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  1. #1
    x-generic's Avatar
    x-generic is offline Junior Member
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    what do you think about this cycle

    1: 500mg test enanthate +300mg test propionate +25mg/d Dbol (inject)+400mg bold

    2: 500mg T.e+ 300mg T.p + 30mg/dayDbol + 400mg Bold

    3: 750mg T.e + 400 mgT.p + 40mg/dayDbol + 600mg bold

    4: 750 mg T.e + 400mg T.p + 40mg/day Dbol + 600mg bold

    5: 750 mg T.e+ 400 mg T.p + 40 mg /day Dbol + 600mg Bold

    6: 500 mg T.e + 400 mg T.p + 30mg/ day Dbol + 600 mg Dbol

    7: 250 mg T.e + 300mg T.p + 200 mg/Bold

    8 : clomid 100mg/day
    9: clomid 50mg/day +5000ui hcg
    10: 5000ui hcg
    11: 5000ui hcg
    it's good to go

  2. #2
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by x-generic
    1: 500mg test enanthate +300mg test propionate +25mg/d Dbol (inject)+400mg bold

    2: 500mg T.e+ 300mg T.p + 30mg/dayDbol + 400mg Bold

    3: 750mg T.e + 400 mgT.p + 40mg/dayDbol + 600mg bold

    4: 750 mg T.e + 400mg T.p + 40mg/day Dbol + 600mg bold

    5: 750 mg T.e+ 400 mg T.p + 40 mg /day Dbol + 600mg Bold

    6: 500 mg T.e + 400 mg T.p + 30mg/ day Dbol + 600 mg Dbol

    7: 250 mg T.e + 300mg T.p + 200 mg/Bold

    8 : clomid 100mg/day
    9: clomid 50mg/day +5000ui hcg
    10: 5000ui hcg
    11: 5000ui hcg
    it's good to go
    First of all I'm wondering why your doing upwards of 1.1 grams of test per week Unless your very experienced second the combination of esters? is that choice or necessity and third why the pyramiding of chems? Very last the HCG is that 5000 iu's Per week for 3 weeks? if so thats alot also you gotta be careful to run an AI and a serm together with your HCG all the way through your HCG dosage to prevent estrogenic sides.... and stimulate your LH and FSB production like Anthony roberts Aromasin +nolvadex ..

  3. #3
    x-generic's Avatar
    x-generic is offline Junior Member
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    1.1g because i'm use to
    the combination first test e it stay for littlebit long time test propionate becue it make me fell bumped all the time
    pyramiding it's just for make my body use to little by little becaue i did try high dose from the first week it's don't help with me
    for the hcg
    i need some advice please

  4. #4
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    It looks mega bad, and your pct looks worse

  5. #5
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Your pct really, really sucks. Don't even think about running it the way you have listed. You need to do a lot more reasearch on this, believe me.
    I won't even comment on the cycle, I'm sure you'll get enough critiqe from others on that.
    What are your stats (age, weight, height) and cycle experience?

  6. #6
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    All that was said before and that is not the correct way to present a cycle.

  7. #7
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord
    Your pct really, really sucks. Don't even think about running it the way you have listed. You need to do a lot more reasearch on this, believe me.
    I won't even comment on the cycle, I'm sure you'll get enough critiqe from others on that.
    What are your stats (age, weight, height) and cycle experience?
    I agree. the hcg dose seems crazy, 5000IU's could damage your lydig cells and without Anti-e's you could set yourself up for estro sides. Why not run a 19nor group with a hrt replacement dose of test for better gains and less aromatization?

  8. #8
    PEWN's Avatar
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    6: 500 mg T.e + 400 mg T.p + 30mg/ day Dbol + 600 mg Dbol
    did any one see this..

  9. #9
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    630mg of dbol in week 6 sounds like fun

  10. #10
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    6: 500 mg T.e + 400 mg T.p + 30mg/ day Dbol + 600 mg Dbol

    did any one see this..
    I think he was referring to the eq dose, as it was on the end in the other weeks he listed.

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