand if that way of thinking or using something turns out to be bad. Steriods dont have to be unhealthy for you. People just think that because steriods aren,t used the right way and the abuse of steriods in the world of pro bodybuilders is just sad. People also think that if you would use steriods year-round with test and deca (which are the only compounds i recommend in using anyway) Will make you huge. This is wrong also. Cycling steriods will actually create a little bit more gains but hardly much more. Lets say it would take 10 years of cycling (And i,m talking about cycling with moderate doseages not abusing them) to become pro (and ofcourse train and diet ) Then it would take 11 years or so to get to that same size with year-round usage of moderate dosages of deca and test. The only difference is that you would be a lot healthier using it in the way i described in this post. And once again people if you wanna think this is crap go ahead but if you actually used it that way you would notice that you would be a lot healthier then diong cycles. And you dont have to worry about your liver either only oral i could ever advice in using would be Anavar.
    But for someone who isnt in HRT, it will be exstremely difficult to recover from 1year on test/deca. Slow recovery means losing gains...

  28. #28
    firedso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skeldno
    Nice one! I agree i beleive a nice year wouldnt yo yo your hormornes so much!

    but everyone is different and reacts different. i am gonna stay on the gear till i run out of funds or fell it is damageing my body!

    Last edited by firedso; 06-26-2007 at 05:02 AM.

  29. #29
    firedso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    But for someone who isnt in HRT, it will be exstremely difficult to recover from 1year on test/deca. Slow recovery means losing gains...
    Last edited by firedso; 06-26-2007 at 05:03 AM.

  30. #30
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by firedso
    I,m talking about never coming off here. Once you choose to do steriods you choose to do it proper and i,m talking about year-round use here for the rest of your life. So practically you never come off. I,m also not telling people to listen to me this is their choice. If you wanna cycle just cycle.
    I agree with you then.

    Are you on a HRT-program or are you doing it yourselves?

  31. #31
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    Last edited by firedso; 06-26-2007 at 05:03 AM.

  32. #32
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    Last edited by firedso; 06-26-2007 at 05:03 AM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    very interesting. what about EQ? I lov test and deca they work great for me but i was thinking test and EQ or all three, I think the eq will help my hunger problems. What do you think?

  34. #34
    JHC is offline New Member
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    but tren is so much fun!

    so this sounds great, but how small would your testicals be after a year? three years? i can kinda see low doses of test being ok, but what makes deca the second choice? like someone else mentioned, what about eq? maybe masteron ? what about having a low dose of test as a baseline and cycling others in and out?

    and what about the whole receptor downgrading affect? wouldn't you eventully have to keep increasing the meds (roids) to get the same result?

  35. #35
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've never heard of anyone using steroids year long w/o compliactions but I guess there is allways someone who can do something and get results that others dont or miss sides that others get. I dont bloat reguardless of dose or combinations, where my friends all do. I get abs nothing out of eq, along w/ the majority of this board, where some people do.
    here is the way I'd consider doing it, gains vs. risks. by the posting of the majority you will suffer major sides, is this worth the risk? when you cycle do you make gains? do you think the gains from a year long cycle will be that much more to make it worth the risk? your call

  36. #36
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firedso
    I have shut my mouth for a long time but the ignorance in here is just funny. Its much healthier running moderate dosages of deca and test year round then constanly crashing your body giong on and off cycle and using unhealthy compounds like tren , anadrol , halotestin and what not. Running 500 mg of Test E and 400 mg Deca year round is not unhealthy. There medicine for god sakes.

    Right they are medicine...and what do you think other AAS were designed for as well? These are not the only 2 compounds designed to aid in wasiting diseases and treatment of hormonal and cancer problems.

    There supposed to be used that way. I would however advice to start on 500 mg test E for the first 6 months and only then add deca to the mix . And use it year round dont constanly crash your body giong on and off. When you choose to steriods use them proper like their suppose to be used. I realise that 99 procent in the world who use steriods do it in cycles giong on and off and use unhealthy compounds like tren, dianabol , halotestin and whatever else that practically kills the liver in longterm usage.

    Yes precisely; they can do damage with longterm use HENCE CYCLING THEM.

    This is really not the healthy way to use steriods it just isnt. I,m not here to come off as some kind of Guru and i dont care if people dont take my advice, Hell its your body and your life. But thinking that constanly crashing your body and using highly toxic orals and compounds like tren is "healthier" then using moderate dosages of Test and Deca (Who are actually just medicine) yearround are really being ignorant.

    Where is your proof of the difference in health between the two different regimens?

    And i dont mean that in a bad way. Because i understand. There was a time that did cycles myself and it diong in that way was really bad for my body. Besides everywhere you go you hear that you should "cycle" for so many weeks and do this and that. and that year-round usage is unhealthy. And after reading this and you continu to believe that is the way to use steriods. thats fine by me i,m just trying to help. Health is very important. I know for a fact that i,m ganna get flamed on this but i dont really care what people think about me. They cant help thinking a certian way and their ego cant stand if that way of thinking or using something turns out to be bad. Steriods dont have to be unhealthy for you. People just think that because steriods aren,t used the right way and the abuse of steriods in the world of pro bodybuilders is just sad. People also think that if you would use steriods year-round with test and deca (which are the only compounds i recommend in using anyway) Will make you huge. This is wrong also. Cycling steriods will actually create a little bit more gains but hardly much more. Lets say it would take 10 years of cycling (And i,m talking about cycling with moderate doseages not abusing them) to become pro (and ofcourse train and diet ) Then it would take 11 years or so to get to that same size with year-round usage of moderate dosages of deca and test.

    The amount of gains in 10 years you are making is PURELY 100% speculation on your behalf. Because you clearly dont have personal experience to back that up.

    The only difference is that you would be a lot healthier using it in the way i described in this post. And once again people if you wanna think this is crap go ahead but if you actually used it that way you would notice that you would be a lot healthier then diong cycles. And you dont have to worry about your liver either only oral i could ever advice in using would be Anavar. are you any healthier than ME who runs cycles. Would love for you to tell me.

    Im not saying year round is a bad idea, but your making a lot of big statements that really have no scientific backing, and some statements that have no personal backing either, just speculation.

  37. #37
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    Last edited by firedso; 06-26-2007 at 05:04 AM.

  38. #38
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    Last edited by firedso; 06-26-2007 at 05:04 AM.

  39. #39
    x_moe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firedso
    Yes tren is fun... But its also bad for your health and even more so when being used in the long run. And your testicals wont shrink mine never did anyway. Atleast not when you run it as i explained. But ofcourse people differ. There is always HCG , i also imagine that people who do HRT might run into this problem so they probably have a good solution for that. But again i never had this problem.

    Up to your other question about eq and masterone. Like i explained running test and deca are the only safe options in the long run. Using EQ in the long run dries you up too much but this ***ends on the person it could be a choice but it wont be as good as deca. As for masterone this is not a safe choice either too much side effects. And no you dont cycle others in and out. If you keep shocking your body with different compounds all the time is not healthy. Stick too 2 safe compounds. In this case Test and Deca.

    Receptor downgrading effect doesn,t excist its a myth. And as i explained you will keep gaining muscle but not as fast as cycling. But if you wanna become a monster like Jay cutler or Ronnie coleman i would advice to just do cycles and obviously you would have to abuse steriods and what not to become that way. Using steriods this way is the safest way not the fastest way.
    damn ronnie and cutler are the way they are because they abuse steroids ? so thats how they do it, shit i get on by abusing then.

  40. #40
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    Last edited by firedso; 06-26-2007 at 05:05 AM.

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