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  1. #1
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Feb 2005

    3rd cycle!~!~!~!


    Test E 500mg per week

    EQ 600mg per week

    Currently in week #2 and holy sh*t!!!! I can already start to feel the test, also getting veiny and also starting to bloat pretty good. Gotta love it! Can't wait until mid cycle when its in full effect! Im switching sites between quads, delts, pecs, and going to throw in lats as well. Tried hitting traps but kept going thru veins and it hurt like a b*tch so decided to trash that idea. Started off at 187lbs at 5'7" bout 10% bf. still holding low BF% and feel bigger but have not weighed myself yet. Diet is 100% on as in getting enough cals, carbs and protein, but could cut the fat a little bit Ill keep an update as I see EQ gets bashed a lot around here. Anybody with good things on EQ?

  2. #2
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
    domeyeahaigh is offline Senior Member
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    Houston, TX
    This is the exact cycle I was going to run but I do believe BOTH my shipmets of EQ were i am so pissed, I started the test and I am going to slap the winstrol on for 8 weeks so whatever hopefully it will be a decent cycle

  3. #3
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by christopherallen
    This is the exact cycle I was going to run but I do believe BOTH my shipmets of EQ were i am so pissed, I started the test and I am going to slap the winstrol on for 8 weeks so whatever hopefully it will be a decent cycle

    Ouch! that sucks bro! I feel ur pain tho. I havent gotten any seized but it took me quite some time to find another means of getting it as my reliable one stopped selling. Hopefully your cycle goes well!

  4. #4
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2006
    sounds good bro keep us updated that's my next cycle as well so i'd like to hear about your results. i started a thread a while back called 'anyone actually like eq.' some people said they got good gains. i think you'll get decent results as long as you don't expect it to be a miracle drug (like tren , other compounds with more sides, etc.)

    i know it's not that popular around here, but on other boards/in the gym i've heard a lot of good things about eq especially at 600 mg instead of 400.

  5. #5
    the swole patrol is offline Junior Member
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    lexington, sc
    i heard one guy took 800eq a week w test e600 and deca600
    insane. but are side pretty high in your dosage of eq?

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