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  1. #1
    Kansas City Boy is offline Associate Member
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    can someone briefly explain pct differences?

    I am pretty new to all this and i know about the different types of pct items like nolvadex and clomid but im not really sure the difference between taking one or the other... Can someone give me a brief explanation?

    i did a anavar test e and eq stack and need to know what pct i should do

  2. #2
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    HAHAHAh NICE I KNEW IT.......oh and by the way just read the profiles on steroid .com.....they are pretty self explanatory

  3. #3
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    nice work on making yourself look like a total asswipe

  4. #4
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Wow, you started a cycle and you didn't even get any PCT compounds before you started, LET ALONE even plan out your cycle, LET ALONE EVEN DO RESEARCH BEFORE YOU STARTED!?

    Your fault. I think most here would say you don't even deserve to be given advice or info.

  5. #5
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kansas City Boy
    I am pretty new to all this and i know about the different types of pct items like nolvadex and clomid but im not really sure the difference between taking one or the other... Can someone give me a brief explanation?

    i did a anavar test e and eq stack and need to know what pct i should do
    First, are you done with your cycle?

    How long has it been over?

    Always have this type of thing planned out. Before your cycle even begins you should have compounds for PCT. That leaves no room for error.

    Clomid and Nolva are SERMS, they can be found in the steroid profiles section. Aromasin /Arimidex /Letro are all aromatase inhibitors, information can be found on them in the steroid profiles forum as well.

    Everyone has their different PCT theory, you just need to find what works best for you by trial and error.

    Anything you need to know can be found on the board(PCT forums, steroid profiles sect, etc...). You just need to research, no one is going to spoon feed you.

  6. #6
    Geeezer's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Geeezer's Avatar
    Geeezer is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Wow, you started a cycle and you didn't even get any PCT compounds before you started, LET ALONE even plan out your cycle, LET ALONE EVEN DO RESEARCH BEFORE YOU STARTED!?

    Your fault. I think most here would say you don't even deserve to be given advice or info.
    What up with this .This is a good ansure?
    Last edited by Geeezer; 07-25-2007 at 04:29 AM.

  8. #8
    Geeezer's Avatar
    Geeezer is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    nice work on making yourself look like a total asswipe
    Another one?

  9. #9
    AUSGYMJUNKIE is offline New Member
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    ouch!!! thats a nice way to treat somebody who obviously needs a bit of guidance...i hope not everyone in this site is a total ass

  10. #10
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    nice work on making yourself look like a total asswipe
    mmm and the no flame policy.Mabe just give um the pct link and keep the four letter word pep talks to your self.

  11. #11
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by AUSGYMJUNKIE
    ouch!!! thats a nice way to treat somebody who obviously needs a bit of guidance...i hope not everyone in this site is a total ass
    Yes I agree, to you morons who know everything I congratulate you. This site has a No Flaming Policy, and it would be a good idea to adhear to it if you dont want to find yourselves suspended.

    We are here to help one another, not hang shit. Now dude when did you finish your cycle exactly and exactly what were you taking ?

  12. #12
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Yes I agree, to you morons who know everything I congratulate you. This site has a No Flaming Policy, and it would be a good idea to adhear to it if you dont want to find yourselves suspended.

    We are here to help one another, not hang shit. Now dude when did you finish your cycle exactly and exactly what were you taking ?

    im sorry but youll have to read his other thread to understand why im upset

  13. #13
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    what other thread i wan to read it

  14. #14
    Cephas84 is offline Associate Member
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    hey buddy im currently doing the stame stack my pct looks like this
    day 1-30 Aromasin 25mg + Clomid 50mg + Nolva 20mg
    test enanthate 14days after last injection
    Equipoise : 21 days after last injection

  15. #15
    NewVader is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cephas84
    hey buddy im currently doing the stame stack my pct looks like this
    day 1-30 Aromasin 25mg + Clomid 50mg + Nolva 20mg
    test enanthate 14days after last injection
    Equipoise: 21 days after last injection
    14 days is not enough..if you are at 500mg test e/week your total build up after several weeks is about 1 gram (try to do the math with 10 days half life)
    after 14 days you will have therefore about 400mg left: too much for regaining your would be throwing away the first half of your pct...
    After 20 days from your last shot you will still have 250mg, so this will let you undestand why you should wait over 3 weeks if doing 500mg of test e/w or even more if doing more than that (and of course less if doing only 250mg/week(
    For eq is the same, longer than 21 days with a 400-600mg/week dosage...
    your pct start should depend on how much you are using, not just on the compounds...

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