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  1. #1
    palqkat is offline New Member
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    First cycle: 20 weeks

    Yes you read it right, 20 weeks long cycle for first timer. I have done my homework and past few months hardly researched all the stuffs about the juice.
    So I want to know what you think about my, I'd say extreme, start on gear.
    I'm going to do 2 subcycles, one 12 weeks mass builder with test e and first 5 weeks on dol for kick start, and second 8 weeks cutting cycle - I'll switch to test propionate and will add some EQ, winny and at the end, anavar instead of winny. I also want to notice that I'll have at least 6 months off after this cycle, so 1 big cycle (12 weeks bulking, 8 weeks cutting) per year.

    Stats: 21 y.o 188lbs 6 years working out
    1-12 test e 500mg/week (2x250)
    1-5 Dbol 35mg/day
    13-20 test prop 150mg/EOD
    13-20 EQ 400mg/week
    13-16 - WInstrol 50mg/day
    17-20 - Anavar 50mg/day

    22- ..... PCT

    is it worh it ? One extreme cycle 5 months before the summer per year ?

    any feedback is welcome

    Cheers from Bulgaria
    Last edited by palqkat; 07-12-2007 at 07:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    you haven't done your homework, that cycle should be riding the short bus. Too many compouds for a first cycle as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    you haven't done your homework, that cycle should be riding the short bus. Too many compouds for a first cycle as well.
    LOL I agree

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    you haven't done your homework, that cycle should be riding the short bus. Too many compouds for a first cycle as well.
    but hey, he's done his "homework" so he knows it all!!

  5. #5
    NewVader is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by palqkat
    Yes you read it right, 20 weeks long cycle for first timer. I have done my homework and past few months hardly researched all the stuffs about the juice.
    So I want to know what you think about my, I'd say extreme, start on gear.
    I'm going to do 2 subcycles, one 12 weeks mass builder with test e and first 5 weeks on dol for kick start, and second 8 weeks cutting cycle - I'll switch to test propionate and will add some EQ, winny and at the end, anavar instead of winny. I also want to notice that I'll have at least 6 months off after this cycle, so 1 big cycle (12 weeks bulking, 8 weeks cutting) per year.

    Stats: 21 y.o 188lbs 6 years working out
    1-12 test e 500mg/week (2x250)
    1-5 Dbol 35mg/day
    13-20 test prop 150mg/EOD
    13-20 EQ 400mg/week
    13-16 - WInstrol 50mg/day
    17-20 - Anavar 50mg/day

    22- ..... PCT

    is it worh it ? One extreme cycle 5 months before the summer per year ?

    any feedback is welcome

    Cheers from Bulgaria

    eq for 8 weeks is not goning to do much. There is also no need to go that long or to switch ester.
    Cutting an bulking depends on the diet NOT on the compounds.
    If you really want to have 2 phases 8 weeks each is plenty.Just decrease the calories after 8 weeks and add cardio. Most od the growth will have occurred in 8 weeks especially if you kickstart with dbol
    Run the prop at 100mg eod (enough for first time) and if you want to run eq run it for 12 weeks (4 weeks before stopping the prop)
    Those last 4 weeks you can add anavar..
    but remebmer it's your diet not really what you are on.

    one more you know how your body reacts? do you know how you recover? what if regaining your htpa is more difficould for you?
    you shoudn't venture in 20 or 16 weeks not knowing these things from previous experience...

  6. #6
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewVader
    one more you know how your body reacts? do you know how you recover? what if regaining your htpa is more difficould for you?
    you shoudn't venture in 20 or 16 weeks not knowing these things from previous experience...
    Exactly, you don't know know how you react to any of these compounds yet your running for a lot longer than any one would suggest. You need to get your feet wet first with a simple test cycle and maybe some dbol to kickstart. This will be plenty aas to put on a ton of weight if your diet and training is on point. I can tell you this, after my cycle of test for 12 weeks I learned so much about how my bod reacts, but more importantly I learned that I don't like a long recovery. From now on I'm only gonna run short cycles so my body can recover quicker. How will you know this unless you do a simple cycle?

  7. #7
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    More is not always better, start simple as stated above and see how your body reacts to one compound. See how long it takes for you to recover from the cycle. Learn more about your body before you decide to really experiment on it.
    Educate before you medicate. Be smart.

  8. #8
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    If you've done your homework you would know that is a poor cycle.

  9. #9
    Stock's Avatar
    Stock is offline Member
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    Do us a favor, youtube your weeks 13-20 EOD prop injections, and post it for us. BTW, that cycle SUCKS!!!

  10. #10
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    This is how I do my prop injections

  11. #11
    palqkat is offline New Member
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    Ok u r right to blame me but anyways i'm going against the grain, so here where I`m now:

    Mass builder:
    1-10 Test E 500mg/wk
    1-10 Arimidex .25mg EOD
    1-5 Dbol 35mg/day
    10-20 Test e 500mg/wk
    10-20 EQ 400mg/wk
    10-20 Arimidex 0.25mg EOD
    10-20 Clen 2 weeks on/2 off, ECA stack on off weeks
    14-20 Anavar 60mg/day

    4-12 HCG 2x250iu/wk
    20-22 HCG 5000iu, 5 days later 3000iu, 5 days later 3000iu 5 days later 1500iu

    22 - 25 Nolva 40mg/day
    22 - 25 Clomid 150mg/day
    26-29 Nolva 20mg/day
    26-29 Clomid 50mg/day

    Diet and training routine will switch from bulk to cut mode
    So I want to notice something: I`ll start for 12 weeks bulking cycle and IF AT WEEK 10 EVERYTHING IS "FINE", I'LL ALSO WILL DO MY BLOOD WORK, I`LL START THE CUTTING PART AND ADD THE EQ, if something on week 10 is wrong I'll finish at week 12

    Hope some constructive critique here
    Thanks in advance

  12. #12
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    you can't cut and past 2 cycles on top of each-other and expect good results. Drop the HCG , and do one cycle at a time.

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    What is it that makes you think you need this many compounds and a 20 week cycle for your first time? If your diet is truly in check you could make impressive gains on 10 to 12 weeks test only.

  14. #14
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I hope your not thinking that if one compound is good, then five of them must be better. Start of simply and see how your body reacts. How are you going to differentiate between side effects. Be smart!!!!!!!!!1

  15. #15
    NewVader is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by palqkat
    Ok u r right to blame me but anyways i'm going against the grain, so here where I`m now:

    Mass builder:
    1-10 Test E 500mg/wk
    1-10 Arimidex .25mg EOD
    1-5 Dbol 35mg/day
    10-20 Test e 500mg/wk
    10-20 EQ 400mg/wk
    10-20 Arimidex 0.25mg EOD
    10-20 Clen 2 weeks on/2 off, ECA stack on off weeks
    14-20 Anavar 60mg/day

    4-12 HCG 2x250iu/wk
    20-22 HCG 5000iu, 5 days later 3000iu, 5 days later 3000iu 5 days later 1500iu

    22 - 25 Nolva 40mg/day
    22 - 25 Clomid 150mg/day
    26-29 Nolva 20mg/day
    26-29 Clomid 50mg/day

    Diet and training routine will switch from bulk to cut mode
    So I want to notice something: I`ll start for 12 weeks bulking cycle and IF AT WEEK 10 EVERYTHING IS "FINE", I'LL ALSO WILL DO MY BLOOD WORK, I`LL START THE CUTTING PART AND ADD THE EQ, if something on week 10 is wrong I'll finish at week 12

    Hope some constructive critique here
    Thanks in advance

    look I'd listen to the other people and wait before going for so long, but if you are gonna do it don't do that cycle
    See the reason why I told you to run the eq for the first 12 weeks and then stop 4 weeks before you stop the test is (and you would know this if you had really done your homework) that since the undecylenate ester is much longer than the enanthate , if you stop eq and test on the same week, 4 weeks later you will still have enough eq to suppress you and zero test..result your dick will not work and your pct won't work either because of too much eq.
    Drop the eq 4 weeks before the last injection of test.
    On the other hand, you can use anavar for 3 weeks past your last test shot, since it has a half life of 7 hours you can just drop it the day before starting you ptc. Now since I told you this "secret", how about stopping your test at week 17 and keep going with the anavar for 3 more weeks. This way at least you will have a longer cycle without making it too long.
    if you are really determined to use AAS for 20 weeks do the followiog

    week 1-5 dbol
    week 1-17 test e
    week 3-13 eq (assuming you have only 10 weeks worth of eq, otherwise start earlier)
    week 14-19 anavar (it's 6 weeks of anavar)
    first day of week 20 pct

    ah and btw don't use hch during the cycle, it's useless, just save it for pct

  16. #16
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    1-5 dbol
    1-12 Test E
    more than all you need

    if you must add eq
    1-5 dbol
    1-14 Test E
    1-12 EQ

    No need for all the maddness

  17. #17
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Dude you have absolutely no idea what your are doing !!! From the sound of it you wont listen to good advice so go ahead and learn that this is a dumb idea the hard way. !!!!

  18. #18
    m8intl is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos

    This is how I do my prop injections

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