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  1. #1
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    What could this be?

    Whats up everyone. I need some advice from the experts out there. I am running my first cycle of Test E 250/Deca 250. I know you should run Test 2 weeks after your last shot of Deca so what i decided to do was to run the Deca for two weeks alone, and then mix it with the test.

    Monday was my first shot, a HALF of a CC. All went well, but now for some reason my nips are HARD AS $@#%! They hurt. When i wear a seatbelt it actually hurts when they rub against each other. Is this SERIOUSLY a possible sign of gyno on a 1/2 cc shot of deca 3 days after my first and only shot?

    I have some Letro and Nolva on hand but before i start taking it, i just wanted everyone's opinion. I know some are going to say rather be safe than sorry, which i completely 100% agree, but i just want to know is this seriously possible that it could be a sign of gyno?

    Also, what would you run? The Nolva or the Letro? I know you shouldnt run both because the Nolva decreases the strength of the Letro by like 50% or something like that so i was thinkin of just running the letro for a few weeks, then just running the Nolva throughout.

    One last question, is it bad to run Nolva throughout your whole cycle? Or should you take it for say, 4 weeks on 2 off 4 on or something like that?

    Thanks for the help I appreciate it!

  2. #2
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    no i doubt its gyno only after 3 days, but Im more confused as to why your doing deca for two weeks alone and then adding test? You should start test and deca at the same time..your idea really doesnt make any sense. The reason test should be run longer is b/c deca takes longer to clear your system than test, thus you stop the deca one week before the test so PCT start times line up accordingly.

  3. #3
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    Yea so i figured i would take the deca for two weeks alone to start, so when i finish, i have two weeks of test at the end then start PCT. I thought its 2 weeks after deca not 1. I may be wrong but none the less, thats why i figured i would run deca for two weeks, two shots a week, then mix so i end up with just two weeks of test at the end of the cycle.

    Hey one other note, what do you do when you dont take a full amp of test, and you are only going to use half of the amp? What do you cover the amp with so to speak so it doesnt get contaminated or anythign like that?

    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    put your gear in two different syringes and use one of them . I recap my syringes and put them in a ziploc and then just change out the pin when its time for the injection.
    Research frontloading, it helps. Im on decca and test e now. Get on the test soon!

  5. #5
    deeznutts's Avatar
    deeznutts is offline Associate Member
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    Wow bro, What are you doing? It sounds like you really need some help or should have done more research. It sounds like this is your time using AAS. I say that because it sounds like your worried about sides or are just a lil apprehensive and that why your are trying to use very small doses because you dont know what to expect.

    That being said... If you are using deca you should always run test with it. Generally your test dose should be higher. I and many others usually double the amount of test. So if your using Deca 250 per wk your Test should be at 500 per wk. so in your case if you are splitting up your injections you should do 1/2 a cc of Deca and a FULL amp (amp=1cc) of Test. That way each wk you have 250mg of deca in you and 500mg of test. That will help avoid and sexual dysfunction. I would shoot your test with your next injection of deca and then just stop your deca early or if you arent having any sides you could up your dose of deca mid cycle so that you dont waste it by having some left over. Dont worry about shooting them together, the hard part is getting the pin in after that your golden, doesnt matter if you have a 1/2 cc in there or 3.

    So run your test next injection for sure and take the full amp. I'm running the same cycle now, Test 250 and deca with split injections.

  6. #6
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    No i have done tons of research well before deciding to do a cycle. I am not looking to put on tons of mass (hence not doing 500 ml of test) but rather cut up nicely with my clean diet.

    I dont know why that would be such a big deal running the deca for two weeks by itself and then mixing it with test. I mean i am open to suggestions, and i will take them as well, but i just dont quite understand what the cons are to running deca for two weeks alone. I'm not worried about sides either...i am just curious as to why my nips are hard and they hurt...3 days after my first injection of a half a CC of deca. I highly doubt its gyno but i was just curious if anyone ever heard of such a situation as mine.

    Hey thanks for the tip with the amps...i will do that. So basically you use the whole amp at once, fill up one syringe that you are going to inject right there, and then fill up another one and seal it away until your next shot correct? Good idea...didnt think of that.


  7. #7
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    Why dont you just start your test and deca at the same time then once your test is out run prop until your pct? This will do wonders for your recovery process.

  8. #8
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    I could do that as well...absolutely. Is there any cons though as to what i'm doing currently? I didnt think so but i would love to know if there is.

    Thanks everyone i appreciate all your help.

  9. #9
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    no i doubt its gyno only after 3 days, but Im more confused as to why your doing deca for two weeks alone and then adding test? You should start test and deca at the same time..your idea really doesnt make any sense. The reason test should be run longer is b/c deca takes longer to clear your system than test, thus you stop the deca one week before the test so PCT start times line up accordingly.
    well put longhorn, in addition I would like say there is no problem in taking nolva while on cycle of deca and test. I did that before and never had a problem.

  10. #10
    deeznutts's Avatar
    deeznutts is offline Associate Member
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    If you researched then you would know why everyone is telling you to run test, everyone isnt saying just for the sake of saying it. Here some quotes form the deca profile.

    Deca is such a suppressive drug when it comes to your natural testosterone levels that a simgle measly 100mg injection of Deca caused a total (100%) reduction of natural testosterone levels, and it took roughly a month to return those testosterone levels to baseline!

    Always use Testosterone with your Deca! I suggest 200mgs, minimum, to avoid impotence and sexual dysfunction. For an anabolic effect from that Testosterone, I recommend at least double that, with an equal amount of deca (minimum). IŽd also recommend taking an anti-progesteronic drug with deca

    Due to the highly suppressive nature of Deca, I will speculate that testosterone in a deca-inclusive cycle needs to be run for at least 2 additional weeks upon cessation of Deca. We remember that baseline testosterone levels took roughly a month to return. Hence, a nice long estered testosterone should be run about 2 weeks longer than deca, to prevent having a lag in time when the deca is not producing an anabolic effect, yet is still suppressing your natural testosterone levels. IŽd also suggest that a particularly aggressive PCT be run after your cycle; nolvadex , HCG , and perhaps clomid should all be utilized in an effort to restore your natural hormone levels as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    if you want to risk deca-dick thats on you, we are just trying to help you out. BTW 500mgs of test isnt going to give you tons of mass, off running 1 cycle. You'll be fine.

    Finally the main issue your having with your chest is one that I would seek medical attention on.

  11. #11
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    so let me get this straight you want to run deca two weeks early because you are running test two weeks longer... huh there is a reason you run test longer. So by you running deca earlier you still have to run test two weeks longer. So get on the test now....
    Last edited by PEWN; 06-28-2007 at 01:59 PM.

  12. #12
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    Haha thats funny but honestly if I was you I would just make sure you run you test 2 weeks longer because in the long run that will help you keep your gains.

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